South & Central America Auction Images Page 13

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Lot Country Date Description Est(£) Image Bid
1 AAAMiscellaneous 1880-1980 ALL WORLD: Large world accumulation in box, includes stamps & covers, early to modern with better noted. A good sorter. (Many 100's) £45 Image for lot 1
2 AAAMiscellaneous 1880-1980 AUCTION LOTS: Box with varied range of old auction lots all described & priced (Estimate values range from £5 - £20) includes many different countries with stamps, covers, some Proofs & varieties etc. (Total Estimate value over £300) £125 Image for lot 2
3 AAAMIscellaneous 1949 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH - UPU: Nice group of mainly UMM '75th Anniversary of the UPU' GVI issue sets including Aden, Quaiti, Ascension, Basutoland, Falkland Islands Dependencies, Gilbert & Ellice Islands, Gold Coast, Grenada, Leeward Islands all of the Malayan states issues, Malta, Mauritius, North Borneo, Nyasaland, Pitcairn Islands, St Kitts & Nevis, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somaliland, Swaziland and Trinidad & Tobago. Also Johore, Selangor and Singapore sets fine cds used. (140 stamps, SG Cat £220++~) £65 Image for lot 3
4 AAAMiscellaneous 1860-1980 CENTRAL AMERICA: Small box with useful range of better items, sets & singles, odd error, variety or proof plus few covers & some loose & on pages includes old auction lots etc. Original Estimate £200+. (few 100) £95 Image for lot 4
5 AAAMiscellaneous 1870-1980 COMMONWEALTH: Small box with useful range of better items, sets & singles, plus a few covers & some loose includes old auction lots etc. Original Estimate £200+. (few 100) £95 Image for lot 5
6 AAAMIscellaneous 1880-2010 GREECE: Large dealers stock & accumulation in crate comprising 9 folders / stockbooks / Albums with strength in mid period plus covers, FDC's and a large qty of presentation year books. Mixed condition mint & used. Needs careful sorting. (1000's) £175 Image for lot 6
7 AAAMiscellaneous 1965 KUWAIT - BIRDS: Nice group of 'Saker Falcon' issue with the mint set, various cds used values inc 45f tow strips of three and two covers to UK one with single 45f tied by ALAHMADI cds and the other with a pair of 90f tied by KUWAIT cds. Nice lot. (SG 286/93) £30 Image for lot 7
8 AAAMiscellaneous 1970-2010 LATIN AMERICA - BANKNOTES: An interesting selection of Banknotes with Argentina (6 different), Brazil (6 different), Chile (2 different), Colombia, Dominican Republic, Peru (6 with 4 different) and Venezuela. (23) £20 Image for lot 8
9 AAAMiscellaneous 1870-2010 NEW ZEALAND: Dealers accumulation & stock in 6 folders, stockbooks or albums with a good array of early material with through to modern plus various covers & FDC's. Mixed condition mint & used. (Many 100's) £175 Image for lot 9
10 AAAMiscellaneous 1860-1980 SOUTH AMERICA: Small box with useful range of better items, sets & singles, odd error, variety or proof plus few covers & some loose & on pages includes old auction lots etc. Original Estimate £200+. (few 100) £95 Image for lot 10
11 AAAMIscellaneous 1850 SWITZERLAND - FORGERY: 5c black & red 'Geneva' CROSS transitional period issue, a used FORGERY. 2023 RPSL certificate accompanies. (As SG L2, Cat £2250 as genuine) £12 Image for lot 11
12 AAAMiscellaneous - Philatelic Literature 2016 AUSTRALIA: Stanley Gibbons commonwealth sectional catalogue, 10th edition with specialised listing of all the Australian states, Australia proper, AAT, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Nauru, Norfolk Island and Papua New Guinea in colour. As new. (361pp) £12 Image for lot 12
13 AAAMIscellaneous - Philatelic Literature 1994 GAMBIA: The Postal History of The Gambia by E Proud. An extensive and well resaerched work giving historical and postal background plus an illustrated listing of all of the postmarks and cancellations used in the colony. (660pp) £40 Image for lot 13
