South & Central America Stamp Auctions - Current Auction







Saturday 12th April 2025

Welcome to Postal Auction No. 148. In this sale we have more lots from the breakdown of an exceptional Guatemalan collection including, stamps, covers and collections with a fine collection of the 1886 issue, Airmails & First Flights and 1900-1930 period covers. We also have Argentina, Australian States, Bermuda, Chile, Colombia including Express Companies and States, Haiti, Ireland, Mexico with some of the rare Clipperton Island locals, Nicaragua, Panama and extensive Peru. There is also the usual good showing of Revenue and Cinderella material throughout. We hope there is something to interest you.







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Miscellaneous Lots & Collections

Lot 1 - 1880-1980 - ALL WORLD: Large world accumulation in box, includes stamps & covers, early to modern with better noted. A good sorter. (Many 100's) - Est £45

Lot 2 - 1880-1980 - AUCTION LOTS: Box with varied range of old auction lots all described & priced (Estimate values range from £5 - £20) includes many different countries with stamps, covers, some Proofs & varieties etc. (Total Estimate value over £300) - Est £125

Lot 3 - 1870-1980 - BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: Small box with useful range of better items, sets & singles, plus a few covers & some loose includes old auction lots etc. Original Estimate £200+. (few 100) - Est £95

Lot 4 - 1860-1980 - CENTRAL AMERICA: Small box with useful range of better items, sets & singles, odd error, variety or proof plus few covers & some loose & on pages includes old auction lots etc. Original Estimate £200+. (few 100) - Est £95

Lot 5 - 1860-1980 - SOUTH AMERICA: Small box with useful range of better items, sets & singles, odd error, variety or proof plus few covers & some loose & on pages includes old auction lots etc. Original Estimate £200+. (few 100) - Est £95

Lot 6 - 1898-1967 - CANADA: Useful range of better stamps mostly mint with a couple of used inc 1898 2c black, red & lavender, 1899 2c on 3c both shades, 1911 20c olive green, 1922 5c violet, 7c red brown, 8c blue and 10c bistre brown, 1927 '60th Anniversary of Confederation' set of three, 1928 20c lake, 1949 50c green with 'O.H.M.S.' opt, 1950 10c brown purple & $1 ultramarine with 'G' opts and 1967 set of seven and the later set of thirteen 'Postage Dues' all mint plus 1932 6c on 5c deep brown and 1939 10c on 20c scarlet 'Special Delivery' issue cds used. (SG 166, 171/2, 212, 250/2, 254, 271/3, 283, 318, S11, O177, O191/2 & D25/44, Cat £525) - Est £95

Lot 7 - 1945 - CINDERELLA - PRISONER OF WAR: Poland 1945 3M blue, red & grey RED CROSS Dachau-Allach Committee Prisoner of War local issue miniature sheet from World War 2. Fine unused without gum as issued. - Est £15

Lot 8 - 1961 - POLAND - BALLOON MAIL CINDERELLAS: Set of four BALLOON flight covers each with the special Hot Air Balloon CINDERELLA label each in a different colour for the four separate flights inscribed KATOWICE, SYRENA, POZNAN & WARSZAWA tied on front by illustrated 'Hot Air Balloon' cachet in purple. All are addressed to MYSTOWICE, three with arrival cds's on reverse. (4 covers) - Est £20

Lot 9 - 1914 - SHIPPING - R.M.S.P. CINDERELLAS: Canadian cover franked with block of four 1897 ½c grey black QV issue and 1911 1c bluish green and 2c rose red GV issue (SG 141, 197 & 200 with some faults) tied by TORONTO cds dated APR 7 1914. Addressed to GERMANY with three lovely multicoloured 'Canada - West Indies R.M.S.P.' labels all different inscribed 'Banana Estate, Trinidad', 'Castries, St. Lucia' and 'Barbados'. The cover has a piece missing on front at top left but otherwise very scarce labels used on cover. - Est £45

Lot 10 - 1940 - WRECK MAIL - CANADA: Long cover damaged by sea water with stamps floated off carried on the 'S.S. Eros' from Canada to France with MONTREAL cds dated MAY 29 1940. The Eros was torpedoed by the German Submarine U-48 off the west coast of Ireland with 'SALVED FROM THE SEA' handstamps on front & reverse, boxed 'NO SERVICE RETURN TO SENDER' on front and two line 'Stamp Off Timbre Detache' marking where stamps would have been. Small part of a British official seal on flap on reverse. - Est £75


Lot 11 - 1858 - 10c green 'Confederation' issue, a fine used copy with large part strike of oval FRANCA DEL ROSARIO cancel in black, just four margins, tight at top right and lower left. (SG 2) - Est £60

Lot 12 - 1859 - Stampless entire letter endorsed 'Command Gral a Armas' at lower left sent from BUENOS AIRES with CORREOS DE BUENOS AIRES cds in black dated 2 JUN. Addressed to MERCEDES. - Est £50

Lot 13 - 1862 - 5c rose 'Escudito' issue with Accent over U of Republica, a fine four margin copy used with part strike of oval MENDOZA FRANCA cancel in black. Small tear at left but otherwise fine looking. (SG 7) - Est £15

Lot 14 - 1862 - 15c blue 'Escudito' issue with Accent on U of REPUBLICA, a fine looking copy with four tight margins lightly used with part blue cancel. Couple of tiny thins on revere but otherwise a rare stamp. (SG 9, Cat £190) - Est £100

Lot 15 - 1864 - 5c rose carmine 'Rivadavia' issue, fourth printing, blurred impression. A fine unused copy with part O.G. Small perf fault at right. (SG 16c, GJ #25) - Est £18

Lot 16 - 1877 - 1c on 5c vermilion, 2c on 5c vermilion and 8c on 10c green large SURCHARGE issue, the set of three good to fine cds used. (SG37/9, Cat £109) - Est £40

Lot 17 - 1888 - 6c dull red 'Sarmiento' LITHO issue, perf 11½, a fine cds used copy. (SG 114) - Est £10

Lot 18 - 1890 - ¼c on 12c deep blue both printings with surcharge in black and surcharge in red.  Two matching fine mint corner marginal blocks of twenty one with '095' and '053' sheet numbers handstamped in top right margin. (SG 135/136) - Est £45

Lot 19 - 1890 - 5p ultramarine 'Portrait' issue, a fine lightly used copy. (SG 140, Cat £50) - Est £20

Lot 20 - 1891 - TIERRA DEL FUEGO: 10c carmine rose 'Poppers Local Post' issue, a mint copy with full gum. (SG 1) - Est £15

Lot 21 - 1899 - 1p black & deep blue, 5p black & brown orange, 10p black & deep green and 20p black & carmine 'Liberty Shield' issue, the four top values fine cds used. (SG 238/41, Cat £36+) - Est £20

Lot 22 - 1899 - 20p black & carmine 'Liberty Shield' issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 241, Cat £110) - Est £75

Lot 23 - 1899 - 5c rose postal stationery envelope (H&G B13a) used with added 1892 1c deep brown & 2 x 2c green (SG 178/179) tied by multiple strikes of large BUENOS AIRES EXTERIOR cds. Addressed to DESTERRO, SANTA CATHARINA, BRAZIL (Desterro is located on the Island of Santa Catharina) with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £50

Lot 24 - 1901 - 5c on 15c dark blue postal stationery lettersheet (H&G G11) with view in brown & olive green inside of 'Lapataia' used with BUENOS AIRES cds. Addressed locally. - Est £18

Lot 25 - 1909 - ISLAND POSTCARD: Black & white PPC 'Lobos marinos, Isla Penguin, Rep Argentina' showing Sea Lions on rocks franked on picture side with 1899 ½c brown (SG 221) tied by octagonal; BUENOS AIRES A BORDEAUX 2 L. K. No. 1 maritime cds dated 29 SEP 1909. Addressed to FRANCE. - Est £25

Lot 26 - 1910 - ½c to 1p 'Centenary' issue, the part set fine mint. (SG 366/78, Cat £30+) - Est £12

Lot 27 - 1912 - 10p blue & violet 'Ploughman' issue, a very fine cds used copy. (SG 410, Cat £20) - Est £10

Lot 28 - 1914 - MARITIME: 5c blue on buff 'Ploughman' postal stationery card (H&G 34) datelined 'Buenos Aires 29.10.14' used with good strike of two line 'Princ. MAFALDA 21. 10. 14' ship cancel in purple of the 'Principessa Mafalda' steamship of the Navigazione Generale Italiana line. Addressed to GERMANY. - Est £45

Lot 29 - 1918 - MINISTERIAL ISSUES: 12c blue 'San Martin' issue, watermark 'Honeycomb' with 'M.G.' overprint (Ministry of War) a fine mint block of fifteen. (SG OD14B) - Est £20

Lot 30 - 1920 - MINISTERIAL ISSUES: 1c buff, 2c chocolate and 5c red 'San Martin' issue, wmk 'Multiple Small Sun' with 'M.M.' opt (Ministry of Marine), the set of three in fine mint marginal blocks of twenty five. Displays well. (SG OD20/22F, Cat £52+) - Est £25

Lot 31 - 1922 - Registered cover franked with 1922 1c buff, 2c chocolate and 3 x 12c blue 'San Martin' issue (SG 501, 502 & 506 three stamps folded over onto the back of the cover) tied by CLASSON (SANTA FE) cds's dated 22 MAY 1922 with printed 'Classon- Santa Fe' REG label alongside. Addressed to GERMANY with transit & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £20

Lot 32 - 1926 - Cover franked with block of four 1924 5c scarlet 'San Martin' issue (SG 534) tied by VIA AEREA BUENOS AIRES cds's dated 18 JUN 1926 with manuscript 'Correo Aereo' at top left. Addressed to MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY with arrival cds dated the same day on reverse. This cover was flown by the Junkers Mission that ran the Buenos Aires - Montevideo route between March 1926 and October 1927. Scarce. - Est £90

Lot 33 - 1927 - MINISTERIAL ISSUES: Printed 'Biblioteca de la Facultad de Ciencias, Fisicas y Naturales' postcard franked on front with 1926 5c red 'Postal Centenary' issue with 'M.J.I.' opt (SG OD44E) tied by BUENOS AIRES cds dated MAY 1927 with official 'Signature' handstamp alongside. Addressed to GERMANY. - Est £20

Lot 34 - 1930 - 20c ultramarine 'Zeppelin' OPT issue, with opt in green, a fine mint copy. (SG 587) - Est £12

Lot 35 - 1930 - 10p ultramarine & lake 'Revolution of 6th September' issue, a fine cds used copy. (SG 608, Cat £60) - Est £24

Lot 36 - 1931 - 3c green, 10c grey green, 30c claret and 50c black 'First Anniversary of the 1930 Revolution' overprint issue, all four values with variety 'LARGE S IN SEPTIEMBRE', fine mint. (SG 617a/620a) - Est £20

Lot 37 - 1932 - Cover franked with 1924 12c blue 'San Martin' issue and 1928 30c carmine rose and 1p scarlet & blue AIR issue (SG 536, 565 & 572) tied by SERV. AEROPOSTAL BUENOS AIRES cds's dated 3 FEB 1932. Sent airmail to HAVANA, CUBA with partial arrival mark on reverse. - Est £25

Lot 38 - 1934 - HIGH VALUE FRANKING: Registered airmail cover franked with 1924 50c black and 5p green & purple 'San Martin' issue (SG 541 & 543) tied by BUENOS AIRES cds dated 3 NOV 1934 with printed REG label alongside. Addressed to FRANCE. The 5p is uncommon used on cover. - Est £30

Lot 39 - 1935 - 'Philatelic Exposition Buenos Aires' miniature sheet comprising 4 x 10c grey green 'San Martin' issue. A fine mint example. (SG MS654, Cat £95) - Est £40

Lot 40 - 1936 - MINISTERIAL ISSUES: Cover with printed 'Olympic Comite' insignia on flap franked with single 1936 5c orange brown 'M.J.I.' overprint issue (SG OD59E) tied by BUENOS AIRES roller cancel with 'COMITE OLIMPICO ARGENTINO' official cachet and signature handstamp on front. Addressed locally within BUENOS AIRES with arrival mark on reverse. - Est £30

Lot 41 - 1939 - 'International Philatelic Exhibition' issue pair of miniature sheets fine mint. (SG MS686a) - Est £10

Lot 42 - 1939 - 1p 50c red brown 'Recorded Message' issue used on piece with 1935 20c pale blue tied by BUENOS AIRES cds. (SG RM690 & 653, Cat £45+) - Est £20

Lot 43 - 1940 - GRAF SPEE & POW MAIL: Airmail cover endorsed 'Via Condor Lati' on front with manuscript 'Abs Deutsche Botschaft, Embajada de Alemania. Helmut Weis, deane Geb. Buenos Aires, Argentinien' return address on reverse franked with 1935 5c orange brown and 1936 40c purple & mauve and 1p light blue & chocolate (SG 653b, 658 & 660a) tied by CORDOBA cds's dated 27 ABR 1940. Addressed to 'Familie Josef Weis, Karlsbruke, Baden, Wolfsartomuenstr 10, Alemania' with German censor strip tied by censor marks on reverse. Helmut Weis was a corporal in the 9th Division engineering corps aboard the Graf Spee and was interned in the Villa Belgrano area of Cordoba Province. A scarce cover from the early period where the mail was forwarded by the German Embassy. A One page write up accompanies including a photo of Helmut Weis. - Est £150

Lot 44 - 1944 - 'San Juan Earthquake Relief Fund' issue, the set of four fine mint. (SG 736/9, Cat £60) - Est £30

Lot 45 - 1945 - Internal airmail cover franked with 1935 5c orange brown (SG 653) tied by CORRIENTES cds dated 14 MAY 1945. Sent airmail to BUENOS AIRES with fine strike of three line 'POR AVION LINEAS AEREAS DEL ESTADO UTILICE SUS SERVICIOS' cachet in black on front and BUENOS AIRES arrival cds on reverse. - Est £24

Lot 46 - 1950 - Stampless B&W PPC 'Casa de Gobierno, Government House' with boxed 'CORRESPONDENCIA OFICIAL FRANQUICIA POSTAL INTERNACIONAL' marking and Brazilian Embassy in Buenos Aires 'Southern Cross' cachet alongside with BUENOS AIRES cds. Addressed to BRAZIL. - Est £15

Lot 47 - 1951 - 2.45p + 7.55p blackish olive 'Eva Peron Foundation Fund' issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 833, Cat £34) - Est £15

Lot 48 - 1955 - Pictorial 'Definitive' issue, the set of eleven fine mint. (SG 868/78, Cat £48) - Est £18

Lot 49 - 1965 - CINDERELLA: Circa 1965. Multi-coloured label showing map of 'Patagonia' and image of 'Don Bosco' inscribed 'Patagonia Salesiana, 90 Anos de accion civilizadora - Educativa'. A fine mint sheetlet of eight labels with outer margins. - Est £30

Lot 50 - 1965 - JUAN PERON: Circa 1965 large colour CINDERELLA label of Juan Peron, portrait style showing Peron smiling, perforated, an unused pair. - Est £10

Australian States

Lot 51 - 1860 - NEW SOUTH WALES: 6d violet QV issue wmk double lined '6' with 'SPECIMEN' opt in black. (As SG 166, Cat £200 as mint) - Est £30

Lot 52 - 1894 - NEW SOUTH WALES: 10/- violet & claret QV 'Tall Type' with 'POSTAGE' overprint in blue, perf 12 x 11. A fine used copy with central BROKEN HILL cds dated JUN 4 1900. Superb. (SG 275b) - Est £40

Lot 53 - 1898 - QUEENSLAND: 1½d black on buff postal stationery viewcard (H&G 11) with view of 'Sheep Drinking at an Artesian Stream' used with BRISBANE cds. Addressed to USA with arrival cds on front. - Est £30

Lot 54 - 1906 - QUEENSLAND: 9d pale brown & blue QV issue a fine mint pair showing both inscription types A & B. Scarce as only three pairs existed on each sheet. (SG 282/283) - Est £50

Lot 55 - 1882-1907 - QUEENSLAND: Nice mint range with 1882 1/- pale mauve, 1890 2d blue (no gum), 1895 1d red orange on thick paper, 1d red orange with Burele band, 1895 white background issue 2d blue and 5d purple brown plus ½d green with Burele band, 1896 1d vermilion with numeral in lower corners only, 1897 ½d deep green, 1d vermilion, 3d brown, 5d purple brown and 6d yellow green and 1907 1d vermilion all mint with gum. (14 stamps, SG cat £163+) - Est £45

Lot 56 - 1870 - SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 1d bright green QV issue, wmk 'Large Star', perf 10, a fine mint copy with full gum. (SG 90, Cat £350) - Est £85

Lot 57 - 1891 - SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 2½d on 4d deep green QV issue, a fine used pair tied on piece by ADELAIDE cds with bottom stamp showing variety '2 AND ½ CLOSER TOGETHER'. (SG O51 & O51a) - Est £35

Lot 58 - 1857 - TASMANIA: 1d carmine QV 'Chalon' issue, wmk double lined '1', imperf with four margins. A superb mint copy with full O.G. Superb quality and scarce. (SG 29) - Est £180

Lot 59 - 1892 - TASMANIA: 1d red + 1d red QV postal stationery wrapper printed privately to order (H&G KE7) showing two impressions of the 1d QV stamp imprint. Fine unused. - Est £60