14 AAAMIscellaneous - Philatelic Literature 2009 INDIA: 'Postal Stationery of British India 1856-1947' 2nd Edition by P Neurgaonkar, a superb hardback book in full colour with a superb specialised listing of all Indian postal stationery. (106pp) £20 Image for lot 14
15 AAAMIscellaneous - Philatelic Literature 1992 NEW ZEALAND: The Postal History of the New Zealand Military Postal Services 1845-1991 by E Proud and R M Startup. A super book giving historical and postal information plus an illustrated listing of all of the postmarks and cancellations used. (376pp) £25 Image for lot 15
16 AAAMIscellaneous - Philatelic Literature 1994 SIERRA LEONE: The Postal History of Sierra Leone by E Proud. An excellent book giving historical and postal background plus an illustrated listing of all of the postmarks and cancellations used in the colony. (472pp) £25 Image for lot 16
17 Aden 1882 INDIA USED IN ADEN: ¼a brown on buff Indian postal stationery card (a little worn & without message) used with ADEN squared circle cds dated JUL 20 1898, addressed locally plus loose stamps inc 1882 3a orange, 1891 2a 6p on 4a 6p green and 5 x 1892 2a 6p green QV issue plus 2 x 1932 1a chocolate GV issue one on piece all with fine strikes of ADEN or ADEN CAMP cds's of various types. (1 card and 8 stamps, SG Z50, Z58/9 & Z148) £40 Image for lot 17
18 Aden 1939 'GVI' definitive issue the set of thirteen fine mint. (SG 16/27, Cat £120) £48 Image for lot 18
19 Aden 1942 KATHIRI: 'GVI' definitive issue, the set of eleven fine mint. (SG 1/11, Cat £65) £25 Image for lot 19
20 Aden 1949 10r mauve GVI 'Silver Wedding' issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 31, Cat £40) £20 Image for lot 20
21 Aden 1951 QUAITI: 2/- on 2r blue & purple and 5/- on 5r brown & green 'Surcharge' issue both cds used, some slight perf staining. (SG 26/7, Cat £77) £30 Image for lot 21
22 Aden 1953 15c greenish grey, 15c greenish slate, 35c deep ultramarine, 15c deep blue, 1s 25c blue & black, 10/- black & bronze green and 20/- chocolate & reddish lilac QE2 issue, all fine mint. (SG 53, 53b, 56/7, 64, 70 & 71Cat £88+) £30 Image for lot 22
23 Aden 1954 KATHIRI: 1954 definitive issue set of ten plus later 1964 set of three all fine mint. (SG 29/41, Cat £40) £16 Image for lot 23
24 Aden 1955 QUAITI: 5c greenish blue, 10c grey black, 15c deep green, 25c carmine red, 35c blue, 50c orange red & 1/- black & deep lilac all in fine mint blocks of four. (SG 29/34 & 36, Cat £29) £12 Image for lot 24
25 Aden 1960 CINDERELLA: 50c green, blue & brown, 1/- red & brown & 2.50/- green & brown 'ADEN SOCOTRA EXPEDITION' illustrated 'Dhow' CINDERELLA labels, the set of three fine mint. £15 Image for lot 25
26 Aden 1963 QUAITI: Definitive issue, the set of twelve fine mint. (SG 41/52, Cat £50) £20 Image for lot 26
27 Aden 1965 SOUTH ARABIA: 'Crest & Flag' issue set of fourteen fine mint. (SG 3/16, Cat £29) £12 Image for lot 27
28 Aden 1966 SOUTH ARABIA: Kathiri definitive issue with 'SOUTH ARABIA' opts, the set of thirteen fine mint. (SG 42/54, Cat £48) £20 Image for lot 28
29 Antigua 1872 1d lake QV issue used with complete fine strike of 'A18' barred numeral cancel of ENGLISH HARBOUR. Stamp has faults. (SG 13) £10 Image for lot 29
30 Antigua 1903 6d purple & drab wmk 'Crown CC' a fine mint copy. (SG 36, Cat £32) £12 Image for lot 30
31 Antigua 1904 1d red on white 'Arms' postal stationery envelope (H&G B1) used with added 1903 ½d grey black & green and 1d grey black & rose red (SG 31/2) tied by ST. JOHN'S cds's dated FEB 9 1904. Addressed to GERMANY with arrival cds on reverse. Cover has some light tone spots on face. £25 Image for lot 31