Lot 60 - 1902 - TASMANIA: 2d purple 'Pictorial' issue used with complete strike of NORTHDOWN cds dated OCT 1902. Rated 'R' in Campbell & Purves. (SG 239) - Est £24

Lot 61 - 1905 - TASMANIA: 4d orange buff LITHO 'Pictorial' issue, perf 11, a fine cds used copy. (SG 247ba, Cat £32) - Est £10

Lot 62 - 1905 - TASMANIA: 2d slate lilac 'Pictorial' issue used with complete strike of LYMINGTON cds dated MR 11 1910. Rated 'R' in Campbell & Purves. (SG 251) - Est £24

Lot 63 - 1907 - TASMANIA: 1d scarlet red on buff 'EVII' postal stationery card (H&G 9c) used with HOBART cds dated 23 JUL 1907. Addressed to SYDNEY, NSW. - Est £24

Lot 64 - 1854 - VICTORIA: 2d brown purple 'Queen on Throne' issue, clear impression. A superb four margin copy used with light '58' barred numeral oval cancel of CROWNLANDS. (SG 19) - Est £24

Lot 65 - 1857 - VICTORIA: 4d dull rose imperf and 4d rose two used copies on vertically laid paper rouletted plus 1858 6d bright blue, rouletted, four used copies in varied shades. (SG 43, 71b, 71c & 73/a, Cat £117+ as cheapest) - Est £25

Lot 66 - 1900 - VICTORIA: Headed 'Minister of Public Instruction' Official FRANK STAMP postcard (H&G KF24 - 22) used with fine BENDIGO '4' duplex Numeral cancel. Addressed locally, reverse has meeting request for the District School Board. Uncommon. - Est £50

Lot 67 - 1901 - VICTORIA: Range of QV issue wmk 'V over Crown', perf 12½ with ½d blue green, 1d rose red (2), 1d dull red, 1½d brown red on yellow, 2d lilac (2), 2d reddish violet, 3d dull orange brown, 5d purple brown, 9d dull rose red, 1/- yellow orange, type A & 2/- blue on rose all good to fine mint. (SG 384, 385a, 385b, 386a, 387, 387b, 389, 391a, 393, 394 & 395 Cat £225+) - Est £55

Lot 68 - 1901 - VICTORIA: 2/- blue on rose QV issue inscribed 'POSTAGE', watermark 'V over Crown', a fine mint side marginal copy. (SG 395) - Est £20

Lot 69 - 1910 - VICTORIA: 1d rose on white QV postal stationery envelope (H&G B10a) with printed 'Shire of Moorabbin' at top and 'If not claimed in 7 Days please return to Shire Hall, Moorabbin' at base used with fine MOORABBIN cds dated 12 AP 1910 (Moorabbin is now a district of Melbourne). Addressed to FITZROY, MELBOURNE with arrival mark on reverse. - Est £40

Lot 70 - 1854 - WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1/- pale brown 'Swan' issue a superb four margin copy used with neat 'Numeral 6' cancel of ALBANY. (SG 4c) - Est £150

Lot 71 - 1905 - WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 5/- emerald green QV issue, watermark 'Crown over A' (Inverted), perf 12½, a superb cds used copy. (SG 148) - Est £80


Lot 72 - 1900 - Printed 'J G Bradley & Co. Bicycle Dealers, Nassau, N.P. Bahamas' cover franked with single 1884 2½d ultramarine QV issue (SG 52) tied by NASSAU cds's dated 18 NOV 1900. Addressed to USA with arrival marks on front & reverse. - Est £35

Lot 73 - 1902 - 2d red EVII postal stationery registered envelope with grey green text (H&G C2a) with large 'SPECIMEN' opt in black. - Est £10

Lot 74 - 1911 - 3/- black & green 'Queen's Staircase' issue, wmk 'Multi Crown CA', a fine mint copy. (SG 80, Cat £70) - Est £22

Lot 75 - 1918 - First 'WAR TAX' opt issue, the set of five fine mint. (SG 91/5, Cat £130) - Est £40

Lot 76 - 1919 - 'WAR TAX' opt issue, the set of four fine mint. (SG 102/5, Cat £30) - Est £10

Lot 77 - 1929 - FIRST FLIGHT: Illustrated 'FAM 7 First Flight Nassau - Miami' cover with route map franked with 1921 2½d ultramarine GV issue (SG 119) tied by NASSAU machine cancel dated JAN 2 1929 with two line 'BY FIRST AIRMAIL TO MIAMI FLA.' cachet in red on alongside. Flown on the Nassau - Miami first flight, addressed to USA and arrival cds of the same day on reverse. (Muller #3) - Est £25

Lot 78 - 1938 - 5/- lilac & blue on thick paper GVI issue, first printing, a fine mint copy. (SG 156, Cat £170) - Est £55

Lot 79 - 1938 - MARITIME: Colour PPC 'Gregory Arch, Market Street, Nassau, Bahamas' franked on message side with 1938 1½d pale red brown GVI issue tied on arrival with MIAMI machine cancel with straight line 'PAQUEBOT' in purple and fine strike of MUNARGO LINE COMPANY STEAMSHIP SERVICE POSTED ON THE HIGH SEAS PURSER S/S MUNARGO cds in blue alongside. Addressed to USA. - Est £35

Lot 80 - 1948 - Tercentenary of Settlements of Island of Eleuthera' GVI issue, the set of sixteen fine mint. (SG 178/93, Cat £85) - Est £28

Lot 81 - 1948 - £1 slate green 'Silver Wedding' issue a fine mint copy. (SG 195, Cat £42) - Est £20

Lot 82 - 1949 - MARITIME: Cover franked with 1938 1d pale slate and 1½d red brown GVI issue (SG 150ab & 151) tied by NASSAU cds with fine oval 'THE PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION CO. M.V. SALAVERRY' cachet and boxed 'M.V. "SALAVERRY" O. No. 181029 LIVERPOOL Nett Tonnage 3878' cachet both on front. Addressed to UK. - Est £25

Lot 83 - 1954 - 5/- bright emerald & orange QE2 issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 214, Cat £25) - Est £10


Lot 84 - 1885 - 3d pale claret 'COGH' issue, wmk 'Crown CA' with 'Bechuanaland Protectorate' opt in black, a fine mint copy. (SG 2, Cat £60) - Est £20

Lot 85 - 1885 - 3d pale claret 'COGH' issue, wmk 'Crown CA' with 'Bechuanaland Protectorate' opt in black, a fine cds used copy. (SG 2, Cat £80) - Est £25

Lot 86 - 1888 - 2/6 green & black QV issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 17, Cat £85) - Est £25

Lot 87 - 1891 - QV issue with 'BRITISH BECHUANALAND' opt, the set of five fine mint. (SG 33/37, Cat £50) - Est £16

Lot 88 - 1897 - 6d purple on rose red QV issue with 'BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE' opt, overprinted 'SPECIMEN' in black, with gum. (SG 65S) - Est £15

Lot 89 - 1904 - EVII' issue the basic set of five fine mint, the 1/- is the green & carmine shade. (SG 66/9 & 71, Cat £98+) - Est £32

Lot 90 - 1904 - 1/- deep green & carmine EVII issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 71, Cat £70) - Est £22

Lot 91 - 1913 - 1/- bistre GV issue, wmk 'Simple Cypher', a fine cds used copy. (SG 82, Cat £45) - Est £15

Lot 92 - 1913 - 5/- rose carmine GV 'Seahorse' issue, first Waterlow printing with 'BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE' opt, a fine mint copy. (SG 84, Cat £160) - Est £50

Lot 93 - 1935 - GV 'Silver Jubilee' issue, the set of four fine mint. (SG 111/4) - Est £10

Lot 94 - 1938 - GVI 'Definitive' issue, the set of eleven plus all ½d shades, 1½d light blue and 6d purple all fine mint. (SG 118/28, 118a, 118b, 118c, 120a & 124a, Cat £158) - Est £50

Lot 95 - 1948 - GVI 'Silver Wedding' issue, the pair fine cds used. (SG 136/7, Cat £50) - Est £16

Lot 96 - 1955 - QE2 'Definitive' issue, the set of twelve fine mint. (SG 143/53, Cat £100) - Est £32


Lot 97 - 1880 - 4d orange red QV issue wmk 'Crown CC' and 1883 4d orange brown wmk 'Crown CA' both fine mint. (SG 20 & 28a, Cat £56) - Est £18

Lot 98 - 1883 - 2d brown purple QV issue, a superb mint side marginal block of nine. A fine & attractive multiple. (SG 26a) - Est £40

Lot 99 - 1894 - Registered cover franked with 1880 4d orange red and 1883 ½d dull green QV issue (SG 20 & 21) tied by HAMILTON duplex cds cancel dated JAN 7 1894 with large oval 'R' marking alongside. Addressed to UK with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £90

Lot 100 - 1915 - CENSORED MAIL: Neat cover franked with single 1910 1d red 'Ship' issue (SG 46) tied by IRELAND ISLAND cds dated 12 FEB 1915. Addressed internally to 'Bell & Co, Quick Printers, Hamilton' and censored with triangular 'PASSED POSTAL CENSOR BERMUDA' marking in purple on front. The regulations required all mail to printers to be censored. Scarce. - Est £70

Lot 101 - 1918 - 4/- black & carmine GV 'Key Type' issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 52b) - Est £30

Lot 102 - 1918 - 2/6 black & red on blue GV 'Key Type' issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 52, Cat £40) - Est £12

Lot 103 - 1935 - GV 'Silver Jubilee' issue, the set of four fine mint. (SG 94/7, Cat £23) - Est £10

Lot 104 - 1938 - 2½d pale blue & sepia black GVI issue, a fine mint side marginal block of twelve. (SG 113b) - Est £35

Lot 105 - 1938 - 2/- deep purple & ultramarine on grey blue 'Chalk Surfaced' paper GVI 'Key Type' issue, 1938 printing, comb perf 14 x 13¾. A fine corner marginal copy used with good strike of FLATTS cds dated 20 JAN 1938, first day of issue. Very scarce as such. (SG 116, Murray Payne #11) - Est £24

Lot 106 - 1938 - 2/- deep purple & ultramarine on grey blue GVI 'Key Type' issue on chalk surfaced paper, perf 14. A fine mint bottom marginal example. (SG 116, Cat £100) - Est £32

Lot 107 - 1938 - 2/6 black & deep red on grey blue 'Chalk surfaced' paper GVI 'Key Type' issue, 1938 printing, comb perf 14 x 13¾. A fine unmounted mint bottom marginal block of four. (SG 117, Murray Payne #12) - Est £180

Lot 108 - 1938 - 5/- green & red on yellow GVI 'Key Type' issue, perf 14, a fine mint copy. (SG 118, Cat £150) - Est £50

Lot 109 - 1938 - 12/6 grey & brownish orange GVI 'Key Type', perf 14. Six copies neatly used with fiscal cancels showing a range of shades. (SG 120a, Cat £480 as postally used) - Est £45

Lot 110 - 1941 - CENSORED MAIL & RATE: Unsealed cover franked with single 1936 ½d bright green GV issue (SG 98) tied by ST. GEORGES cds dated 30 JAN 1941, censored with fine strike of 'PASSED BY CENSOR 23 BERMUDA' marking in turquoise on front. Addressed to CANADA. - Est £24

Lot 111 - 1943 - Airmail cover franked with 1938 7½d black, blue & bright green GVI issue (SG 114b) tied by PAGET cds and censored in Bermuda with 'P.C.90 OPENED BY EXAMINER C/8139' censor strip. Addressed to USA. - Est £30

Lot 112 - 1953 - QE2 'Definitive' issue, the set of eighteen fine mint. (SG 135/150, Cat £130) - Est £40

Lot 113 - 1885-1898 - INCOMING MAIL: Nice lot of early covers from the USA to HAMILTON or IRELAND ISLAND with a variety of frankings some with arrival marks plus a lovely illustrated 1895 'Bermuda, Azores and A grand Cruise to the Mediterranean' STEAMSHIP cover. Most have arrival marks. Mixed condition. (6 items) - Est £35


Lot 114 - 1865 - Folded letter from ORURO to COCHABAMBA with fine strike of fancy straight line framed FRANCA marking in black. Very Fine. Ex Ortiz-Patino. - Est £40

Lot 115 - 1867 - 5c bronze green 'Condor' issue, a very fine four margin copy from the original plate, postally used with part strike of oval PAZ DE AYACUCHO cancellation. Scarce. (SG 1c) - Est £40

Lot 116 - 1867 - 50c orange yellow 'Condor' issue a fine four margin copy tied on part of a revenue document by manuscript cancel. (SG 8a) - Est £20

Lot 117 - 1867 - 100c blue 'Condor' issue, a good used copy from the original printing with manuscript cancel, four margins but with thin on reverse. (SG 9) - Est £25

Lot 118 - 1867 - 100c blue 'Condor' issue, a fine mint four margin copy with full O.G. Small thin on reverse but scarce in mint condition. (SG 9, Cat £43) - Est £35

Lot 119 - 1878 - 'Book of Law' issue the set of four fine lightly used. (SG 42/45, Cat £30+) - Est £15

Lot 120 - 1878 - 5c ultramarine 'Book of Law' issue a mint block of four. (SG 42) - Est £20

Lot 121 - 1893 - 1c rose 'Litho' issue an unused side marginal IMPERF PAIR, thinned on reverse. (SG 57a, Cat £70) - Est £20

Lot 122 - 1893 - 20c blue green 'Litho' ARMS issue, a good unused example. (SG 61, Cat £100) - Est £30

Lot 123 - 1894 - ARMS issue 'London' printing on thin paper, the complete set of seven all fine mint with gum. (SG 63/9, Cat £73+) - Est £35

Lot 124 - 1894 - 100c rose red on thin paper ARMS issue 'Bradbury Wilkinson London' printing, a fine unmounted mint side marginal copy. Underrated issue. (SG 69) - Est £35

Lot 125 - 1895 - 2c orange vermilion ARMS issue 'Etudes Chassepot, Paris' IMPERF PROOF PAIR on medium ungummed paper in ISSUED COLOUR. Uncommon. (As SG 71) - Est £24

Lot 126 - 1895 - REVENUES: 1c reddish purple & 1904 2c scarlet 'Ley de Tabacos' TOBACCO TAX issue both values depicting Tobacco plants fine used plus 1900 2c orange 'Impuesto sobre Cigarrillos' REVENUE with 'Tobacco Leaf' design. A fine mint pair. (Hilchey & Akerman #DA10, DA17 & DF2) - Est £16

Lot 127 - 1897 - Cover franked with 1897 pair 1c olive green and 20c black & lake 'Portrait' issue (SG 77 & 81) tied by dumb 'Leaf' cancel with POTOSI cds. Addressed to USA with various transit and arrival marks inc CALLAO, PERU transit cds on reverse. A fine cover. - Est £60

Lot 128 - 1899 - 'Sucre' issue the set of eight fine mint. (SG 92/9, Cat £30) - Est £15

Lot 129 - 1899 - 10c brown on buff postal stationery envelope (H&G B6) with manuscript 'Via Argentina' at top used with added 1897 10c brownish purple 'Portrait' issue (SG 80) tied by COCHABAMBA cds dated 3 MAY 1899. Addressed to FRANCE with UYUNI, BOLIVIA, JUJUY, ARGENTINA and BUENOS AIRES transit cds's on reverse. - Est £45

Lot 130 - 1909 - 'Centenary of the Revolution' issue, the set of four fine cds used. (SG 110/113, Cat £45) - Est £20

Lot 131 - 1909 - 20c black & orange 'Centenary of the Revolution' issue a fine mint copy with variety CENTRE INVERTED. (SG 112 variety) - Est £45

Lot 132 - 1909 - REGISTRATION RECIEPT: Stampless printed 'CORREOS DE BOLIVIA RECIBO DE CERTIFICADOS' registration receipt with LA PAZ SECCION DE CERTIFICADOS cds in purple dated 6 FEB 1909. Addressed to UK. Some light creasing. - Est £24

Lot 133 - 1909 - REVENUES: 1b black & brown 'Impuestos Interno' REVENUE issue, a fine block of six each stamp with 'SPECIMEN' overprint in red and small hole punch. Ex ABNCo. archive. (Hilchey & Akerman #AA6S) - Est £24

Lot 134 - 1910 - EARTHQUAKE: Real photographic PPC showing building destroyed by the earthquake endorsed on message side in manuscript 'Provincia de Sipesipe (Dpto Cochabba) despues del terremoto - 1909' franked on picture side with 1909 2c black & green (SG 116) tied by undated circular CORREOS DE COCHABAMBA BOLIVIA cancel in purple. Addressed to CHILE. A scarce card. - Est £75

Lot 135 - 1912 - Cover franked with single 1909 20c black & violet (SG 119) tied by fine strike of large boxed scallop cornered CORREOS DE BOLIVIA TRINIDAD - BENI cancel in purple dated AGO 1 1912. Addressed to ITALY and re-directed to SWITZERLAND with various transit & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £25

Lot 136 - 1915 - 20c yellow UNISSUED 'Inauguration of Guaqui - La Paz Railway' stamp. A fine IMPERF PROOF on buff paper, ungummed. We have not seen proof material of this issue before. Scarce. - Est £25

Lot 137 - 1915 - UNISSUED: 'Inauguration of Guaqui - La Paz Railway' UNISSUED set of nine fine mint. - Est £20