32 Antigua 1908 ½d green and 1d red 'Arms' issue both used with part strikes of BARBUDA cds both dated OCT 31 but with year slug struck off the stamps. Nice early use. (SG 41 & 43) £12 Image for lot 32
33 Antigua 1909 1d red on white 'Arms' postal stationery envelope (H&G B1) used with ST. JOHN'S cds dated DEC 4 1906. Addressed to UK. £20 Image for lot 33
34 Antigua 1909 1d red on white 'Arms' postal stationery envelope (H&G B1) used with ST. JOHN'S cds dated JUL 24 1909. Addressed to UK with arrival mark on reverse. £20 Image for lot 34
35 Antigua 1921 1d bright scarlet GV issue, 1938 ½d green and 1d scarlet and 1966 6c salmon & purple QE2 issue all used with fine strikes of PARHAM cds dated 1936, 1951 & 1968 respectively. The GV & GVI issues are all on piece. (4 stamps, SG 65, 98/9 & 186) £12 Image for lot 35
36 Antigua 1921 3/- green & violet GV issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 79, Cat £50) £20 Image for lot 36
37 Antigua 1929 FIRST FLIGHT: Cover with typed 'FIRST FLIGHT ANTIGUA - U.S.A.' at top franked with 1923 x 1d bright scarlet and 6d dull & bright purple GV issue (SG 65 & 75) tied by ST JOHN'S cds's dated SEP 26 1929 with airmail label alongside. Flown on the Antigua - Puerto Rico leg of the St John's, Antigua - Miami, USA first flight. Addressed to SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO with arrival cds on reverse. (Muller #6) £30 Image for lot 37
38 Antigua 1932 Cover franked with single 1932 2½d deep blue GV 'Tercentenary' issue (SG 85) tied by ST. JOHNS cds dated JUL 16 1932. Addressed to USA. £25 Image for lot 38
39 Argentina 1825 PRESTAMP: Circa 1825 cover from MENDOZA to CORDOBA with good strike of straight line MENDOZA marking in red, rated '3' in manuscript. £40 Image for lot 39
40 Argentina 1858 10c green 'Confederation' issue, a fine looking four margin copy used with oval 'FRANCA' cancel in blue. Small thin on reverse but otherwise a fine example genuinely used, as most used examples have forged postmarks. (SG 2, Cat £55) £30 Image for lot 40
41 Argentina 1862 BUENOS AIRES: 2p blue 'Liberty' issue, a superb cds used copy, four large margins. Some thinning on reverse but super looking. (SG P49, Cat £55) £30 Image for lot 41
42 Argentina 1863 5c rose carmine 'Escudito' issue without accent over 'U', a fine used copy used on small piece with fine strike of framed SALTA cancel in black, four tight to large margins. (SG 10a, Cat £75) £45 Image for lot 42
43 Argentina 1873 60c black 'Posadas' National Bank Note Co. issue, a fine mint copy. Light diagonal crease. (SG 34, Cat £100) £35 Image for lot 43
44 Argentina 1873 90c blue 'Saavedra' National Bank Note Co. issue, a good mint copy. Couple of short perfs at base. (SG 35, Cat £26) £10 Image for lot 44
45 Argentina 1877 25c rosy lake, 1888 10c brown and 20c green 'Litho' issue and 1888 12c deep blue all with 'MUESTRA' (Specimen) opt in black. (SG 47, 115, 117 & 131) £15 Image for lot 45
46 Argentina 1883 2c green 'Lopez' issue, type B with horizontal 'OFICIAL' opt, a fine used copy. (SG O59a, Cat £85) £40 Image for lot 46
47 Argentina 1888 6c dull red 'Sarmiento' LITHO issue, perf 11½, a fine cds used copy. (SG 114) £10 Image for lot 47
48 Argentina 1888 30c brown 'Dorrego' LITHO issue, perf 11½, a fine mint copy. (SG 119) £12 Image for lot 48
49 Argentina 1891 TIERRA DEL FUEGO: 10c carmine rose 'Poppers Local Post' issue, a mint copy with full gum. (SG 1) £15 Image for lot 49
50 Argentina 1891 5c on 8c red postal stationery envelope (H&G B10) used with added 2 x 1888 5c carmine red (SG 128) tied by CERTIFICADOS B.A. cds's dated FEB 17 1891 with printed REG label alongside. Addressed internally to MONTEROS, TUCUMAN. An attractive franking. £40 Image for lot 50
51 Argentina 1892 Cover franked with single 1892 5c deep blue 'Columbus, Fourth Centenary of the Discovery of America' issue (SG 220) tied by LA PLATA cds dated OCT 12 1892 used on the first day of issue. Addressed locally with arrival cds on reverse. £20 Image for lot 51
52 Argentina 1895 TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: Cover franked with single 1892 5c rose red (SG 146) tied by ESTAF. AMB. No.44 O - F.C.S. cds dated 10 MAR 1895. Addressed to BUENOS AIRES with arrival cds on reverse. Original letter enclosed. £35 Image for lot 52
53 Argentina 1899 20p black & carmine 'Liberty Shield' issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 241, Cat £110) £75 Image for lot 53
54 Argentina 1899 1p black & deep blue 'Liberty Shield' issue, perf 12, a fine mint copy, plus the perf 11½ issue for comparison. (SG 259 & 238, Cat £208+) £75 Image for lot 54
55 Argentina 1899 RAILWAY THEMATIC: 5c orange on cream postal stationery lettersheet (H&G G3a) with two interior pictures one being the 'Steam Train' image printed in green & purple used with BUENOS AIRES cds dated DEC 27 1899. Addressed locally. Uncommon. £25 Image for lot 55
56 Argentina 1901 Heavy weight registered cover franked with 1892 50c deep green 'Belgrano' issue plus 1899 2c slate and 5c carmine 'Liberty Shield' issue (SG 187, 223 & 226) tied by BUENOS AIRES cds's dated MAY 21 1901 with printed REG label on reverse. Addressed to ITALY with manuscript 'Vapor (Centro America) ship endorsement on front and transit and arrival cds's on reverse. The cover is a little worn around the edges but the 50c is very scarce used on cover. £60 Image for lot 56
57 Argentina 1910 10p black & orange 'Centenary' issue, a good looking lightly used copy. Light crease on reverse. (SG 380, Cat £60) £20 Image for lot 57
58 Argentina 1910 20p black & dull blue 'Centenary' issue, the top value used with 'INUTILIZADO' Perfin cancel. A useful space filler. (SG 381, Cat £100 as used) £15 Image for lot 58
59 Argentina 1915 CINDERELLA: 0.02 CENTAVOS brown, red & white 'Par La Force Mais Pour Le Droit' Patriotic label of the 'Comite Patriotique Francais Buenos Aires' depicting Ceres leading the army holding the French flag. A fine mint marginal pair. £12 Image for lot 59
60 Argentina 1916 5p green & slate grey San Martin 'Independence Centenary' issue dated 1816-1916, a fine mint copy. (SG 430, Cat £130) £65 Image for lot 60
61 Argentina 1917 20p claret & slate 'San Martin' issue, wmk 'Honeycomb' the top value fine mint. (SG 448B, Cat £130) £75 Image for lot 61
62 Argentina 1920 12c blue 'San Martin' issue with 'Large Sun' wmk with straight Rays, perf 13½, a good lightly used copy. A rare stamp missing from most collections. (SG 486B, Cat £275) £150 Image for lot 62
63 Argentina 1921 POSTAL FORGERY: 5c vermilion 'San Martin' issue POSTAL FORGERY, no watermark, perf 11½, a fine mint copy. Scarce. (As SG 438, Kneitschel #338) £35 Image for lot 63
64 Argentina 1927 ISLA MARTIN GARCIA: 5c red 'San Martin' postal stationery envelope (H&G B36) used with good strike of ISLA MARTIN GARCIA TN cds dated 14 FEB 1927. Addressed internally to TIGRE with arrival cds on reverse. Cover has some small faults & stains but scarce and the original letter is enclosed. £45 Image for lot 64
65 Argentina 1928 1p 26c green & violet, 1p 80c claret & blue and 3p 60c blue & grey AIR issue, the top three values fine cds used. (SG 574/6, Cat £44) £20 Image for lot 65
66 Argentina 1930 50c grey black 'Zeppelin' OPT issue, with opt in green, a fine mint copy. (SG 588) £15 Image for lot 66
67 Argentina 1930 90c purple brown 'Zeppelin' OPT issue, with opt in green, a fine mint copy. (SG 589) £12 Image for lot 67
68 Argentina 1931 3p 60c blue & grey '1930 6 Septiembre 1931' opt on AIR issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 628, Cat £85) £35 Image for lot 68
69 Argentina 1932 'Graf Zeppelin 1932' OPT issue, the set of three fine mint. (SG 629/31) £45 Image for lot 69