Lot 138 - 1917 - 5c on 2c blue postal stationery card with 'Habilitado CINCO CENTAVOS - 1917' overprint in red (H&G 8). A fine unused example. - Est £15

Lot 139 - 1928 - 'LAB' airmail issue, the set of three fine mint. (SG 217/9) - Est £10

Lot 140 - 1930 - 1c on 2c red 'Surcharge' issue, a fine mint copy with variety OVERPRINT IN BLACK DOUBLE ONE INVERTED. From the trial printing. (SG 224 variety) - Est £60

Lot 141 - 1930 - 'Zeppelin' overprint issue, the set of three mint. Toned. (SG 241/3, Cat £250) - Est £45

Lot 142 - 1930 - 6b on 35c brown red 'Zeppelin' overprint issue a fine mint copy. (SG 243, Cat £120) - Est £75

Lot 143 - 1930 - Cover franked with 1928 20c blue & 35c brown red 'L.A.B.' airmail issue plus 1928 pair 5c green and 15c carmine (SG 218/219, 221 & 223) tied by undated LLOYD AEREO BOLIVANO AGENCIA SANTA CRUZ cancels in blue black with large boxed 'CORREO AEREO COCHABAMBA' marking in red alongside. Addressed to LA PAZ with large boxed 'ECONOMICE TIEMPO EMPLEANDO EL CORREO AEREO L.A.B' cachet in red and transit and arrival marks on reverse. - Est £40

Lot 144 - 1933 - CHACO WAR: Real photographic black & white PPC of soldier stealthily moving through the bush inscribed 'GUERRA DEL CHACO Huellando' on picture side and 'Editor y Fotografo LUIS BAZOBERRI G. Casilla 11 Cochabamba (Bolivia) Prohibida la reproduccion' on message side. Fine unused & very scarce. - Est £40

Lot 145 - 1935 - FIRST FLIGHT: Airmail cover franked with 1935 15c ultramarine, 10c deep green, 50c orange and 1b yellow brown (SG 289, 299 & 302/303) tied by LA PAZ 'Chaco Boreal' machine cancel dated 1 JUN 1935. Flown on the Panagra First Flight to New York on the 2nd June with 'LA PAZ - NUEVA YORK PRIMER VUELO VIA PANAGRA JUNIO 2 DE 1935' cachet in black on front. Scarce & unlisted in Muller. - Est £90

Lot 146 - 1940 - Neat 'REGION MILITAR No.5 Reclutamiento de 1940' conscription card for national service with large 'JEFETURA DE REGION No.1 LA PAZ BOLIVIA' cachet on front and recruits details on reverse. Unusual item. - Est £30

Lot 147 - 1941 - 100b olive brown 'Andean Condor' AIRMAIL issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 383) - Est £20

Lot 148 - 1947 - 1b 40c red orange 'Meeting of Presidents of Bolivia & Argentina' issue, a fine mint IMPERF PAIR. (SG 467 variety) - Est £15

Lot 149 - 1948 - 2b yellow green and yellow used with good strike of large undated circular SUBADMINISTRACION DE CORREOS CACHUELA ESPERANZA BOLIVIA cancel in blue green. Very scarce. (SG 474) - Est £30

Lot 150 - 1953 - 22.50b bistre brown 'First Anniversary of the Revolution' issue, a fine unmounted mint side marginal IMPERF PAIR. (SG 591a) - Est £20

Lot 151 - 1960 - UNITED NATIONS: Circa 1960 pair of long printed UN covers sent by private pouch from LA PAZ to the UN in New York, USA. (2) - Est £10

Lot 152 - 1966 - 10c on 27b bright magenta with 'XII Aniversario Reforma Agraria' overprint, a fine mint block of four with variety 'AGRARIA AGRARIA' for 'REFORMA AGRARIA' on lower right stamp. (SG 800 & 800a) - Est £24


Lot 153 - 1827 - PRESTAMP: Folded letter from SAO PAULO to RIO DE JANEIRO with fine strike of small boxed 'S.PAULO' marking in black. Rated 100rs in manuscript. Cover has the usual overall toning. (RHM #P-SP-48) - Est £75

Lot 154 - 1843 - 90rs black 'Bullseye' issue, fine impression, a fine cds used copy, margins all round except for top left corner where the design is touching. The stamp is otherwise fine with no thins or faults. Very scarce. (SG 3, Cat £1300) - Est £400

Lot 155 - 1844 - 60rs black on thick yellowish paper, a fine used four margin copy. Difficult issue. (SG 8) - Est £110

Lot 156 - 1845 - FORGERIES: Small range of 'Numeral' issue FORGERIES with 1845 10r, 30r (2), 60r & 600r 'Inclinados', 1850 numeral issue various values to 600r, 1854 280r red and 430r yellow and 1860 perforated numeral issue 10r (2), 20r and 60r (2) all genuine stamps with fake perforations plus 10r, 20r, 30r, 60r, 300r & 600r plus 430r yellow all outright forgeries. Used and unused. (28) - Est £35

Lot 157 - 1854 - 30rs pale blue 'Small Numeral' issue, a fine lightly used copy with four large margins. (SG 26, Cat £55) - Est £20

Lot 158 - 1876 - 20r rosy brown 'Dom Pedro' dark beard ROULETTED issue, a mint copy with full gum. (SG 51, Cat £80) - Est £30

Lot 159 - 1878 - Dom Pedro' white beard ROULETTED issue the set of ten fine lightly used. (SG 57/66, Cat £205+) - Est £80

Lot 160 - 1878 - 700rs brown red 'Dom Pedro' issue a fine mint copy with full gum. (SG 65) - Est £125

Lot 161 - 1881 - 50rs bright blue perforated 'Dom Pedro' issue with SMALL HEAD, a fine cds used copy with 50rs blue large head for comparison. (SG 68a & 73, Cat £23+) - Est £10

Lot 162 - 1890 - Cover from BAHIA with company handstamp at top franked with pair 1890 100rs mauve 'Southern Cross' issue (SG 90b) tied by two light strikes of octagonal LIGNE J PAQ FR No. 3 French maritime cds dated 3 MAI 1890. Addressed to FRANCE with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £35

Lot 163 - 1894 - 2000rs purple & grey 'Liberty Head' issue on thick white paper, perf 11½, a fine mint copy. Rare stamp (SG 156, Cat £150) - Est £75

Lot 164 - 1899 - 1000rs on 700rs pale brown 'Southern Cross' issue, perf 11-11½, a fine used copy with complete strike of FORMIGA cds (which translates at 'Ant'). Light crease. (SG 199) - Est £10

Lot 165 - 1900 - Cover franked with strip of four 1898 300rs on 200rs black 'Newspaper' SURCHARGE issue (SG 170) tied by multiple strikes of RAIZ DA SERRA DA TIJUCA cds's. Addressed within RIO DE JANEIRO with arrival cds on front. A scarce franking. - Est £75

Lot 166 - 1904 - Cover franked with irregular block of three 1900 200rs deep blue 'Liberty Head' issue (SG 247a) tied by ANTONINA (PARANA) cds's with additional strike alongside dated 16 OUT 1904. Addressed to CURITYBA with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £20

Lot 167 - 1905 - 50rs blue on brownish yellow 'Sugarloaf' postal stationery card (H&G 29a) used with added block of four & single 1897 10rs blue & rose (SG 165) tied by LAGES (S CATHARINA) cds's. Addressed to ITALY with various transit & arrival marks on front. - Est £60

Lot 168 - 1906 - POSTAGE DUES: 'Postage Due' issue, the set of thirteen fine mint. (SG D282/D294) - Est £60

Lot 169 - 1908 - 100rs rose carmine 'National Exhibition, Rio de Janeiro' issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 283, Cat £23) - Est £10

Lot 170 - 1917 - REVENUE PROOF: Circa 1917 100r orange 'Estado de Rio Grande do Sul - Imposto 5% Addicional' REVENUE issue WATERLOW COLOUR TRIAL in issued colour perforated on gummed paper with 'WATERLOW & SONS LTD SPECIMEN' overprint in black and small hole punch. (Barata #7) - Est £18

Lot 171 - 1922 - CINDERELLA: set of four multicoloured labels inscribed 'Centenario da Independencia do Brasil Exposicao Nacional' and dated 7 Sept 1922. Produced by 'Pimenta de Mello & Ca'. Fine mint. - Est £15

Lot 172 - 1928 - VARIG - FORGERIES: 50r green on green, 50r red on buff, 350rs brown, 350r red, 350rs green, 500rs indigo on buff, 700r yellow green on buff and 700rs green on buff 'Icarus' issue FORGERIES all fine 'used'. (8) - Est £15

Lot 173 - 1930 - PRIVATE AIRMAIL COMPANIES - CONDOR: Small piece with 1920 300rs rose red 'Industry' issue and 1930 2000rs blue 'Dr Victor Kondor' commemorative CONDOR issue both tied by fine SYNDICATO CONDOR PORTO ALEGRE cds's dated 13 JAN 1930. Scarce. (SG 333 & RHM #K-11) - Est £90

Lot 174 - 1930 - 3000rs bright violet AIR issue wmk 'CM in Stars' perf 11 and 300rs bright violet wmk 'CASA+DA+MOEDA+DO+BRASIL' three copies perf 11x11½, compound perf 12x11 and 11½x12, all fine mint. Also 1933 3,500rs blue green & yellow AIR issue two copies wmk 'BARSIL CORREIO' and 'CASA+DA+MOEDA+DO+BRASIL' also fine mint (SG 484, 486, 486a, 486b & 531/2 Cat £26+) - Est £10

Lot 175 - 1930 - ZEPPELIN: Cover franked with 1920 100rs turquoise green & 200rs grey olive 'Industry' issue and 1930 10,000rs carmine CONDOR 'Zeppelin' issue with 'GRAF ZEPPELIN USA' overprint (SG 327, 331 & Sanabria #Z7) tied by RIO DE JANEIRO 'Condor' cds dated 24 MAI 1930. Flown on the first 'Sudamerikafahrt' to USA with 'By Condor Airmail in Brazil' green & yellow airmail label with large RECIFE 'Condor' transit cds dated 28 MAI 1930 on front. Addressed to USA with green LAKEHURST 'Zeppelin' cachet and cds on reverse. - Est £75

Lot 176 - 1930 - ZEPPELIN: Plain cover franked with 1920 400rs blue and 100rs turquoise green 'Industry' issue and 1930 10,000rs carmine CONDOR 'Zeppelin' issue (SG 327, 334 & Sanabria #Z2) tied by RIO DE JANEIRO 'Condor' cds dated 24 MAI 1930. Flown on the first 'Sudamerikafahrt' with large diamond 'EUROPE PAN AMERICA ROUND FLIGHT' cachet in purple on front with large RECIFE 'Condor GRAF ZEPPELIN' transit cds dated 28 MAY 1930 alongside. Addressed to GERMANY with FRIEDRICHSHAFEN arrival cds on reverse. - Est £75

Lot 177 - 1930 - FIRST FLIGHT: Printed 'Condor' airmail cover franked with 1920 300rs red 'Industry' issue and 1927 500rs olive grey CONDOR Private airmail company issue (SG 377 & Sanabria #C1) tied by CORUMBA M. GROSSO cds's dated 16 IX. 1930. Flown on the CORUMBA - CURYABA first flight with boxed 'PRIMEIRO CORREIO AEREO CORUMBA - CUYABA' first flight cachet in black. Arrival cds on reverse. (Muller #86) - Est £45

Lot 178 - 1930 - PRIVATE AIRMAIL COMPANIES - CONDOR: Commercial cover franked with 1930 300rs rose red 'Industry' issue and pair 1927 1000rs carmine CONDOR private airmail company issue (SG 369 & Sanabria #C3) tied by fine SYNDICATO CONDOR SAO PAULO cds's dated 17 ABR 1930. Addressed to PORTO ALEGRE with arrival mark on reverse. Cover has a couple of light tones. - Est £25

Lot 179 - 1931 - 'Revolution of 3rd October' issue, the set of fourteen fine lightly used. A difficult set to assemble in used condition. (SG 490/503, Cat £60) - Est £40

Lot 180 - 1931 - 2,500r on 3,000r bright violet 'Air' overprint issue a fine cds used copy. (SG 510, Cat £23) - Est £10

Lot 181 - 1932 - 'Sao Paulo Revolutionary Government' LEX issue, the set of eleven fine mint. (SG 518/28 Cat £100) - Est £75

Lot 182 - 1932 - 2000rs red brown 'Sao Paulo Provisional Government' issue a superb used copy with central S. PAULO CONFERENCIA cds dated 27 X. 1932. (SG 526, Cat £28) - Est £15

Lot 183 - 1932 - REVOLUTION: Unaddressed revolutionary colour PPC depicting the 'Brazilian and Sao Paulo Flags' alongside each other franked on picture side with 1932 100rs to 1000rs 'Sao Paulo Revolution' issue (SG 518/525) tied by multiple strikes of S. PAULO TARDE cds dated 27 IX 1932. Very attractive. - Est £75

Lot 184 - 1932 - ZEPPELIN: Plain postcard franked with 1920 400rs ultramarine 'Industry' defin and 1932 3500r on 5000r violet blue 'Zeppelin' OPT issue (SG 395 & 511) tied by RIO DE JANEIRO cds dated 16 SEP 1932. Flown on Zeppelin LZ127 on the 6th South American Flight with illustrated Zeppelin cachet on front. Addressed to GERMANY with FRIEDRICHSHAFEN arrival cds on reverse dated 21. 9. 32. (Sieger #178) - Est £35

Lot 185 - 1933 - FIRST FLIGHT - VARIG: Illustrated 'Varig Correio Aerio comemorativo da Festa da Uva P. Alegre - Caixas' First Flight cover franked with 1920 200rs rose red & 1931 350rs red VARIG issue (Sanabria #V17) tied by PORTO ALEGRE VARIG cds's dated 18 FEB 1933. Addressed to CAXIAS with arrival cds on reverse. (Muller #188) - Est £30

Lot 186 - 1934 - '400th Anniversary of Founding of Sao Paulo by Anchieta' issue, the set of four fine mint. (SG 561/4) - Est £10

Lot 187 - 1935 - 'Third Pan American Red Cross Conference' issue the set of three fine mint. (SG 571/3, Cat £20) - Est £10

Lot 188 - 1936 - OFFICIAL MAIL & EXPRESS: Headed 'S.P. MINISTERIO DA AGRICULTURA' stampless official cover with SECC. EXPRESS DISTRICTO FEDERAL cds dated 13 MAR 1936 with straight line 'EXPRESSA' marking in purple with '63000' number handstamped alongside. Addressed to DEODORO, NESTA with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £30

Lot 189 - 1936 - REVOLUTION & CENSORSHIP: Long airmail cover franked with various issues tied by CEARA cds's dated 13 MAI 1936. Addressed to UK with fine strike of oval 'ADMINISTRACAO DOS CORREIOS CENSURADA * CEARA *' censor mark in violet on reverse. Cover a little worn around the edges but an uncommon marking. - Est £35

Lot 190 - 1937 - REVENUES: Complete folded four page legal document with Brazilian revenues tied by manuscript in SAO PAULO and also Great Britain GV CONSULAR revenues tied by oval BRITISH CONSULATE GENERAL SAO PAULO cancels with many other handstamps and markings. Unusual, needs further research. - Est £25

Lot 191 - 1938 - MARITIME: Cover franked with single 1937 300rs blue (SG 608) tied by fine strike of N.Y. & BUENOS AIRES SEAPOST S.S. WESTERN WORLD cds dated MAR 12 1938. Addressed to USA. - Est £18

Lot 192 - 1941 - 50cr brown red 'Top Value' perf 13½ a fine mint copy. (SG 766a, Cat £31) - Est £12

Lot 193 - 1943 - 'Centenary of First Brazilian Postage Stamps' BULLSEYE issue miniature sheet fine used with commemorative cancel. (SG MS682a, Cat £33) - Est £15

Lot 194 - 1944 - 'Airmail' SURCHARGE issue, the set of five fine mint. (SG 693/7, Cat £19) - Est £10

Lot 195 - 1945 - UNISSUED: 40c violet unissued stamp commemorating the opening of the international bridge between Argentina & Brazil showing the bridge & Presidents Vargas & Justo. A fine unmounted mint block of four. (See note in SG) - Est £12

Lot 196 - 1947 - REVENUES: 5cr purple 'Obrigacoes de Guerra' War Bonds REVENUE issue, a fine used marginal block of eight on piece with each stamp cancelled by circular 'C.A.P. S.A.T.C.' cancel in black. (Barata #1) - Est £12

Lot 197 - 1963 - 'Famous Brazilians' definitive issue, the set of seven all fine mint. (SG 1073/1073f, Cat £140) - Est £55

Lot 198 - 1967 - 'Brazilian Presidents' definitive issue, the set of five fine mint. (SG 1192/9, Cat £31) - Est £12

Lot 199 - 1938-1954 - CINDERELLA: Group of covers all with large CINDERELLA labels inc 3 covers each with the 1948 blue & lilac International Exposition Petropolis publicity labels on reverse, 1954 cover with large multicoloured 'Yacht & Beach' label inscribed 'Visite Sao Paulo, No. 4o Centenario de sua fundacao 1954 Janeiro 1954', 1946 reg cover with brown 'Rio De Janeiro' label with image of sea & sugarloaf mountain and 1938 cover with brown & yellow 'Dia de Colono, Santo Amaro Rio Grande do Sul' label. A super lot. (6 items) - Est £30