70 Argentina 1934 Airmail cover franked with 1924 1c buff & 5c scarlet 'San Martin' issue and 1928 54c maroon and 3p 60c blue & grey AIR issue (SG 530, 534, 569 & 576) all tied by BUENOS AIRES cds's. Addressed to HOLLAND. Cover a little roughly opened at top but the 3.60p is scarce used on cover. £40 Image for lot 70
71 Argentina 1935 1c yellow brown 'Sarmiento' and 10c maroon 'Rivadavia' PORTRAIT issue both fine IMPERF PROOFS on unwatermarked paper. (As SG 645 & 674a) £25 Image for lot 71
72 Argentina 1935 MINISTERIAL ISSUES: Printed 'Escuela Industrial de la Nacion' cover franked with 1931 3c green with 'M.J.I.' opt (SG OD49E) tied by ROSARIO cancel dated 25.6.1935 with official cachet alongside. Addressed locally. £20 Image for lot 72
73 Argentina 1936 1p light blue & chocolate 'Map' issue with boundaries, a fine mint copy. (SG 660, Cat £24) £10 Image for lot 73
74 Argentina 1939 2½c slate black 'Braille' PORTRAIT issue, a fine mint top marginal block of four with top left stamp showing the 'OPEN 2 IN ½' variety. (SG 671) £10 Image for lot 74
75 Argentina 1939 'UPU Congress' issue the set of eight fine mint. (SG 679/86, Cat £80) £35 Image for lot 75
76 Argentina 1939 5p violet 'UPU Congress' issue, the top value fine cds used. (SG 686, Cat £27) £12 Image for lot 76
77 Argentina 1939 'Recorded Message' issue, the set of three fine cds used. (SG RM688/60, Cat £66) £25 Image for lot 77
78 Argentina 1939 1p 50c red brown 'Recorded Message' issue used on piece with 1935 20c pale blue tied by BUENOS AIRES cds. (SG RM690 & 653, Cat £45+) £20 Image for lot 78
79 Argentina 1941 GRAF SPEE: Pair of printed 'Ministerio de Marina, ISLA MARTIN GARCIA' Word of Honour forms completed and signed for evening release of two named prisoners of war. The forms have manuscript 'Hotel Adana' as the destination of the trip outside of the camp (which was likely a house of ill repute) and one has a good strike of oval 'ESTADO MAYOR GENERAL DE LA ARMADA SECRETARIA GENERAL NAVAL ARCHIVO GENERAL' official marking in black. The signed word of honour form was a pledge by the POW to return to the Island by the stated time of usually 12.00pm. An interesting pair of items that will make a nice two pages for display. (2) £60 Image for lot 79
80 Argentina 1943 POW MAIL & GRAF SPEE: Cover franked with single 1936 5c orange brown 'Moreno' issue (SG 653b) tied by superb ISLA MARTIN GARCIA 101 cds dated 31 JUL 1943. Sent by prisoner of war 'Joachim Klinkmuller' (NCO) with manuscript 'Rem: J Klinkmuller, Isla Martin Garcia' on reverse. Addressed to BUENOS AIRES. Fine & rare £195 Image for lot 80
81 Argentina 1944 'Postman's Benefit Fund' issue, the set of five fine mint. (SG 730/4) £10 Image for lot 81
82 Argentina 1944 'San Juan Earthquake Relief Fund' issue, the set of four fine mint. (SG 736/9, Cat £60) £30 Image for lot 82
83 Argentina 1945 2p blue & maroon Pictorial 'Definitive' issue, without watermark, a fine mint copy. (SG 761, Cat £46) £20 Image for lot 83
84 Argentina 1945 INTERNAL AIRMAIL: Cover franked with 1942 25c carmine red & pink (SG 710) tied by SANTO TOME cds dated 29 JUN 1945. Sent airmail to BUENOS AIRES with three line 'POR AVION LINEAS AEREAS DEL ESTADO UTILICE SUS SERVICIOS' cachet in red on front. Cover has some staple holes. £15 Image for lot 84
85 Argentina 1950 Circa 1950 3c pale blue on white paper 'Rivadavia' ESSAY similar in design to the 1892 issue perforated, ungummed with 'Muster' overprint (Specimen) produced in Germany. £16 Image for lot 85
86 Argentina 1951 2.45p + 7.55p blackish olive 'Eva Peron Foundation Fund' issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 833, Cat £34) £15 Image for lot 86
87 Argentina 1952 'Eva Peron' top values 5p red brown, 10p red, 20p green & 50p blue all fine mint. (SG 850/853, Cat £75+) £30 Image for lot 87