British Guiana

Lot 200 - 1882 - 1c black on magenta 'Ship' issue perforated 'SPECIMEN' a fine cds mint copy with full O.G. showing variety '1' WITH FOOT. (SG 162c, Cat £180) - Est £60

Lot 201 - 1890 - Cover franked with single 1888 1c dull purple with INLAND REVENUE 'Provisional' opt (SG 175) tied by GEORGETOWN cds dated 18 JUN 1890. Addressed locally within GEORGETOWN. A scarce issue on cover used correctly to pay the 1c local rate. - Est £95

Lot 202 - 1891 - Neat cover franked with single 1890 1c on $1 green INLAND REVENUE 'Provisional' issue (SG 207) tied by GEORGETOWN cds dated FEB 25 1891. Addressed locally within GEORGETOWN. A scarce issue on cover used correctly to pay the 1c local rate. - Est £95

Lot 203 - 1896 - Incoming Great Britain 1892 2½d light grey blue QV postal stationery envelope (H&G B11) with DEREHAM squared circle cds dated FE 24 1896. Addressed to 'Clarendon G Hyde Esq. Plantation Ogle, East Coast, nr Georgetown, Demerara, British Guiana' with GEORGETOWN transit and PLAISANCE arrival cds on reverse. - Est £25

Lot 204 - 1899 - 1c blue black & carmine red 'Mount Roraima' issue superb used with complete central strike of SANTA ROSA cds dated AP 13 1899. Santa Rosa was a mission station situated on the Moruca River. Rare cancel. (SG 216) - Est £75

Lot 205 - 1900 - STAMP SHORTAGE: Cover franked with a 1c green on cream 'Ship' postal stationery wrapper CUT OUT(H&G E1) tied by GEORGETOWN cds dated DEC 11 1900. Addressed locally within GEORGETOWN. Cover slightly trimmed at left but a scarce provisional use. - Est £65

Lot 206 - 1913 - 96c black & vermilion on yellow GV issue, wmk 'Multi Crown CA', a fine mint copy. (269, Cat £30) - Est £10

Lot 207 - 1938 - GVI 'Definitive' issue, the set of twelve plus the 1c yellow green shade all good to fine mint. (SG 308/19 & 308a, Cat £143) - Est £45

Lot 208 - 1938 - $3 red brown GVI issue, perf 12½, a fine mint copy. (SG 319, Cat £40) - Est £12

Lot 209 - 1940 - 12c scarlet 'Postage Due' issue on chalk surfaced paper, a fine mint copy. (SG D4a, Cat £22) - Est £10

Lot 210 - 1963 - QE2 definitive issue with Wmk W12, the set of nine fine mint. (SG 354/65, Cat £65) - Est £20


Lot 211 - 1815 - SPANISH COLONIAL PERIOD: Circa 1815. Undated cover sent internally within VALPARAISO with good strike of straight line UALPARAISO marking in red. Rated '3' in manuscript. Addressed to 'Snr Dn Ramon Picante Govor a Valpo'. Cover has a few light tones. - Est £75

Lot 212 - 1853 - 10c deep bright blue on yellowish 'Perkins Bacon' FIRST ISSUE, a superb lightly used copy with four margins, tight at top right but otherwise exceptional quality. (SG 2) - Est £95

Lot 213 - 1854 - 5c dull brown 'Gillet' LITHO issue, a good lightly used copy two tight but clear margins, touching at top and bottom. A scarce printing. (SG 7, Cat £200) - Est £75

Lot 214 - 1854 - 5c burnt sienna 'Gillet' recess printing, a lightly used copy, three margins touching in places but a good looking example and good condition for this issue. (SG 10, Cat £450) - Est £150

Lot 215 - 1856 - 5c dull reddish brown 'Estancos' printing, worn plate variety (the most worn we have ever seen with this printing), a very fine lightly used three margin copy. (SG 18) - Est £15

Lot 216 - 1861 - 1c chrome yellow 'Last London' printing, a fine postally used copy with barred 'CANCELLED' postmark, good strong colour, margins are tight to touching. (SG 29, Cat £40) - Est £20

Lot 217 - 1866 - 5c rose red 'Last Santiago' printing a very fine four margin unused copy with variety STAMP PRINTED ON BOTH SIDES. Very rare. (SG 36a) - Est £650

Lot 218 - 1866 - 5c red 'Last Santiago' printing, a fine used copy with large part strike of CONSTITUCION cds, four margins just touching at top right. (SG 37) - Est £15

Lot 219 - 1877 - POSTMARKS: Group of early 1877-1883 'Roulette' issues all used with 'CANCELLED' in Bars (10), dumb 'Target' cancel (4) and one with black 'Cork' cancel. All denote early use of the issue. (15) - Est £45

Lot 220 - 1878 - 15c greenish slate 'Roulette' issue, a fine mint block of six. (SG 61) - Est £16

Lot 221 - 1878 - 50c mauve 'Roulette' issue, a fine cds used copy. (SG 65, Cat £37) - Est £18

Lot 222 - 1886 - 3c red on grey blue postal stationery card (H&G 11) datelined 'Tamaya Nov 15 / 86' with company handstamp on front inscribed 'TAMAYA, SAUCE' used with fine strike of OVALLE thimble cds dated 23 NOV 1886. Addressed to GERMANY with LONDON transit cds in red on front. Tamaya was a small village west of Ovalle without a post office at this time. - Est £25

Lot 223 - 1891 - Cover franked with 1878 5c ultramarine 'Roulette' issue (SG 58) tied by PELEQUEN cds dated 14 MAR 1891. Addressed locally. A scarcer origination. Small faults. - Est £25

Lot 224 - 1894 - 3c red on grey blue postal stationery card (H&G 11) used with good strike of LIGUA cds dated 26 JUN 1894. Addressed to MONTENEGRO with VALPARAISO transit cds on front and CETINGE arrival cds on reverse. - Est £45

Lot 225 - 1894 - UNISSUED: 5c black UNISSUED 'Avis de Paiement' (AR) stamp, a fine mint copy. (Selchi #AP1) - Est £30

Lot 226 - 1897 - Cover franked with 1878 10c orange 'Roulette' issue (SG 60a) tied by two strikes of TOCOPILLA cds. Addressed to FRANCE with transit & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £25

Lot 227 - 1902 - 20c slate on buff postal stationery wrapper (H&G E2) sent registered with VALPARAISO 2 cds and fine registration label with handstruck 'VALPARAISO 2' in black. Addressed to SANTIAGO with arrival cds on reverse. Scarce use. - Est £45

Lot 228 - 1902 - Group of postal stationery envelopes all from smaller villages with cds cancels of UNION, NUEVA IMPERIAL, LOS ANJELES and MULCHEN. Addressed internally or to USA and one has an added 5c Arias issue. (4 items) - Est £25

Lot 229 - 1905 - 'Columbus' issue, the set of eleven fine mint. (SG 104/14, Cat £40) - Est £25

Lot 230 - 1909 - Registered cover franked with 1904 3 x 12c on 5c red 'Valdivia' PROVISIONAL issue and 1905 pair 1c green & 2c carmine 'Columbus' issue (SG 103/5) tied by VALDIVIA cds's with REG label alongside. Addressed to GERMANY with CONCEPCION transit cds on reverse. An attractive franking. - Est £35

Lot 231 - 1910 - HAHN REPRINTS: 20c chocolate brown 'Hahn' REPRINT, a fine unused block of four. - Est £60

Lot 232 - 1911 - 'Presidente' issue, the complete set of fifteen fine mint. (SG 135/49, Cat £180) - Est £95

Lot 233 - 1911 - 5p black & olive green 'Presidente' issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 148, Cat £75) - Est £35

Lot 234 - 1914 - 10c brown 'Presidente' postal stationery envelope (H&G B21) with added 2 x 1912 10c black & blue 'Presidente' issue (SG 153) tied by LIGUA cds's. Addressed to HOLLAND with transit & arrival marks on reverse. Cover a little crumpled. - Est £24

Lot 235 - 1915 - 'Presidente' issue, the basic set of twelve fine mint. (SG 164/75, Cat £104+) - Est £50

Lot 236 - 1915 - 14c black & carmine UNISSUED 'Presidente' type with portrait of 'Manuel de Salas'. A fine unused example without gum. Very scarce. - Est £90

Lot 237 - 1923 - 'Pan-American Conference' issue, the set of eight fine mint. (SG 176/83) - Est £16

Lot 238 - 1924 - INVERTED CENTRE: 2c scarlet & blue 'Postage Due' issue, a good looking mint copy with variety CENTRE INVERTED. Stamp has a couple of small tone spots. (SG D184 var) - Est £35

Lot 239 - 1924 - INVERTED CENTRE: 8c scarlet & blue 'Postage Due' issue, a good looking mint copy with variety CENTRE INVERTED. Stamp has a couple of small tone spots. (SG D186 var) - Est £35

Lot 240 - 1924 - INVERTED CENTRE: 10c scarlet & blue 'Postage Due' issue, a good looking mint copy with variety CENTRE INVERTED. Stamp has a couple of small tone spots. (SG D187 var) - Est £35

Lot 241 - 1924 - INVERTED CENTRE: 20c scarlet & blue 'Postage Due' issue, a good looking mint copy with variety CENTRE INVERTED. Stamp has a couple of small tone spots. (SG D188 var) - Est £35

Lot 242 - 1925 - Brown & blue 'PRO RAZA' essay stamp with no value indicated (similar to the issue later used for overprinting the TESTART airmails).  A fine unmounted mint copy. - Est £10

Lot 243 - 1927 - 40c on 10c blue & black brown 'Testart' AIR overprint issue a very fine cds used copy. (SG 184) - Est £60

Lot 244 - 1928 - 5p black & green 'Presidente' AIR opt issue (with wmk) two strips of three arranged as a block of six tied on small piece by CERTIF-IQUIQUE cds's plus 10p black & orange with wmk fine cds used. (SG 202/3, Cat £25+) - Est £12

Lot 245 - 1930 - 'Chilean Nitrate' issue set of six and 1931 'LAN' air set of eight all fine mint. (SG 217/30, Cat £21+) - Est £12

Lot 246 - 1934 - Trio of LAN internal airmail covers with 1934 cover franked 2 x 20c and 50c LAN issues tied from SANTIAGO to ANTOFAGASTA and a similar 1934 cover from VALLENAR to IQUIQUE plus 1939 cover franked pair 5c, 20c and 2p LAN issues tied from VALPARAISO to ARICA, all have arrival cds's on reverse. (3 items) - Est £25

Lot 247 - 1935 - CHRISTMAS GREETINGS CARD: Illustrated 'AIR FRANCE' Christmas & New Year greetings postcard with colour image of an airplane flying over the water with a city in the background franked on picture side with 1931 20c purple brown and 3p red brown AIR issue (SG 232 & 246) tied by CORREO AEREO SANTIAGO cds dated 13 DEC 1935. Addressed to FRANCE with the details of the special rates printed on the message side. A very scarce card in used condition. - Est £120

Lot 248 - 1936 - '400th Anniversary of Discovery of Chile' issue the set of twelve fine mint. (SG 256/267, Cat £34) - Est £16

Lot 249 - 1942 - REVENUES: 'Asociacion del Dinero del Culto Arquidiocesis de Santiago' printed booklet with single 1942 5p on 1p orange & black 'Arquidiocesis de Santiago Dinero de Culto' REVENUE tied inside by manuscript date cancel. Some faults. - Est £20

Lot 250 - 1948 - 60c ultramarine 'Claude Gay' issue the set of twenty five single stamps fine mint. (SG 381a/y, Cat £26) - Est £16

Lot 251 - 1950 - REVENUES: Small 'Ejercito de Chile Carnet de Enrolamiento' book with 1908 2p brown 'RECLUTAMIENTO' revenue inscribed 'General Jose M Bari' and 2p blue 'Impuesto' REVENUE both tied by circular regimental cachet on front. It is unusual to get these revenues used in the correct manner. - Est £25

Lot 252 - 1955 - DAMAGED MAIL: Large cover franked with an array of stamps including four different 60c ultramarine values of the 1949 'Claude Gay' issue all tied by SAN ANTONIO cds's dated 7 DEC 1955. Addressed to GERMANY with five 'Postamt Dortmund 1' black & white official seals along the bottom edge with German language 'Arrived damaged in Dortmund, Closed by the Post office' cachet in purple on reverse. - Est £30

Lot 253 - 1965 - REVENUES: Circa 1965 'Carnet de Bolsillo - Jabon Desodorante' booklet (pocket book of deodorant soap - with some of the soap still stapled inside) with small 50c blue green 'Especificos Suplementario' revenue cancelled and attached to the reverse. Unusual. - Est £10

Lot 254 - 1968 - TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: Stampless cover from QUINTERO with manuscript address on reverse and 'Camara de Diputados' ARMS imprint at top left on front with boxed 'CAMARA DE DIPUTADOS SECRETARIA 1963-1969 PORTE FRANCO' cachet in red with AMBULANCIA 77 cds (San Pedro - Quintero line). Addressed to VINA DEL MAR. - Est £35

Lot 255 - 1977 - ISLAND MAIL: Printed red on white Ham Radio QSL card inscribed 'Juan Fernandez Island' dated 26 November 1977 with signal receipt and detail about the island on reverse. - Est £15


Lot 256 - 1825 - PRESTAMP: Circa 1825. Cover from BUENAVENTURA to POPAYAN with fine strike of partially framed DEBE BUENAVA marking in red. Uncommon. - Est £80

Lot 257 - 1859 - 10c bright orange buff 'Grenadine Confederation' issue, a fine four margin copy used with part MEDELLIN boxed cancel in blue dated 1859. Tiny thin on reverse but otherwise a superb stamp in the scarcest shade. (SG 4a, Cat £110) - Est £60

Lot 258 - 1859 - 20c blue 'First Issue' a superb used copy with neat central 'X' in manuscript, four huge margins. Exceptional quality. (SG 5) - Est £80

Lot 259 - 1859 - 1p carmine 'Grenadine Federation' issue, a superb looking copy four huge margins used with manuscript cancel. Thinned on reverse. (SG 6, Cat £160) - Est £80

Lot 260 - 1862 - 10c blue on white paper, a fine used four margin copy. (SG 22, Cat £22) - Est £10

Lot 261 - 1865 - 1c rose on white paper and 1c rose on bluish paper both fine unused copies both with four margins. (SG 31 & 31a) - Est £24

Lot 262 - 1865 - 20c blue, a fine looking four margin copy with oval MEDELLIN FRANCA cancel in blue. Small thin on reverse. (SG 35) - Est £10

Lot 263 - 1870 - 1c green, 1c olive green, 1c rose (2), 2c brown (2), 5c yellow (2), 10c violet and 25c black on blue, the complete basic set plus a few shades all mint or unused. Mixed condition but generally good to fine. (SG 59/67) - Est £35

Lot 264 - 1870 - 10p black on vermilion 'High Value', Type 1, a fine used copy, four good margins used with oval 'MEDELLIN' cancel in red. Small thin on reverse. (SG 70, Cat £90) - Est £30

Lot 265 - 1881 - 5c ultramarine 'UPU' issue, Redrawn type with variety STAMP PRINTED ON BOTH SIDES. A fine used copy with three to four large margins, just touching at top left corner. The stamp impression on the reverse is very clear showing one large part impression and parts of three other stamps. Rare. (SG 100b) - Est £240

Lot 266 - 1890 - LOCAL ISSUE: 10c black on blue 'Almaguer' BOGUS issue, perforated. A fine lightly used example. Light crease. - Est £25

Lot 267 - 1891 - 2c black on yellow buff postal stationery card (H&G 10a) used with fine strike of oval CORREOS NACIONALES AGRADO cancel in purple dated APR 25 1891. Addressed to USA with BARRANQUILLA transit cds on reverse and USA arrival mark on front. - Est £60

Lot 268 - 1897 - Cover franked with pair 1892 5c brown on buff (SG 153) tied by fine CORREOS NACIONALES VICTORIA duplex cancel dated DIC 18 1897. Addressed to BOGOTA with arrival mark on reverse. - Est £45

Lot 269 - 1899 - 1000 DAYS WAR: Small mint group of 'Cartagena' issues with 2c black on buff pin perf but mis-perfed to remove the 'CORREOS' at top, 1901 1c black and 2c brown pin perf and 1c black imperf, 1902 1c blue pin perf, 10c brown perf 12 and 10c black pin perf. (SG 182, 184a, 185/6, 185a, 188c & 190, Cat £39+) - Est £18

Lot 270 - 1902 - 1000 DAYS WAR: 5p deep blue on azure 'Medellin' issue, a good used copy. (SG 255, Cat £45) - Est £20

Lot 271 - 1903 - 1000 DAYS WAR: 10c black on pink 'Medellin' provisional issue overprinted 'Habilitado Medellin A R' in purple, a fine mint block of four. Scarce. (SG AR258) - Est £90

Lot 272 - 1903 - 1000 DAYS WAR: Cover franked with 2 x 1902 20c blue on buff 'Bogota' issue, imperf (SG 199A) tied by fine CALI duplex cancel in red dated NOV 27 1903. Addressed to FRANCE. Part of backflap missing but very attractive. - Est £35