88 Argentina 1955 TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: Cover franked 1939 8c orange and 12c scarlet (SG 674/5) tied by two fine strikes of OF. POSTAL AMBULANTE 138 ARGENTINA cds with TRAIN illustration at top. Addressed to BUENOS AIRES with arrival cds on reverse. £25 Image for lot 88
89 Argentina 1858-1974 Single green Scott Speciality Album with printed pages for 'Argentina' 1858 - 1974' complete with slip case in superb condition (cost £150+ to buy new) with a small used collection with some better pre 1900 material through to modern. Also includes a spare pack of plain leaves. (Few 100's) £50 Image for lot 89
90 Ascension 1934 ½d - 1/- GV 'Pictorial' definitive issue all fine mint. (SG 21/28, Cat £38+) £15 Image for lot 90
91 Ascension 1935 GV 'Silver Jubilee' issue the set of four fine mint. (SG 31/34, Cat £55) £20 Image for lot 91
92 Ascension 1938 'GVI' definitive issue the set of sixteen fine mint. (SG 38b/47a, Cat £250) £95 Image for lot 92
93 Ascension 1938 1d black & green 'Green Mountain' GVI issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 39, Cat £44) £18 Image for lot 93
94 Ascension 1938 2/6 black & deep carmine GVI issue, perf 13, a fine mint copy. (SG 45c, Cat £30) £12 Image for lot 94
95 Ascension 1938 2/6 black & deep carmine GVI issue, perf 13½, a fine mint copy. (SG 45, Cat £45) £18 Image for lot 95
96 Ascension 1938 5/- black & yellow brown GVI issue, perf 13, a fine mint copy. (SG 46a, Cat £45) £18 Image for lot 96
97 Ascension 1938 5/- black & yellow brown GVI issue, perf 13½, a fine mint copy. (SG 46, Cat £95) £40 Image for lot 97
98 Ascension 1938 10/- black & bright purple GVI issue, perf 13½, a fine mint copy. (SG 47, Cat £110) £45 Image for lot 98
99 Ascension 1956 QE2 definitive issue, the set of thirteen fine mint. (SG 57/69, Cat £150) £50 Image for lot 99
100 Ascension 1956 2/6 black & deep dull purple QE2 'Bird' issue, a fine unmounted mint copy. (SG 67, Cat £42) £15 Image for lot 100
101 Australia 1913 Range of mint 'GV Head' issue with 1913 1d red (2), 1914 ½d bright green, ½d green and 1d carmine red, 1918 1d violet and 2d brown orange 1924 1d sage green, 1926 ½d orange and 1½d scarlet perf 13½ x 12½ and 1931 1d green and 2d golden scarlet. (SG 17, 20, 20b, 21c, 57, 62, 82, 94, 96, 125 & 127, Cat £70+) £25 Image for lot 101
102 Australia 1914 2½d deep indigo & 1931 9d violet 'Roo' issue, 1914 4d orange and 5d yellow brown and 1926 4d yellow olive wmk 'Crown & A' GV Head issue all fine cds used plus 5 x 1931 1/4 turquoise used with postmarks of ST PETER, MT GAMBIER, KALANGADOO, STIRLING NORTH & STOCK EXCHANGE. (SG 22, 23ba, 36b, 91, 133 & 131, Cat £71+) £20 Image for lot 102
103 Australia 1915 2d grey 'Roo' issue, Die 1, a fine mint copy. (SG 35, Cat £50) £20 Image for lot 103
104 Australia 1915 2½d deep blue 'Roo' issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 36, Cat £29) £12 Image for lot 104
105 Australia 1926 5d orange brown 'GV Head' issue, perf 13½ x 12½, a fine mint copy. (SG 103a, Cat £35) £15 Image for lot 105
106 Australia 1929 3d green 'Air Mail' issue, 1931 'Kingsford Smith' AIR set of three and later 6d sepia AIR issue all fine mint. (SG 115, 121/3 & 139, Cat £46) £18 Image for lot 106
107 Australia 1931 5/- grey & yellow 'Roo' issue, wmk 'C of A', a fine cds used copy. (SG 135, Cat £25) £10 Image for lot 107
108 Australia 1931 6d sepia AIR MAIL SERVICE issue plus the 'OS' opt type both fine mint. (SG 139 & 139a, Cat £54) £20 Image for lot 108
109 Australia 1934 'Centenary of Victoria' issue, the set of three superb cds used. (SG 147/9, Cat £32) £12 Image for lot 109
110 Australia 1937 3d blue GVI issue, Die 2, a fine mint copy. (SG 168c, Cat £65) £22 Image for lot 110
111 Australia 1937 5/- claret, 10/- dull purple and £1 bluish slate 'Robes' issue on thin rough ordinary paper, the set of three fine mint. (SG 176a/178a, Cat £141) £55 Image for lot 111