Lot 273 - 1904 - 1000 DAYS WAR: Registered cover with 'Administracion de Correos Nacionales Honda' handstamp in green on reverse franked with 1902 pair 10c black on pink 'Bogota' issue and 20c red brown on blue 'Registration' issue both imperf (SG 197A & 207A) cancelled with manuscript pen strokes with BARRANQUILLA transit cds on front. Addressed to FRANCE  with arrival cds on reverse. Very attractive. - Est £90

Lot 274 - 1909 - 2c red 'Numeral' issue, perf 10 with boxed 'CORREOS DEPMENTALES' Ornamental official opt in black, a fine mint copy with variety row of DOUBLE PERFORATIONS AT BASE. (SG D337) - Est £10

Lot 275 - 1917 - PROOF: 1p 'Sucre' PORTRAIT issue, a fine marginal IMPERF PROOF block of four in black on thick paper by Perkins Bacon. Very fine & attractive. (As SG 365) - Est £100

Lot 276 - 1917 - 10p deep brown 'Top Value', a superb unmounted mint example. (SG 368, Cat £60) - Est £40

Lot 277 - 1923 - 3c grey violet on ivory postal stationery envelope (H&G B7A) used with added 1917 5c dull blue and 10c deep blue 'Registration' issue (SG 361 & R370) tied by boxed MEDELLIN RECOMENDADOS cancels in blue dated NOV 22 1923. Addressed to BOGOTA with arrival mark on reverse. - Est £30

Lot 278 - 1923 - REVENUES: 2/6 bistre & brown GVI 'FOREIGN SERVICE' revenue and pair 10/- green & red GVI 'CONSULAR SERVICE' revenues tied on piece by BRITISH CONSULATE MEDELLIN cds's dated 23 MAY 1923. Also a loose 10/- with a similar cancel. (4) - Est £15

Lot 279 - 1932 - 2p dull red SCADTA issue with 'CORREO AEREO' opt in black, a fine cds used copy. (SG 423, Cat £45) - Est £25

Lot 280 - 1933 - FIRST FLIGHT: Cover franked with 1932 5c brown and 20c bronze green & carmine AIR issue (SG 431 & 439) tied by CORREO AEREO TURBO cds dated 1 JUL 1933. Flown on the UMCA first flight from Turbo to Medellin with three line 'FIRST AIR MAIL VIA UMCA TURBO. . . . . MEDELLIN' cachet in black on front and signed by the pilots W S Doxey and W Whyneli. Addressed to MEDELLIN with arrival cds on reverse. A rare flight. (Muller #Unrecorded) - Est £180

Lot 281 - 1933 - REVENUES: 1c green, 25c blue on pale blue and 1p light brown on rose pink 'Perkins Bacon' REVENUE issue IMPERF PROOFS on paper. (3) - Est £12

Lot 282 - 1935 - 5p light blue & deep violet 'Third National Olympiad' issue, a fine mint copy with full gum. Small thin on reverse. (SG 475, Cat £600) - Est £200

Lot 283 - 1937 - POSTAL FISCALS: 10c orange 'Arms' REVENUE, 2 copies from the Bradbury Wilkinson and Perkins bacon printings both used with postal cds's one is MEDELLIN dated 1937, also circa 1940's 5c blue 'Timbre Nacional' used with part LA MESA cds and 10c brown used with part TUMACO cds. (4) - Est £16

Lot 284 - 1940 - REVENUES: Circa 1940 'Rentas Departamentales CALDAS' IMPUESTO DE CIGARRILLOS Revenue issue set of six printed on security paper, imperf with each stamp overprinted SPECIMEN in black & with small hole punch. (6) - Est £25

Lot 285 - 1945 - '25th Anniversary of First Airmail Service in America' issue the set of three fine mint. (SG 633/635) - Est £10

Lot 286 - 1955 - 1p deep brown & deep brown olive and 2p black & pale violet 'Seventh Congress of Postal Union of the Americas & Spain' EXTRA RAPIDO issue, the pair fine mint. (SG 864/5, Cat £37) - Est £18

Lot 287 - 1958 - ISLAND MAIL: Illustrated 'Globe' HAM Radio QSL card inscribed 'DXPEDITION ARCHIPELAGO OF SAN ANDRES AND PROVIDENCIA' unaddressed used from San Andres and Providencia Islands. - Est £12

Lot 288 - 1959 - 'Miss World' issue, the set of three (SG 952/4) on illustrated official First Day Cover numbered '318' tied by BOGOTA PRIMER DIA DE SERVICIO cds's dated 26.6.1959. Unaddressed. A scarce FDC, very few were issued. (Stamps Cat £60 as used) - Est £45

Lot 289 - 1916-1932 - Small range of covers inc 1928 reg with GB type blue & white 'MEDELLIN' reg label to Canal Zone, 1916 5c tied by NEW YORK PAQUEBOT cds to USA, 1922 3 x Provisional Numerals to USA, 1921 cover with boxed TUMACO cancel, 1932 2 x 4c & 2 x 1c to Costa Rica, 1928 4c to Mexico via Panama, 1925 3c on 10c PSE with added 1c from MEDELLIN to BOGOTA and 1928 4c blue PSE used CARTAGENA to BOGOTA. All good to fine. (8 items) - Est £45

Lot 290 - 1933-1944 - REVENUES: Large lot of Revenue Proofs & Specimens inc 1933 1c green, 25c blue & 1p light brown 'Perkins Bacon' IMPERF PROOFS, 1933 various 'Timbre Nacional' and 'Timbre Nacional Servicio Exterior' SPECIMENS, 1942 3b green with 'TRABAJO' opt numbered '00000' & tiny ½c olive brown 'Impuesto Sobre Fosforos' issue both opt SPECIMEN, 1942 20c violet 'Capitolo Nacional' issue two SPECIMEN blocks of ten one dated '1942' on plain paper and the other undated on security paper and 1944 10c to 5p brown 'Arms' REVENUE issue inscribed 'Timbre Nacional Servicio Exterior' set of seven opt SPECIMEN. (43 stamps) - Est £45

Colombia - Airmail

Lot 291 - 1920 - CCNA: 10c green 'Pilot signalling Biplane' issue, a good looking unused pair with vertical crease. (SG 10, Cat £150) - Est £35

Lot 292 - 1921 - SCADTA: 20c orange brown 'Litho' issue without watermark, a fine mint complete sheet of twenty five. (SG 21, Cat £125) - Est £60

Lot 293 - 1923 - SCADTA: 10c light green with 'EU' machine opt in black for use in the USA, a mint corner marginal block of six with sweated gum. (SG 27F, Cat £27) - Est £12

Lot 294 - 1923 - SCADTA: 60c yellow brown with watermark, a fine mint complete sheet of twenty five. (SG 44, Cat £87+) - Est £40

Lot 295 - 1923 - SCADTA - CONSULAR AGENTS CACHETS: Pair of covers with 1923 to France with French 'Rue de Bassano' cachet in magenta on reverse and 1928 to USA with 'American Trading Co.' cachet in blue on reverse. Small faults but both are fine strikes. (2 items) - Est £35

Lot 296 - 1929 - SCADTA: 'Definitive' issue, the set of thirteen good to fine used. (SG 56/68, Cat £70) - Est £35

Lot 297 - 1950 - AVIANCA: 'Airmail' issue with large 'A' opt in black, the set of thirteen fine mint. (SG 1/13, Cat £85) - Est £40

Lot 298 - 1950 - LANSA: Lansa 'Wings' issue, the set of nine unused. (SG 1/9, Cat £120) - Est £60

Lot 299 - 1950 - AVIANCA: 1p slate purple & sage green AIR issue with large 'A' overprint, a COMPLETE SHEET OF 25 with sheet margins all round used on part of a parcel wrapper with BOGOTA cds's and USA registered arrival mark in purple. A small piece of margin is missing at top but otherwise a stunning and rare used multiple. (SG 10) - Est £40

Lot 300 - 1950 - LANSA: 5p turquoise & sepia AIR issue with large 'L' overprint in black. A good cds used copy. (SG 20, Cat £70) - Est £30

Lot 301 - 1950 - LANSA: 5p turquoise & sepia AIR issue with large 'L' overprint in black. A fine mint copy. (SG 20, Cat £70) - Est £35

Lot 302 - 1950 - LANSA - FIRST FLIGHT: Airmail cover franked with 1949 5c olive green national issue and Lansa 1950 30c green & 40c grey with large 'L' opt (SG 716, 14 & 15) tied by blank boxed CALI 'Lansa' cancel dated JUL 18 1950. Flown on the first LANSA overseas airmail flight. Addressed to SPAIN with boxed first flight cachet on front and boxed LANSA 'Taquilla No.1' markings on reverse with BARCELONA arrival cds. - Est £15

Lot 303 - 1951 - LANSA: AIR issue with small 'L' overprint in black. The set of eight fine mint. (SG 21/28, Cat £100) - Est £50

Lot 304 - 1951 - LANSA: 5p grey and orange yellow AIR issue with small 'L' overprint in black. A fine mint marginal copy. (SG 28, Cat £65) - Est £30

Lot 305 - 1951 - AVIANCA - OFFICIAL AIRMAIL: Printed 'Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores' airmail cover franked with 1950 30c green AIR issue with 'A' Avianca opt (SG 14) tied by BOGOTA cds with straight line 'PORT PAYE' marking in blue alongside. Addressed to USA with official cachet on reverse. - Est £10

Colombia - Private Express Companies

Lot 306 - 1889 - CORREO URBANO DE BOGOTA: ½c black on pelure paper 'Correo Urbano de Bogota' local issue, perf 13½, a fine mint block of four. - Est £30

Lot 307 - 1911 - MEDELLIN: ¼c blue 'Correos Urbano SMP Medellin' POSTMAN issue a fine used block of nine with BLANK CLICHÉ variety in centre of block. Scarce. (Hurt & Williams #17 & 17b) - Est £50

Lot 308 - 1926 - CORREO RAPIDO DE SANTANDER: 2c green 'Correo Rapido de Santander' EXPRESS issue a superb unused corner marginal block of six. (Hurt & Williams #S9) - Est £70

Lot 309 - 1926 - CORREO RAPIDO DE SANTANDER: 2c light green 'Small Numeral' type, a fine unused copy. (Hurt & Williams #S9) - Est £12

Lot 310 - 1926 - CORREO RAPIDO DE SANTANDER: 4c green 'Correo Rapido de Norte Santander' issue, a fine cds used copy. (Hurt & Williams #S10) - Est £12

Lot 311 - 1926 - CORREO RAPIDO DE SANTANDER: 2c light green 'Small Numeral' type, a fine unused block of four. (Hurt & Williams #S9) - Est £40

Lot 312 - 1926 - CORREO RAPIDO DE SANTANDER: 2c green 'Correo Rapido de Santander' EXPRESS issue a superb unused marginal block of four. (Hurt & Williams #S9) - Est £45

Lot 313 - 1927 - TOBON: 6c red EL EXPRESO TOBON 'Train' issue a fine used copy with manuscript initials and part PALMIRA boxed cancel in violet. Scarce. (Hurt & Williams #S24) - Est £90

Lot 314 - 1928 - COMPANIA DE TRANSPORTES TERRESTRES: Cover franked on reverse with 1923 4c blue plus 1927 pair 6c red 'Compania de Transportes Terrestres' rouletted EXPRESS issue (Hurt & Williams #S15b) all tied by large boxed COMPANIA DE TRANSPORTES TERRESTRES AGENCIA DE CUCUTA cancel in blue dated JUN 5 1928. Addressed to BOGOTA with two line 'Contestese por el correo de la Campania de Transportes Terrestres' cachet on front and large boxed BOGOTA arrival mark on reverse. Very scarce issue on cover. - Est £240

Lot 315 - 1928 - CALDAS LOCAL POST: 5c green CALDAS local issue showing a map of the region. This was issued by a private carrier established in 1928 to provide a mail service between the cities of the department (Only one cover and no more than ten used examples are known to exist).  A fine unused complete sheetlet of ten with stamps imperf on outer edges, no gum as issued. (Temprano #2) - Est £180

Lot 316 - 1931 - RIBON: Cover franked with 1917 1c green and 1923 4d blue national issues (SG 358 & 395) and 1930 6c red 'Ribon' EXPRESS issue (Hurt & Williams #4) tied by two strikes of CONDUCTO RIBON CORREOS BOGOTA cds in blue dated 4 APR 1931 with third strike alongside. Addressed to LA ESPERANZA, CUNDINAMARCA. Cover has a couple of creases but otherwise very scarce. - Est £240

Lot 317 - 1931 - COMPANIA DE TRANSPORTES TERRESTRES: 5c brownish red 'Compania de Transportes Terrestres' EXPRESS issue, small type showing bus & monument.  A fine unmounted mint copy. (Hurt & Williams # S21) - Est £24

Lot 318 - 1952 - TRANSOCAMPO: 5c light blue 'Trans-Ocampo' EXPRESS issue showing picture of a Bus, established to run a service from Cali to Manizales, a fine used copy with part MANIZALES 'Wing' cancel in purple dated OCT 20 1952. Scarce. - Est £30

Lot 319 - 1952 - TRANSOCAMPO: 10c pale red 'Trans-Ocampo' EXPRESS issue showing picture of a Bus, established to run a service from Cali to Manizales, a fine unused copy without gum. Scarce. - Est £30

Colombian States

Lot 320 - 1869 - ANTIOQUIA: 2½c blue used with manuscript cancel, 5c green type B and 20c brown fine unused, all have four margins. (SG 5, 7 & 9) - Est £15

Lot 321 - 1875 - ANTIOQUIA: 10c mauve 'J Berrio' issue on WOVE paper, a fine used four margin copy with REMEDIOS manuscript cancel. (SG 25) - Est £24

Lot 322 - 1892 - ANTIOQUIA: 5c red used with ASGOR manuscript cancel. Unrecorded in the literature on Antioquia manuscript cancels. (SG 94) - Est £24

Lot 323 - 1899 - ANTIOQUIA: 2c black on buff 'Typeset' postal stationery card (H&G 1) with oval control mark in purple. A fine unused example. - Est £20

Lot 324 - 1871 - BOLIVAR - BISECT: Cover endorsed SINCELAJO ABRIL 19th 1871 in manuscript on inside flap, franked with diagonally BISECTED 1863 10c rose (SG 2) tied by superb 'SINCELAJO' manuscript cancel. Addressed to CARTAGENA. Fine & rare. - Est £325

Lot 325 - 1879 - BOLIVAR: 5c blue on white wove paper dated '1879', a fine unused IMPERF corner marginal block of four. (SG 11 variety) - Est £40

Lot 326 - 1879 - BOLIVAR: 40c lilac 'Registration' issue dated '1879', an IMPERF PROOF in UNISSUED colour on white paper. Tight margins. (As SG R17) - Est £30

Lot 327 - 1891 - BOLIVAR: 5c orange used with superb fancy CARBONELL AGDO 28 1893 manuscript cancel. Some perf faults but very scarce. (SG 57) - Est £30

Lot 328 - 1902 - BOLIVAR: Small unsealed cover franked with 1891 20c blue (SG 59) diagonally BISECTED and tied by small CORREOS DEPARTMENTALES BARRANQUILLA in violet with BARRANQUILLA cds in black alongside. Addressed locally. Scarce. - Est £110

Lot 329 - 1905 - CAUCA - BOGUS: 5c red and 10c green BOGUS issue inscribed 'Provincia de Cauca' imperf, both fine unused. - Est £16

Lot 330 - 1870 - CUNDINAMARCA: 5c pale blue and 10c scarlet 'First Issue' both fine side marginal copies with large margins, mint with full O.G. (SG 1/2) - Est £30

Lot 331 - 1884 - SANTANDER: 5c vermilion 'Estados Unidos de Colombia' issue, a fine mint bottom marginal block of twenty five. An attractive multiple. (SG 2) - Est £35

Lot 332 - 1903 - SANTANDER - POSTAL FISCAL: 50c red 'Postal Fiscal' issue a used block of six each stamp with 'ANULADA CUCUTA' cancel. Small faults but scarce. (SG F20) - Est £40

Lot 333 - 1903 - SANTANDER - POSTAL FISCAL: Circa 1903. Undated cover with printed 'Breuer, Moller & Ca, San Jose de Cucuta' return address at top franked with pair 1903 50c red 'Postal Fiscal' (SG F20) tied by two strikes of two line 'ANULADA CUCUTA' cancel in purple. Addressed to OCANA. Very scarce. - Est £300

Lot 334 - 1904 - SANTANDER - LOCAL POST ISSUE: Circa 1904 undated cover franked with a pair of 1904 20c green 'Department of Santander' LOCAL POST issue with variety IMPERF BETWEEN VERTICAL PAIR tied by fine strike of oval 'REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA CORREOS DEL DEPTO DE SANTANDER BUCARAMANGA' cancel in blue. Addressed locally within Santander to PAMPLONA. An exceptionally rare cover. Fewer than 10 covers are known with this issue and a cover from the same correspondence was illustrated and annotated as the 2nd recorded cover of this issue in Copacarta Volume 7 No.4 of June 1990. - Est £650

Lot 335 - 1905 - SANTANDER - REVENUE: Circa 1905 2c grey 'Impuesto del Consumo de Tabaco' long REVENUE issue overprinted SPECIMEN & with small hole punch. Ex ABNCo. Archive. - Est £10

Lot 336 - 1884 - TOLIMA: 5c brown used with CARNICERIAS manuscript cancel. A scarce issue in used condition and a scarce cancel. Stamp is thinned. (SG 28) - Est £30

Lot 337 - 1895 - TOLIMA: 5c vermilion, perf 12 used with IQUIRA manuscript cancel. Rare. (SG 69) - Est £50

Costa Rica

Lot 338 - 1863 - 1p orange 'First Issue' a very fine used copy with SAN JOSE cds appears to be dated 1877. (SG 5) - Est £35

Lot 339 - 1883 - 4c+0c black on buff postal stationery reply card (H&G 2) overprinted 'MUESTRA' (Specimen) in large red letters. Fine unused. - Est £24

Lot 340 - 1888 - GUANACASTE REVENUES: 25c green & black, two copies with different 'GUANACASTE' opts(Type 8 & 9) and 10p blue green & black with 'GUANACASTE' opt type 8. (3 items) - Est £18

Lot 341 - 1889 - 1c sepia, 2c green, 5c deep orange and 10c brown lake 'Soto' issue all with 'SPECIMEN' opt in black. (SG 22/25) - Est £25

Lot 342 - 1889 - 10p black 'Soto' issue a fine lightly used copy. (SG 31) - Est £60

Lot 343 - 1889 - GUANACASTE: 2c blue 'Fernandez' Revenue issue with CORREOS overprint in black and 'Guanacaste' overprint type 5 in black reading down, a fine mint copy. Very scarce & underrated stamp. (SG G49, Mena #G59) - Est £90

Lot 344 - 1900 - Printed 'Administracion de Correos Certificado por despachar' stampless registered receipt with OFICINA DE CERTIFICADO SAN JOSE COSTA RICA cds in blue dated MAY 4 1900. Addressed to LIMON. An unusual item. - Est £25

Lot 345 - 1901 - 2col black & deep green 'Waterlow' COLOUR TRIAL in unissued colours, perforated & gummed. Fine. (As SG 49) - Est £16

Lot 346 - 1907 - Small range of 'Portrait' issues with 25c myrtle & lavender and 1col black & sienna perf 12 and 50c indigo & dull claret perf 11½x14 all lightly used plus 1c indigo & chestnut brown, 5c indigo & orange buff IMPERF unused and 2c black & yellow green IMPERF used. Odd small fault. (SG 63, 65, 74, 57/8 var & 60 var, Cat £50+++) - Est £25

Lot 347 - 1907 - 2c black & yellow green, 4c indigo & red on toned, 5c indigo & orange buff and 1col black & sienna 'Portrait' issue perf 11½x14. All are good mint copies. (SG 68/70 & 75, Cat £85+) - Est £40

Lot 348 - 1907 - 25c myrtle & lavender 'Portrait' issue perf 11½x14 lightly used with part SAN JOSE boxed cancel dated MAR 11 1908. (SG 73, Cat £44) - Est £25

Lot 349 - 1907 - 50c indigo blue & dull claret 'Castro' issue, perf 11½ x 14, a fine lightly used copy. (SG 74) - Est £24

Lot 350 - 1908 - TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: 2c light green on cream postal stationery card (H&G 12) used with fine strike of AMBULANTE RAMAL cds in red dated FEB 21 1908. Addressed internally to SAN JOSE with arrival cds dated the same day on front. - Est £90

Lot 351 - 1911 - 5c indigo & orange buff, perf 14, with variety '2911' for '1911' (position 35 in sheet), a fine mint copy. Scarce. (SG 90c) - Est £45

Lot 352 - 1921 - 'Independence Centenary of Central America' issue a the complete set of five fine mint TETE BECHE pairs. (SG 118a/122a) - Est £180

Lot 353 - 1921 - AIRMAIL CINDERELLA: 1 col green & orange and 1 col purple & orange yellow 'Costa Rica - Nicaragua' experimental AIRMAIL unofficial issue produced by Luis Venditti. The pair fine unused, the 1 col purple & orange has a corner fault. - Est £40

Lot 354 - 1923 - POSTAGE DUE: Mourning cover front franked with strip of three 1910 5c orange (SG 80) tied by SAN JOSE cds's dated APR 28 1923. Addressed to UK with boxed 'PORTO' marking and hexagonal 'T' tax marking with unframed '1½d F.B.' tax marking of Great Britain and added 1914 1½d chestnut GV 'Postage Due' issue tied on arrival by LONDON cds. Subsequently re-addressed to GERMANY. An unusual item. - Est £45

Lot 355 - 1931 - Registered airmail cover franked with pair 1921 15c violet, pair 1925 45c on 1col olive green and 1931 5col on 10col black on toned paper 'Airmail' SURCHARGE issue (SG 116, 162 & 189 - the first printing with brownish vermilion overprint) all tied by CORREO AEREO COSTA RICA cds's dated DEC 19 1931, the first day of issue. Addressed to ITALY with printed SAN JOSE registration label on front and transit and arrival marks on reverse. - Est £35

Lot 356 - 1934 - 1col carmine, 2col light blue, 5col black & 10col red brown AIR issue with 'OFICIAL' opt in red, all fine mint. The 5col has a slight corner fault. (SG O220/3, Cat £29) - Est £15

Lot 357 - 1940 - 'Pan American Aviation Day' issue, the AIR set of nine fine mint. (SG 266/274) - Est £150

Lot 358 - 1948 - USA 5c red postal stationery airmail envelope (H&G FB8) used with added pair 1947 10c black (SG A948) tied by ANNISTON cds. Addressed to AMMAN, TRANSJORDAN but somehow the cover ended up in Costa Rica with boxed 'MAL REMITIDO COSTA RICA' cachet on front. The cover eventually arrived in Transjordan with DAMAS, SYRIA transit and feint AMMAN arrival cds's on reverse and small hexagonal 'OPENED BY CENSOR TRANSJORDAN' censor mark on front. Very unusual. - Est £35


Lot 359 - 1829 - PRESTAMP: Complete folded letter from VILLA CLARA to HAVANA with fine strike of straight line 'VILLACLARA' marking in black. Rated '½r' in manuscript. - Est £24

Lot 360 - 1855 - 2r deep carmine on blued paper 'Isabella' issue a fine block of four with margins all round used with 'Parrilla' cancels in black. (SG 3) - Est £40

Lot 361 - 1863 - Official cover franked with four margin 1855 ½o black on pale yellow 'Official' issue of Spain (SG O54) tied by oval 'Parilla' cancel with LIMONAS cds dated 18 JUL 1866 and oval official cachet alongside. Addressed to MATANZAS with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £65

Lot 362 - 1866 - POSTMARKS: Range of Spanish period issues with an interesting array of postmarks inc straight line PUERTO PRINCIPE, boxed 'CORREOS 2A' in blue, PALMIRA cds, JOVELLANOS cds dated 1882, oval 'PAGADO', 'CERTIF' lozenge cancel, part strikes of rare oval CONDUCTOR DE CIENFUEGOS and LINEA CARDENAS No.4 travelling post office cancels and a couple of barred numeral '12' New York maritime cancels. Mixed condition with faults. (11 stamps) - Est £20

Lot 363 - 1866 - Cover franked with 1866 20c green 'Isabella' issue (SG 21) a fine four margin copy tied by 'Bars' cancel, sent from HAVANA with firms cachet on front. Addressed to MALAGA, SPAIN with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £40

Lot 364 - 1869 - 20c green 'Isabella' issue dated '1868' with 'HABILITADO POR LA NACION' handstamp in black. A good mint genuine block of four. Block has a little gum toning on reverse but otherwise a very rare multiple. (SG 34) - Est £240

Lot 365 - 1874 - REVOLUTION: 10c green 'Cuban Revolutionary Government in Exile' issue inscribed 'REP. DE CUBA'. A fine unused example. These stamps were produced by the Revolutionary Junta in the USA and printed by the Continental Banknote Co. of New York. Very scarce. - Est £75

Lot 366 - 1879 - 1p olive bistre 'Alfonso XII' issue dated 1879, a fine cds used copy. (SG 84) - Est £12

Lot 367 - 1882 - MARITIME POSTMARKS: Nice group of Spanish period issues all with barred numeral New York maritime cancels in black with numbers '2', '4', '6' & eight strikes of the numeral '12'. Condition generally good to fine. (11 stamps) - Est £20

Lot 368 - 1883 - 20c brown 'La Propaganda Literaria' SURCHARGE issue (SG type 19). A fine unused copy. Underrated & difficult value. (SG 105, Cat £250) - Est £95

Lot 369 - 1883 - 5c dull lavender, 10c olive bistre and 20c brown 'La Propaganda Literaria' SURCHARGE issue (SG type 20) the set of three fine unused. (SG 106/108, Cat £75) - Est £35

Lot 370 - 1892 - Complete folded letter with manuscript 'Via Tampa Arg-Rep' at top franked with single 1891 10c dull rose 'Babyhead' issue (SG 151) tied by HAVANA cds dated 29 OCT 1892. Addressed to ARGENTINA with USA transit and ARGENTINIAN arrival cds's on reverse. - Est £40

Lot 371 - 1898 - INSURRECTION ISSUE: 10c orange 'Revolutionary Government' INSURRECTION issue, a good used copy with part '1' duplex cancel in black. Very scarce. (Jones-Roy #195) - Est £90

Lot 372 - 1899 - US OCCUPATION: 'CUBA' opt on USA issue, the set of six good to fine mint. (SG 246/51, Cat £56+) - Est £25

Lot 373 - 1899 - US OCCUPATION: 10c on 10c indigo 'CUBA' opt on USA 'Special Delivery' issue, a fine used copy. (SG E252, Cat £110) - Est £50

Lot 374 - 1899 - SPANISH AMERICAN WAR: Cover with manuscript 'From F. D. Baird, Co. F, 202 Reg, N.Y.V., Guanajay, Cuba' in top left corner franked with USA 1898 2c rose pink (SG 284c) tied by fine strike of MIL. P. STA. No. 16. GUANAJAY, CUBA cds in purple dated FEB 6 1899 with two line 'HEADQUARTERS 202d Inf. New York' marking alongside. Addressed to USA with arrival mark on reverse. The earliest known cover from this Military station. Fine & rare. Ex Kouri. - Est £180

Lot 375 - 1904 - MAXIMO GOMEZ: Cover front with printed 'The Cuban American Sugar Company Calimete, Cuba' at top franked with 1899 2c carmine red (SG 302 stamp damaged by heavy crease) tied by CARDENAS Y YAGUARAMAS R.P.O. cds dated 17 MAY 1904. Addressed to 'The General Maximo Gomez, Habana'. A fantastic item addressed to a Cuban hero of the war of independence. - Est £45

Lot 376 - 1907 - Cover franked with pair 1905 1c green (SG 307) tied by good strike of SANTA ISABEL DE LAS LAJAS duplex cds. Addressed to USA.Cover has some light creasing. - Est £16

Lot 377 - 1910 - TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: Colour PPC 'Santiago de Cuba - Entrada a Puerto Boniato' franked on picture side with pair 1910 1c violet & green (SG 312) tied by HABANA Y SANTIAGO AMBULANTE '1' duplex cds dated JUL 8 1910 with fine second strike on reverse. Addressed to FRANCE with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £25

Lot 378 - 1910 - TELEGRAPHS: 'Portrait' issue the first printing from 1910, set of seven, the second printing in new colours from 1911, the set of six and the later 1913 re-issued set of six all with 'SPECIMEN' overprint in red and small hole punch. The different types of Specimen overprint show the difference in the printings. Odd small fault but otherwise a superb set. Ex ABNCo. archive. Illustrated photocopy of the print order accompanies. (19 specimens, Barefoot #91/103) - Est £65

Lot 379 - 1914 - 1p slate 'Map' issue top value, a fine mint copy. (SG 334, Cat £100) - Est £50

Lot 380 - 1914 - TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: Cover franked with single 1911 2c carmine rose (SG 321) tied by fine CARDENAS Y YACUARAMAS AMBULANTE duplex cds. Addressed to BOLONDRON with arrival cds on reverse. Scarce. - Est £50

Lot 381 - 1917 - 50c brown carmine and 1p black 'Portrait' issue, both fine mint copies. (SG 343/4, Cat £29) - Est £15

Lot 382 - 1917 - INSURRECTION ISSUE: 2c carmine 'Map' issue with '1917 GOB CONSTITUCIONAL CAMAGUEY' overprint of the 'La Chambelona' revolution where Liberal forces attempted to take over the government but were only successful in Camaguey for the period 11th Feb - 26th Feb 1917 before being defeated. Unused without gum and a little toned but very scarce. (A Page of information on the issue from an international exhibit accompanies). - Est £90

Lot 383 - 1926 - US NAVY: Cover franked with USA 1926 2c carmine (SG 644) tied by fine strike of U.S.S. WHITNEY GUACANAYABO BAY, CUBA 'Ship' cancel in black. Addressed to USA. - Est £25

Lot 384 - 1931 - FIRST FLIGHT: Cover franked with single 1931 10c blue AIR issue (SG 378) tied by HABANA machine cancel dated MAR 1 1931. Flown on the Camaguey - Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas), US Virgin Islands first flight with CAMAGUEY cds dated 2 MAR 1931 on reverse and large 'REPUBLICA DE CUBA ADMON. CORREOS CAMAGUEY SERVICIO AEREO INTERNATIONAL PRIMER VUELO' boxed first flight cachet in purple on front. Addressed to ST. THOMAS, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS with arrival cds on reverse. Scarce. (Muller #66) - Est £60

Lot 385 - 1932 - Cover franked with 1925 2c rose carmine, imperf and 1928 1c green (SG 346a & 354) tied by fine PUEBLO NUEVO - MATANZAS S.E.E. cds. Addressed to GUATEMALA with transit and arrival marks on reverse. - Est £30

Lot 386 - 1932 - EARTHQUAKE: Real photographic PPC '38. - San Pedro y San Basilico' showing the ruins of the building after the earthquake of 3rd February 1932 which damaged 80% of the buildings in Santiago de Cuba and resulted in over 1500 fatalities. Unaddressed but with 1925 1c green (SG 345) tied on picture side by SANTIAGO DE CUBA cds dated MAY 28 1932. A scarce card recording this devastating earthquake. - Est £45

Lot 387 - 1935 - UNISSUED: 'Columbus Anniversary' set of nine including four triangular values PREPARED FOR USE BUT UNISSUED. The complete set fine unmounted mint. This issue was printed by the Columbian Society in Spain but were never delivered to Cuba due to the outbreak of the Spanish civil war. Very scarce. - Est £75

Lot 388 - 1937 - 10c on 25c deep purple 'Railway Centenary' OPT issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 425) - Est £10

Lot 389 - 1937 - Registered cover with typed 'FIRST DAY COVER' on front franked with 1937 5c scarlet 'Panama' and 5c scarlet 'Paraguay' and 8c yellow olive 'USA' WRITERS & ARTISTS issue (SG 424k, 424p & 424q) tied by MIRANDA cds's dated 13 OCT 1937 with boxed REG marking. Sent airmail to USA with transit & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £35

Lot 390 - 1939 - 10c emerald green ROCKET POST issue with 'Experimento del Cohete Postal Ano de 1939' overprint.  A fine mint copy. (SG 433, Cat £40) - Est £20

Lot 391 - 1956 - PROOF: 8c yellow 'Wood Duck' BIRD issue, a fine top marginal IMPERF COLOUR TRIAL in unissued colour. Scarce. (As SG 772) - Est £35

Lot 392 - 1956 - 24c rose magenta 'American White Pelicans' and 50c grey black 'Great Blue Herons' BIRDS issue, both in fine unmounted mint blocks of four. (SG 776 & 779, Cat £22+) - Est £10

Lot 393 - 1956 - 5p scarlet 'Ivory Billed Woodpeckers' BIRDS issue top value, a fine unmounted mint copy. (SG 782, Cat £35) - Est £16

Lot 394 - 1961 - UNISSUED: 1c 'Fidel Castro' Cuban Democratic & Socialist Party issue commemorating the 'Bay of Pigs' invasion. Prepared for use but unissued by order of Fidel Castro due to his reluctance to have his image on a stamp. A fine mint copy. Uncommon. - Est £16

Lot 395 - 1962 - 2c 'Tractor' postal stationery viewcard (Similar to H&G 44) with design of 'Soldier with Lantern' inscribed 'Brigadas Alfabetizadoras Conrado Benitez' . A fine unused example. - Est £15

Lot 396 - 1991 - BIRDS 'Express Mail Service' issue, inscribed 'EMS', the set of seven used on three FDCs with illustrated 'Bird' cds cancels. A scare issue in used condition. (SG E3638/44) - Est £25

Danish West Indies

Lot 397 - 1855 - 3c deep brownish crimson 'First Issue', St Croix printing with deep brown gum. A fine mint four margin copy with full O.G. (SG 3, Cat £300) - Est £95

Lot 398 - 1873 - 10c bistre brown and grey blue, a fine cds used copy. (SG 24, Cat £60) - Est £20

Lot 399 - 1873 - 50c reddish lilac, a fine mint copy with full O.G. A very fine & scarce stamp. (SG 29, Cat £250) - Est £75

Lot 400 - 1873 - BRITISH POST OFFICES: 1/- green  QV issue of Great Britain (Plate 12) used with good strike of barred numeral 'C51' of the British P.O. at St. Thomas. (SG Z30) - Est £40

Lot 401 - 1887 - 'I CENT' on 7c orange yellow and reddish purple 'Numeral' issue with frame inverted, a very fine mint copy. (SG 37b) - Est £80