112 Australia 1937 1d emerald green & 2d scarlet GVI issue perf 14x15 fine mint. (SG 180 & 184, Cat £22) £10 Image for lot 112
113 Australia 1940 'Australian Imperial Forces' issue, the set of four fine mint. (SG 196/9, Cat £50) £20 Image for lot 113
114 Australia 1946 OCCUPATION OF JAPAN: 2/- maroon 'Roo' issue with 'B.C.O.F. JAPAN 1946' opt, which is a light poor impression. A fine mint copy. (SG J6, Cat £45) £18 Image for lot 114
115 Australia 1963 4/- ultramarine, 5/- red brown, 7/6 olive and 10/- brown purple 'Explorers' high value issue, all fine mint. (SG 355/8, Cat £46) £15 Image for lot 115
116 Australia 1963 10/- brown purple 'Explorers' issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 358, Cat £22) £10 Image for lot 116
117 Australia 1913-2010 Dealers accumulation & stock in 6 folders, stockbooks or albums with a good array of early material with Roos & GV Heads through to modern plus various covers & FDC's. Mixed condition mint & used. (Many 100's) £225 Image for lot 117
118 Australian States 1890-1910 REVENUES: Small group of Australian States Revenues inc NSW, Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia 5d bistre Swan Telegraphically used. (11) £10 Image for lot 118
119 Australian States - New South Wales 1851 NEW SOUTH WALES: 1d vermilion QV issue, a good used copy with a fine strike of the reversed barred numeral '9' cancel of BATHURST with four margins. Small thin on reverse but otherwise a good looking stamp. (SG 47, Cat £150) £35 Image for lot 119
120 Australian States - New South Wales 1851 NEW SOUTH WALES: 1d vermilion QV issue, a good used pair with margins tight to touching all round used with barred numeral '57' cancel of RAYMOND TERRACE. Small thin on reverse. (SG 47, Cat £300) £50 Image for lot 120
121 Australian States - New South Wales 1891 NEW SOUTH WALES: 1d + 1d deep violet on cream postal stationery reply card (H&G 12) with small 'SPECIMEN' handstamp in black on each card and 1892 1½d + 1½d blue on cream postal stationery reply card (H&G 14) with the same 'SPECIMEN' handstamp. (2 items) £20 Image for lot 121
122 Australian States - South Australia 1868 SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 1/- dark red brown QV issue, perf 12, a fine used copy with unusual pre-printing paper fold creating a white line across the stamp. (SG 82) £12 Image for lot 122
123 Australian States - South Australia 1868 SOUTH AUSTRALIA - DEPARTMENAL OFFICIALS: 2d orange red QV issue, perf 10 with large 'P.' official opt in black for use by the 'Police'. A fine used copy with light ADELAIDE cds dated AUG 17 1871. A couple of short perfs at base but otherwise fine and a very scarce stamp. (SG 160) £60 Image for lot 123
124 Australian States - South Australia 1870 SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 6d bright blue QV issue, perf 10, a fine mint copy with gum. (SG 96, Cat £400) £80 Image for lot 124
125 Australian States - Tasmania 1853 TASMANIA: 4d orange QV issue, second state of the plate with blurred lines and worn background in central oval, a superb used copy with central strike of barred numeral '49' cancel of KELLY'S POINT. Four large margins. Slight grease stain shows on reverse but otherwise a good example of a rare stamp. (SG 8, Cat £450) £95 Image for lot 125
126 Australian States - Tasmania 1899 TASMANIA: ½d deep green and 2½d indigo 'Pictorial' issue wmk Multiple 'TAS' both fine mint. (SG 229 & 232, Cat £37) £12 Image for lot 126
127 Australian States - Tasmania 1905 TASMANIA: 4d orange buff LITHO 'Pictorial' issue, perf 11, a fine cds used copy. (SG 247ba, Cat £32) £10 Image for lot 127
128 Australian States - Victoria 1882 VICTORIA: 2d mauve QV 'Laureated' issue, perf 12½, a good mint copy with full gum. (SG 211, Cat £80) £20 Image for lot 128