Lot 402 - 1895 - 3c dull brown red & turquoise blue 'Numeral' issue used with good strike of ST. JAN cds dated 10 8 1895. A rare cancellation. (SG 15) - Est £150

Lot 403 - 1896 - 2c ultramarine postal stationery envelope (H&G B7b) used with added 2 x 1873 4c pale blue & pale yellow brown (SG 18) tied by ST. THOMAS cds's dated 8 / 12 1896. Addressed to COPENHAGEN, DENMARK with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £120

Lot 404 - 1902 - 2c on 3c carmine & deep blue 'Numeral' issue with frame inverted, a fine mint block of four with bottom right stamp showing variety '2 OF 1902 WITH STRAIGHT FOOT. (SG 43 & 43b) - Est £35

Lot 405 - 1905 - 1f blue & green 'Charlotte Amalie Harbour' issue, a superb mint corner marginal block of four. (SG 57) - Est £65

Lot 406 - 1915 - 'King Christian X' issue, the set of eight in fine mint blocks of four. (SG 68/75) - Est £95

Lot 407 - 1916 - 10b red postal stationery card (H&G 32) used with good strike of KINGSHILL cds in black dated 28 MAR 1916. Addressed to GERMANY with CHRISTIANSTED transit cds on front. Fine & scarce origination. - Est £180

Lot 408 - 1924 - US NAVY: Colour PPC 'Coaling Girls, St. Thomas, V.I., U.S.A.' franked on message side with USA 1918 1c grey green (SG 530) tied by fine strike of 'U.S.S. SAVANNAH' U.S. Naval cds dated FEB 21 1924. Addressed to USA. Message mentions arriving in St Thomas. - Est £40


Lot 409 - 1882 - ½d on vertically BISECTED 1d lilac QV 'Surcharge' issue with large ½ in red, a fine unused copy with part O.G. (SG 11, Cat £45) - Est £15

Lot 410 - 1883 - ½d olive yellow QV issue used with a fair strike of the Crowned 'PAID AT DOMINICA' cancel in blackish brown. (SG 13) - Est £10

Lot 411 - 1890 - 1½d brown on buff QV postal stationery card (H&G 4) used with barred numeral 'A07' with DOMINICA cds alongside. Addressed to UK with full commercial message on reverse. - Est £16

Lot 412 - 1917 - Long registered 'On His Majesty's Service' cover franked with marginal pair 1908 2½d blue (SG 50) tied by DOMINICA G.P.O. cds dated JAN 24 1917 with printed blue on white REG label alongside. Addressed to FRANCE with transit & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £20

Lot 413 - 1917 - Registered cover franked with 1908 strip of three ½d blue green and 2d grey (SG 47 & 49) tied by PORTSMOUTH cds's dated AUG 14 1917 with 'R' in oval and straight line 'REGISTERED' markings alongside. Addressed to USA with transit & arrival marks on reverse. A little light toning at right but attractive. - Est £25

Lot 414 - 1923 - ½d black & green (M&U) 1d black & bright violet (M&U), 1d black & scarlet (M&U), 1½d black & red brown, 2d black & grey (M&U), 2½d black & ultramarine mint, 3d black & red on yellow used, 6d black & bright magenta and 3/- black & purple on yellow mint GV issue wmk 'Multi Script CA'. (SG 71/3, 75/6, 78, 80, 82 & 86, Cat £68+) - Est £22

Lot 415 - 1931 - MARITIME: Cover with printed 'A.A.Baron Bell Hall & Baron Garden Estates, Dominica, B.W.I.' return address on front franked with 1923 1½d black & scarlet GV issue (SG 73) tied by NEW YORK PAQUEBOT duplex cds dated APR 4 1931 with circular BERMUDA & WEST INDIES S.S. CO. LTD POSTED AT SEA S.S. DOMINICA marking in blue. Addressed to USA. - Est £25

Lot 416 - 1938 - GVI 'Definitive' issue, the set of fifteen fine mint. (SG 99/109a, Cat £90) - Est £30

Lot 417 - 1951 - $2.40 orange & black GVI issue, the top value fine mint. (SG 134, Cat £30) - Est £10

Lot 418 - 1954 - 5c light blue & sepia brown and 10c green & brown QE2 issue both mint with heavy hinge. (SG 147 & 150, Cat £26+) - Est £10

Lot 419 - 1954 - 14c - $2.40 QE2 issue inc both types 48c all fine mint. (SG 152/8, Cat £68+) - Est £22

Lot 420 - 1963 - QE2 'Definitive' issue, the set of seventeen fine mint. (SG 162/78, Cat £60) - Est £20

Lot 421 - 1903-1938 - POSTMARKS: Useful range with PORTSMOUTH (6), COLIHAUT, ST. JOSEPH, MARIGOT (6) and a straight line PAQUEBOT. (15) - Est £30

Dominican Republic

Lot 422 - 1866 - 'UN real' black on lilac wove paper, a superb lightly used copy with part strike of large circular 'Arms' cancel in purple, four good to large margins. No faults. Exceptional quality. (SG 21) - Est £35

Lot 423 - 1870 - 'Medio real' black on yellow wove paper, a very fine lightly used copy with light cds cancel, four margins. No faults. Excellent quality. (SG 19) - Est £30

Lot 424 - 1870 - 'Medio real' black on yellow wove paper, a very fine top marginal copy mint with full O.G. The stamp has a slight natural paper thin at base but otherwise excellent quality. (SG 19) - Est £30

Lot 425 - 1880 - 1c green 'Arms' issue without network. A mint copy with part gum showing 'BROKEN T IN CENTAVO' variety. (SG 26a) - Est £15

Lot 426 - 1883 - 5c on 1c green without network, a fine used copy with variety BROKEN 'T' IN CENTAVO. (SG 44a) - Est £24

Lot 427 - 1883 - Range of mostly used 'Surcharges' with tall thin figures inc 5c on 1c green wide spacing, 5c on 1c green close spacing (2), 25c on 5c blue (2) and 50c on 10c pink without network and 5c on 1c green wide spacing (2 one unused), 5c on 1c green close spacing, 10c on 2c red (2), 25c on 5c blue and 50c on 10c pink with network. Mixed condition with some small faults. (SG 65/6, 68/9, 71/5, Cat £110+) - Est £50

Lot 428 - 1895 - 5c blue 'Arms' issue a fine used pair on piece cancelled by complete strike of straight line 'RHENANIA' ship marking of the Hamburg America Line, both stamps also have manuscript 'X' cancels and dated '13/6, 95'. Very scarce. (SG 79) - Est £50

Lot 429 - 1895 - 3c blue on grey white postal stationery card (H&G 10) used with SANCHEZ cds in purple dated 4 MAR 1895. Addressed to GERMANY. Card has a few light tones. - Est £30

Lot 430 - 1902 - 1c to 20c '400th Anniversary of Santo Domingo' issue all IMPERF, fine mint with gum. (SG 125/130 variety) - Est £20

Lot 431 - 1905 - ½c to 50c 'Arms' issue all fine used. (SG 149/155, Cat £47+) - Est £25

Lot 432 - 1911 - 'Arms' issue, the set of eight good to fine mint, the 2c is unused. (SG 183/190, Cat £21) - Est £12

Lot 433 - 1913 - 5c red blue & black '100th Anniversary of birth of Juan Pablo Duarte' pictorial postal stationery card (H&G 15). A fine unused example. - Est £30

Lot 434 - 1914 - Cover franked with 1911 pair ½d black & orange and 2 x 2c black & rose red ARMS issue (SG 183 & 185) tied by SANTO DOMINGO cds's to USA and 1923 REG cover franked with 2 x 1920 5c black & carmine ARMS issue with '1920' opt (SG 228#0 tied by SANCHEZ cds's with REG handstamp alongside. Addressed to FRANCE. (2 items) - Est £25

Lot 435 - 1915 - 'Arms' issue with '1915' opt in red, the set of nine good to fine used. (SG 209/17) - Est £12

Lot 436 - 1915 - 1p black & orange 'Arms' issue with '1915' overprint, a fine mint copy. (SG 217) - Est £24

Lot 437 - 1915 - Cover franked with single 1915 5c black & blue with 'Habilitado 1915' opt (SG 206) tied by PUERTO PLATA cds dated MAR 13 1915. Addressed to FRANCE with arrival cds's on reverse. - Est £20

Lot 438 - 1928 - First 'Airmail' issue, the 1928 10c ultramarine, the 1930 set of four and the 1930 colour change set of four all good to fine used. (SG 256, 271/4 & 280/3, Cat £20) - Est £12

Lot 439 - 1930 - HURRICANE RELIEF: 10c + 10c black & carmine with 'Correo Aereo' HURRICANE RELIEF surcharge in GOLD, perforated, a fine mint copy. Rare. Only 200 were printed. Expertised 'Elliot N.Y.' on reverse. (SG 291Ab, Sanabria #17) - Est £75

Lot 440 - 1931 - 'Airmail' issue the set of nine fine mint. (SG 300/308) - Est £35

Lot 441 - 1931 - FIRST FLIGHT: Airmail cover franked with 1930 10c light blue AIR issue & 1931 3c purple (SG 280 & 296) tied by SANTIAGO roller cancel. Flown on the SAN PEDRO DE MACORIS - MEXICO First Flight with large three line 'CORREO AEREO DIC 10 1931 San P. De Macoris' cachet in purple with '10' of date added in manuscript. Mexican arrival cds's on reverse. Unlisted in Muller. - Est £90

Lot 442 - 1936 - Cover franked with 1935 3c brown & yellow plus 1935 25c orange obligatory TAX issue for use on all mail addressed to the President of the Republic (SG 352 & 346). Both tied by SAN JUAN cds's. Addressed to 'Don Rafael Leonidas Trujillo M. Honorable Presidente de la Republica, Ciudad Trujillo' with arrival cds on reverse. Scarce issue on cover. - Est £70

Lot 443 - 1937 - 'First National Olympic Games' issue the set of three fine mint. (SG 380/2, Cat £47) - Est £20

Lot 444 - 1937 - 'Pan-American Goodwill Flight' COLUMBUS issue, the set of eight fine lightly used. (SG 385/92, Cat £19) - Est £12

Lot 445 - 1940 - '50th Anniversary of Pan-American Union' issue, the set of five fine mint. (SG 429/33) - Est £12

Lot 446 - 1949 - 4c red postal stationery viewcard (H&G 20) eight different views from the set of fifteen fine unused. (8 items) - Est £40

Lot 447 - 1957 - SCOUTS: '50th Anniversary of Boy Scout Movement and Birth Centenary of Lord Baden Powell' OPT on Olympic Games issue, the pair on miniature sheets with central Flag and Gold medal labels, one perforated the other imperf, both fine mint. Very Scarce. (SG MS707/8, Cat £180+) - Est £60

Lot 448 - 1962 - EXPRESS MAIL: Airmail cover franked with 1957 pair 7c brown red, 1961 1c blue green and 1956 25c bluish green 'Entrega Especial' EXPRESS issue (SG 693, 836 & E663) tied by ENTREGA ESPECIAL SANTO DOMINGO cds's in purple with straight line 'ENTREGA ESPECIAL' marking alongside with manuscript '8128' number. Addressed to CANADA. Very scarce issue genuinely used on cover. - Est £50

Lot 449 - 1963 - 6c red & yellow green 'Centenary of the Red Cross' issue, a fine mint IMPERF BETWEEN PAIR. (SG 905 var) - Est £20

Lot 450 - 1881-1890 - Small range of unused postal stationery from early Arms issues inc cards, envelopes and wrappers inc odd CTO and a couple addressed but unused. Some duplication. (21 items) - Est £25

Lot 451 - 1920-1956 - Range of 'Special Delivery' EXPRESS issues with 1920 10c blue mint & used, 1927 10c red brown used, 1941 10c emerald green and 10c dark blue green mint, 1945 10cblue, red & rose carmine mint & used, 1950 10c grey blue, red, pale green & deep green used and 1956 25c bluish green mint plus the 1935 25c orange Presidential 'Obligatory Tax' issue mint & used. (SG E232, E250, E459, E459a, E539, E594, E663 & SG 346, Cat £23+) - Est £15


Lot 452 - 1850 - Circa 1850 cover from IBARRA to QUITO with two fine strikes of two line IBARRA FRANCA marking in red, rated '¼r' in manuscript. - Est £40

Lot 453 - 1865 - ½r dull violet blue on white wove paper, coarse impression, a superb cds used copy with four margins. (SG 1b) - Est £20

Lot 454 - 1865 - ½r dull ultramarine on white wove paper, intermediate impression, a fine unused copy with four margins. (SG 1c) - Est £20

Lot 455 - 1872 - 1r orange 'Perforated' issue a fine mint copy. (SG 11) - Est £24

Lot 456 - 1886 - 2c lake 'OFICIAL' overprint issue with overprint in red. A fine mint copy. (SG O21b, Cat £28) - Est £20

Lot 457 - 1896 - 'Liberal Party' issue, the set of seven fine cds used. No faults. (SG 118/24) - Est £15

Lot 458 - 1897 - 10c brown on greyish postal stationery envelope (H&G 15) used with two strikes of undated circular ADMON DE CORREOS IBARRA cancels in black. Addressed to CHILE with two strikes of boxed 'TRANSITO' marking at top left and CHILE arrival marks on reverse. Cover is repaired at top. - Est £35

Lot 459 - 1900 - 'Waterlow' TELEGRAPH issue, the set of three fine mint.  (Barefoot #26/7) - Est £10

Lot 460 - 1902 - FIREMARKS: Small range with 5c black & lilac and 20c black & grey with Guayas 'Signature' mark, 1c black & red and 2c black & green with 'Chimb0rAz0 Riobamba' marks, 5c black & lilac & 10c black & indigo with Bolivar 'RESELLADA' mark in various colours and 3 x 10c black & indigo and 50c black & pale blue with 'DE' Tungurahua firemarks of various types, mixed mint & used. (11) - Est £75

Lot 461 - 1904 - 50c black & yellow 'Birth Centenary of Captain Calderon' issue, the top value with 'SPECIMEN' opt in black and small hole punch. Ex ABNCo. archive. (SG 315, Cat £85 as mint) - Est £40

Lot 462 - 1907 - SCHOOL MARKS: 25c purple 'Postal Fiscal' issue, a mint pair with 'Diamond' SCHOOL MARK in black of Guayas across the base of the two stamps. - Est £24

Lot 463 - 1907 - REVENUES: 10 sucres (Un Condor) ultramarine 'Consular Revenue' issue WATERLOW COLOUR TRIAL in unissued colour, perforated on ungummed paper with hole punch & 'Waterlow & Sons Ltd SPECIMEN' overprint in black. - Est £25

Lot 464 - 1908 - 'Opening of Guayaquil to Quito Railway' issue, the set of seven fine cds used. (SG 331/7, cat £25) - Est £16

Lot 465 - 1920 - 1c on 2c green 'Revenue' issue with variety 'CASA DE CORREOS UN CENTAVO' OPT DOUBLE. Fine mint. (SG 379 var, Bertossa #S.7.3) - Est £15

Lot 466 - 1921 - REVENUE: 10c violet blue 'Ferrocarril de Puerto Bolivar' Railroad TAX stamp with train illustration, a fine copy with red 'SPECIMEN' opt and small hole punch and a copy used with GUARANDA postal cds. (Olamo #2) - Est £12

Lot 467 - 1924 - 1c yellow 'Region Oriental' REVENUE issue with CASA - CORREOS overprint a fine mint copy with variety OVERPRINT DOUBLE reading down. (SG 411a) - Est £30

Lot 468 - 1929 - SCADTA: 1½s on 30c dull blue 'Airmail' issue, a fine cds used copy. (SG 4, Cat £55) - Est £30

Lot 469 - 1929 - 'AIR' definitive issue, the set of eight fine mint. (SG 458/65, Cat £95) - Est £60

Lot 470 - 1929 - Unaddressed cover franked with set of ten 1930 Semi Official 'Airplane' overprint on 'OFICIAL' issue of 1920, the 10c blue with variety 'OFICIAL' OVERPRINT DOUBLE (Sanabria #550/559a, Bertossa XXVII.K/XXVIIs.1) tied by QUITO cds's with boxed 'ECUADOR 1ER VUELO 1929 QUITO - IBARRA' illustrated 'Airplane' cachet. - Est £110

Lot 471 - 1929 - FIRST FLIGHT: Cover franked with 1925 pair 5c grey brown (SG 415a) all tied by large three line 'ECUADORIAN AIRWAYS FIRST FLIGHT GUAYAQUIL - NEW YORK PAN AMERICAN GRACE AIRWAYS LTD cachet in purple with boxed 'P.A.G.A.C. SERVICIO AEREO ECUADOR' marking in violet alongside. Flown on the May 18 GUAYAQUIL - CRISTOBAL, CANAL ZONE first flight, addressed to CANAL ZONE with arrival cds dated MAY 20 1929 on reverse. (Muller #22) - Est £35

Lot 472 - 1930 - 'Mendez Bogota - Quito Junio 4 de 1930' AIRMAIL overprint issue the set of three fine mint. (SG 470/472) - Est £50

Lot 473 - 1930 - 10s black AIR issue with 'OFICIAL' opt in black, a fine cds used copy. (SG O477) - Est £10