129 Australian States - Victoria 1886 VICTORIA: 2d pale lilac QV issue, a good mint copy with full gum. (SG 314, Cat £42) £12 Image for lot 129
130 Australian States - Victoria 1890 VICTORIA: 1d dull blue & brown lake, 2d dull blue & brown lake, 2d dull blue & brownish red, 4d dull blue & brown lake and 4d dull blue & pale claret 'Postage Due' issue all fine used. (SG D2, D3, D3a, D4 & D4a, Cat £25+) £10 Image for lot 130
131 Australian States - Victoria 1896 VICTORIA: ½d emerald QV issue, a good mint copy with full gum. (SG 331, Cat £40) £12 Image for lot 131
132 Australian States - Victoria 1899 VICTORIA: 1d rose red and 1901 2d lilac, 2d reddish lilac and 3d dull orange brown QV issue, all mint copies with small faults. (SG 357, 387, 387b & 389, Cat £94) £20 Image for lot 132
133 Australian States - Western Australia 1864 WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1/- bright green 'Swan' issue wmk 'Crown CC' upright, a fine lightly used copy. (SG 61) £10 Image for lot 133
134 Australian States - Western Australia 1884 WESTERN AUSTRALIA: ½d on 1d yellow ochre 'Swan' issue unused and 1885 5d bistre 'Swan' issue, wmk 'Crown CA' sideways, a fine mint marginal copy with '1' plate number in margin. (SG 90 & 99, Cat £36) £12 Image for lot 134
135 Bahamas 1863 1d red QV 'Chalon' issue, wmk 'Crown CC', perf 12½, a good mint copy. (SG 24, Cat £80) £25 Image for lot 135
136 Bahamas 1906 'EVII' issue, wmk 'Multi Crown CA', the set of four fine mint. (SG 71/4, Cat £65) £25 Image for lot 136
137 Bahamas 1912 1½d brown on buff GV postal stationery card (H&G 10) with large double lined 'SPECIMEN' opt in black. £15 Image for lot 137
138 Bahamas 1920 1/- deep myrtle green GV 'Peace Celebration' issue, the top value fine cds used. (SG 110, Cat £40) £16 Image for lot 138
139 Bahamas 1929 FIRST FLIGHT: Illustrated 'FAM 7 First Flight Nassau - Miami' cover with route map franked with 1921 2½d ultramarine GV issue (SG 119) tied by NASSAU machine cancel dated JAN 2 1929 with two line 'BY FIRST AIRMAIL TO MIAMI FLA.' cachet in red on alongside. Flown on the Nassau - Miami first flight, addressed to USA and arrival cds of the same day on reverse. (Muller #3) £25 Image for lot 139
140 Bahamas 1937 MARITIME: Commercial cover franked with 1937 1½d yellow brown GVI 'Coronation' issue tied by good strike of undated POSTED ON THE HIGH SEAS S.S. MUNARGO 'Ship' cancel in black with straight line 'PAQUEBOT' marking in purple alongside. Addressed to UK with MIAMI FL machine cancel struck in transit also cancelling stamp. £30 Image for lot 140
141 Bahamas 1938 'GVI' definitive issue, the set of seventeen fine mint. (SG 149/57a, Cat £150) £60 Image for lot 141
142 Bahamas 1938 £1 blue green & black GVI issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 157a, Cat £60) £24 Image for lot 142
143 Bahamas 1948 Tercentenary of Settlements of Island of Eleuthera' GVI issue, the set of sixteen fine mint. (SG 178/93, Cat £75) £30 Image for lot 143
144 Bahamas 1948 GVI 'Silver Wedding' issue the pair fine mint. (SG 194/5, Cat £40+) £20 Image for lot 144
145 Bahamas 1954 'QE2' definitive issue, the set of sixteen fine mint. (SG 201/16, Cat £100) £40 Image for lot 145
146 Bahamas 1954 5/- bright emerald & orange QE2 issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 214, Cat £23) £10 Image for lot 146
147 Barbados 1861 ½d green, no wmk, rough perf 14-16, a fine unused copy. (SG 21, Cat £30) £12 Image for lot 147
148 Barbados 1861 1d blue 'Britannia' issue, no wmk, rough perf 14-16, a fine mint copy with full O.G. (SG 23, Cat £80) £32 Image for lot 148
149 Barbados 1861 1/- black 'Britannia' issue tied on large piece by '1' BOOTHEEL cancel in black. (SG 35) £10 Image for lot 149
150 Barbados 1874 ½d deep green 'Britannia' wmk 'Small Star' perf 14, a very fine unused copy without gum. (SG 65, Cat £60) £16 Image for lot 150