Lot 474 - 1930 - ESSAY: 10c green 'Condor over Mountains' AIRMAIL essay stamp inscribed 'SERVICIO AEREO' printed by 'Talleres del Servicio Geografico Militar' (The Military Geographic Dept). Perforated and gummed. Small faults but very scarce. (Sanabria #EA) - Est £35

Lot 475 - 1935 - 10c brown 'Telegraph' issue with 'POSTAL' opt in red with variety 'POSTAI'. (SG 517 var) - Est £12

Lot 476 - 1936 - UNISSUED: 5c blue & red '444th Anniversary of Columbus's Discovery of America' TRIANGULAR issue, prepared for use but UNISSUED. A fine mint IMPERF BETWEEN PAIR. (See Bertossa Page 34) - Est £12

Lot 477 - 1939 - Unissued 'Columbus' commemoration issue with '1939' opts, the set of ten fine mint. - Est £10

Lot 478 - 1939 - UNISSUED: 5s deep green & red '447th Anniversary of Columbus's Discovery of America' TRIANGULAR issue with '1939' overprint, prepared for use but UNISSUED. A fine mint IMPERF BETWEEN PAIR. (Bertossa #XLVII variety) - Est £12

Lot 479 - 1941 - Airmail cover franked with 1938 10c brown, 1940 5c carmine & 5c red brown TAX issues and 1938 65c on 3c ultramarine SEDTA issue (SG 572, 634/635 & 582a) all tied by multiple strikes of AGENCIA LOJA SEDTA 'Winged Wheel' cancels in purple. Addressed internally to QUITO with arrival cds on reverse. Very scarce. - Est £60

Lot 480 - 1942 - MINING: Airmail cover with typed 'W. H. Goodell, Scarloch Mines Inc, Napo, Oriente, Ecuador, S.A.' at top franked on reverse with 1942 10c violet and block of twelve & single 1942 30c red brown (SG 652 & 654) tied by multiple strikes of TENA '238' cds dated OCT 12 1942 (unrecorded in the 1989 Santander article). Addressed to USA and censored in transit. - Est £25

Lot 481 - 1944 - 'President of Ecuador's Visit to Washington' issue in new colours, the set of eleven fine mint. (SG 698/708) - Est £10

Lot 482 - 1947 - SEMI OFFICIAL AIRMAILS: Two printed 'Presidencia de la Republica' official airmail covers each franked with the 1947 30c blue, 30c brown and 30c purple OFFICIAL issue with 'Primera La Patria!' AIRMAIL overprint, set of three (Sanabria #206/8) one set with the variety '!' OMITTED tied by QUITO cds's dated AUG 30 1947. One cover unaddressed, the other sent to GUAYAQUIL. (2) - Est £75

Lot 483 - 1947 - Large cover franked with single 1942 30c green (SG 654c) tied by light GUAYAQUIL cds with fine strike of boxed 'Concurra ud. Al Proximo Sudamericano de Futbol que se Realizara en la Ciudad de Guayaquil en Diciembre de Pte. Ano' cachet in black publicising the 1947 20th Copa America to be held in Guayaquil, Ecuador in December 1947. Addressed to USA. A rare cachet. - Est £40

Lot 484 - 1947 - SEMI OFFICIAL AIRMAILS: 30c blue, 30c brown and 30c purple 'Primera La Patria!' AIRMAIL overprint issue the set of three in fine unused blocks of four. Some rought perfs as is usual with this issue. (Sanabria #206/8) - Est £25

Lot 485 - 1949 - UNISSUED: Unaddressed airmail envelope with 'First Day of Issue' handstamp franked with 1949 60c black & carmine UNISSUED 'Roosevelt' stamp, imperf with 'PRESIDENCIA DE LA REPUBLICA' inscription in blue tied by QUITO cds dated SEP 2 1949. - Est £25

Lot 486 - 1954 - UNISSUED: Airmail cover franked with 1948 50c carmine & green and 1935 40c brown red & red UNISSUED 'Columbus' commemoration issue with 'MUESTRA' opt in black (Bertossa #377) both tied by GUAYAQUIL cds. Addressed to USA. Unusual. - Est £15

Lot 487 - 1958 - 'Birds' issue the first & second series sets of four fine mint. (SG 1100/3 & 1120/3) - Est £10

Lot 488 - 1970 - Circa 1970. Set of four illustrated post office airletters with multiple images on back and inside inc one headed 'Archipielago de Galapagos'. Attractive. (4) - Est £12

Lot 489 - 1972 - Registered airmail cover franked with a variety of issues sent from MARCHALA with manuscript return address on front and stamps cancelled with undated CERTIFICADA PROV. EL ORO cancels. Addressed to RABAUL - NEW BRITAIN, PAPUA NEW GUINEA with arrival cds on reverse. A very unusual destination. - Est £12

Lot 490 - 1974 - GALAPAGOS ISLANDS: Pair of Galapagos PPCs showing images of the islands both with various Galapagos cachets & postmarks inc Barrel Mail and Tortoise types franked with 1970's issues tied in transit in QUITO, both addressed to AUSTRALIA. (2 items) - Est £15

Falkland Islands

Lot 491 - 1885 - 4d grey black QV issue, wmk 'Crown CA' sideways. A fine used copy with good strike of the 'F.I. cork cancel in black. (SG 10) - Est £45

Lot 492 - 1891 - 2½d ultramarine QV issue, a good mint copy. (SG 30, Cat £50) - Est £16

Lot 493 - 1899 - 1d carmine on ivory LAID paper QV issue postal stationery envelope (H&G B1) fine unused. - Est £24

Lot 494 - 1904 - 3/- green EVII issue, a superb mint side marginal copy. (SG 49) - Est £95

Lot 495 - 1912 - 2d deep reddish purple GV issue, line perf 14, a fine mint copy. (SG 62a, Cat £425) - Est £140

Lot 496 - 1912 - 5/- maroon GV issue, watermark 'Multi Crown CA', a fine unmounted mint copy. (SG 67b) - Est £75

Lot 497 - 1918 - ½d yellow green GV issue with 'WAR STAMP' overprint, a fine mint side marginal block of six. (SG 70a) - Est £95

Lot 498 - 1921 - 2½d deep blue & 1/- deep ochre GV issue, both fine mint. (SG 76 & 79, Cat £48) - Est £16

Lot 499 - 1938 - 5/- indigo and pale yellow brown GVI issue, a superb used block of four on piece with central strike of PORT STANLEY cds dated 24 SEP 1947. (SG 161b) - Est £240

Lot 500 - 1952 - 5/- purple GVI issue, a very fine cds used copy. (SG 183) - Est £10

Lot 501 - 1958 - DEPENDENCIES: Cover franked with 1954 2½d black & yellow ochre QE2 issue (SG G30) tied by fine strike of HOPE BAY GRAHAMLAND cds dated 20 DEC 1958 with second strike alongside. Addressed to ITALY with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £18

Lot 502 - 1963 - VIA URUGUAY MAIL: Registered airmail cover with typed 'John Leonard, Box 126, Stanley, Falkland Islands, South Atlantic. (Via Montevideo, Uruguay)' on reverse franked with Uruguay 1962 pair 1.20p 'Bird' issue, 1963 20c 'Larranaga' issue and pair 20c 'Voyage of Alferez Campora' issue (SG 1213, 1220 & 1230) all tied by SUCURSAL PLUNA cds's dated SEP 1963 with printed 'MONTEVIDEO SUC. PLUNA' registration label. Addressed to USA with arrival marks on reverse. An unusual item of mail sent via Uruguay during the period of tension between Great Britain and Argentina in the 1960's where the Argentinian authorities made it difficult for the Islanders to send mail via Argentina. - Est £60

Lot 503 - 1964 - 2½d black & red 'HMS Glasgow' SHIP issue, a fine unmounted mint block of six. (SG 215) - Est £24

Lot 504 - 1970 - Circa 1970 bright pink parcel label with printed 'From Pebble Is. To Postmaster Port Stanley' plus another black on white parcel label for 6kg of mail with printed 'From Stanley for South Georgia' with destination written in manuscript. Interesting pair. - Est £12

Lot 505 - 1982 - FALKLANDS WAR: Stampless airmail cover with manuscript 'British Forces South Atlantic' at top with FIELD POST OFFICE 777 cds dated 21 NO 1982 of the forwarding station on the island of Ascension used for forwarding mail to and from the ships and military involved in the Falklands War. Addressed to UK. - Est £90


Lot 506 - 1827 - PRESTAMP: Complete folded letter from GUATEMALA CITY to OMOA, HONDURAS with fine strike of straight line GUATEMALA marking in black. Scarcer commercial use going outside of Guatemala. - Est £50

Lot 507 - 1868 - REVENUES: Nice group of 'First' QUETZAL revenues with ½r red strip of three mint and used single, 2r orange three singles and strip of three all mint or unused and 4r blue mint. (11) - Est £25

Lot 508 - 1871 - 1c buff a fine mint block of four with full gum. (SG 1) - Est £24

Lot 509 - 1873 - 4r mauve 'Litho' issue, a good looking unused copy. Thinned on reverse but very presentable. (SG 5, Cat £475) - Est £150

Lot 510 - 1881 - 'Provisional' SURCHARGE issue the set of four fine mint or unused, Good condition for this issue and a scarce set. (SG 17/20, Cat £128) - Est £75

Lot 511 - 1881 - 1c on ¼r green & brown 'Quetzal' SURCHARGE issue a fine unused copy. (SG 17) - Est £10

Lot 512 - 1881 - 5c on ½r yellow green 'Decimal Currency' surcharge issue a fine mint block of six. Rare multiple. (SG 18) - Est £90

Lot 513 - 1881 - 'Quetzal' issue set of five fine mint O.G. (SG 21/25, Cat £23) - Est £12

Lot 514 - 1886 - 'Railway Bond' issue, the set of five fine lightly used plus the 100c with large 'Guatemala'. (SG 26/30 & 29d, Cat £18+) - Est £12

Lot 515 - 1886 - Group of 'Quetzal' issues all with good to fine strikes of the LARGE NUMERAL cancels with '1' of GUATEMALA CITY in black, '3' of GUATEMALA CITY in black this cancel was reassigned from CHIMALTENANGO to in 1886 and '4' in black and purple of ANTIGUA. (4 stamps, SG 44, 46, 47) - Est £25

Lot 516 - 1886 - REVENUE: 1p vermilion 'Railway Bond' REVENUE issue (without opt), a fine used copy with part 'PAGADO' marking in purple. A difficult revenue to find. - Est £15

Lot 517 - 1886 - REVENUE: 1p vermilion 'Railway Bond' REVENUE issue (without opt), a fine mint copy. A very scarce revenue in mint condition. - Est £20

Lot 518 - 1886 - RAILWAY BOND ISSUE: Superb mounted and written up collection of the 1886 'Railway Bond' SURCHARGE issue mint, used & unused with many blocks (most are unused without gum) and multiples and many major and minor varieties and plate flaws inc 'CENTOVOS', 'CENTANOS', the scarce 'RAISED CO in CORREOS', 'CARREOS', '110 & a00', 'GUETEMALA', 'INVERTED G IN GUATEMALA' & 'INVERTED ORNAMENT' etc. (159 stamps) - Est £150

Lot 519 - 1890 - CINDERELLA: Green 'Routing Label' inscribed 'VIA PUERTO BARRIOS' and 'NEW ORLEANS' with central circular design, perforated & gummed. Uncommon. - Est £18

Lot 520 - 1893 - Cover franked with pair 1886 5c deep violet 'Quetzal' issue (SG 46) tied by single manuscript pen stroke with fine CORREOS SANTO TOMAS cds alongside in black. Addressed to USA with arrival cds on reverse. Some light tone spots but a scarce origination. - Est £95

Lot 521 - 1896 - Cover franked with 1886 5c deep violet and 25c orange 'Quetzal' issue (SG 46 & 50) tied by 'dumb' CORK cancels with octagonal GUATEMALA cds dated FEB 29 1896 alongside. Addressed to UK with arrival cds on reverse. The 25c is uncommon on cover. - Est £60

Lot 522 - 1896 - 12c + 12c on 3c + 3c rose postal stationery reply card perforated to be used as a lettercard with 'PROVISIONAL TARJETAS CARTAS EXPRESAS SERVICIO LOCAL' overprint. A fine unused example. (H&G A1) - Est £10

Lot 523 - 1897 - 75c black on grey 'Exposition' issue, a fine lightly used copy. (SG 71) - Est £45

Lot 524 - 1898 - REVENUE SURCHARGE ISSUE: Super collection/accumulation of the 1898 'CORREOS NACIONALES' overprint on the 1c blue 'Revenue' issue with many different perfs, mint & used with a few multiples and numerous inverted and double OPTS. An amazing lot for continued study. (SG 88/9 and all varieties. Approximately 250 stamps) - Est £200

Lot 525 - 1898 - 2c on 1c blue 'Revenue' issue, two copies perf 12 and perf 14x12 both with variety OPT INVERTED fine mint. (SG 89a & 89ca, Cat £61) - Est £25

Lot 526 - 1899 - Cover franked with pair 1886 6c mauve 'Quetzal' issue (SG 47) tied by two fair strikes of CORREOS SN JOSE 'Star' duplex cds. Addressed to GERMANY. Backflap missing. - Est £45

Lot 527 - 1900 - 1c deep green 'Quetzal' issue, a fine mint block of twenty. An attractive multiple. (SG 101) - Est £24

Lot 528 - 1900 - 'Quetzal' issue, the set of nine good to fine mint. Odd small fault but a good looking set. (SG 101/9) - Est £35

Lot 529 - 1902 - Super mounted collection of covers all showing uses of the 1902 'Waterlow' definitive issue inc single frankings, REG, multiple frankings inc a block of 12½c on cover and a scarce 60c postcard rate plus a few better postmarks & originations. (14 covers) - Est £95

Lot 530 - 1902 - TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: 6c on 5c blue postal stationery envelope (H&G B14) used with AMB. POSTAL F.C.C. GUATA A ESCUINTLA No.2 cds in purple dated FEB 11 1902. Addressed to GUATEMALA CITY with arrival marks on reverse. - Est £40

Lot 531 - 1903 - MARITIME: Incoming USA 1c green postal stationery envelope (H&G B328) used with SAN VRANCISCO cds dated NOV 27 1903. Addressed to GUATEMALA CITY with large 'Per Str. City of Sydney' ship marking in purple at top. - Est £20

Lot 532 - 1905 - RAILWAY THEMATIC: 1905 cover with 1902 50c tied from GUATEMALA CITY to USA with large circular 'FERRO-CARRIL CENTRAL DE GUATEMALA' illustrated 'Train' handstamp on reverse and 1908 cover franked 1902 50c tied from QUEZALTENANGO to FRANCE with good strike of SOUVENIR DEL CORREO FERROCARRIL DE GUATEMALA illustrated 'Train' cancel on reverse. A scarce pair. (2 items) - Est £75

Lot 533 - 1916 - 25c on 2c black & lake a fine mint block of four with variety OVERPRINT INVERTED. This was originally part of a damaged block of six in the Hind & Ricoy sales. Scarce multiple. (SG 154b) - Est £70

Lot 534 - 1919 - TELEGRAPHS: 25c myrtle green 'Quetzal' telegraph issue, a fine mint block of four. (Barefoot #15) - Est £20

Lot 535 - 1920 - 2c on 60c black & olive green, a fine mint copy with variety OPT INVERTED. (SG 164a) - Est £12

Lot 536 - 1922 - 25c on 15p vermilion & black, 'Type A' with variety OVERPRINT IN RED. A fine mint block of four. A very rare multiple, only 500 were printed. Ex Moorhouse. (SG 184Aa) - Est £150

Lot 537 - 1922 - 25c on 90c black & red brown, a fine mint bottom marginal block of fifteen showing overprint types A & B. (SG 188A & 188B) - Est £35

Lot 538 - 1926 - First Flight cover franked with 1924 1p 25c on 5p orange on front tied by GUATEMALA CITY cds dated JUL 30 1926 and 1902 2c black & lake and 1924 block of four 6c olive bistre and 1926 block of four 6c yellow bistre on reverse tied by boxed 'PRIMER CORREO AEREO' markings in purple (SG 117, 201, 202 & 212). Flown on the GUATEMALA CITY - ESQUIPULAS inaugural flight with three line 'Via Primer Correo Aereo GUATEMALA - ESQUIPULAS' cachet in red and ESQUIPULAS arrival cds on front. Cover is slightly water damaged but otherwise looks good and a rare flight with only 140 covers carried. (Muller #4, Goodman #AM5a) - Est £45

Lot 539 - 1927 - '50 CENTAVOS' on 25c red postal stationery lettersheet (H&G G2) cancelled to order with CERTIFICADOS COLOMBA cds in purple dated OCT 14 1927. A very rare item of postal stationery. - Est £90

Lot 540 - 1929 - FIRST FLIGHT & RAILWAY: Registered cover franked with 1929 'Opening of the Railway between Guatemala and El Salvador' OPT issue and 1928 20c on 15p black AIR opt issue (SG 244/5 & 242) tied by CERTIFIC CORREO AEREO GUATEMALA first day cds's dated 28 DEC 1929 with boxed 'INAUGURACION FERROCARRIL ORIENTAL DIC. 28, 1929' cachet on front & reverse and boxed REG cachet on front. Flown on the Guatemala City - Zacapa - San Salvador round trip commemorative flight. Uncommon item. (Muller #15, Goodman #AM19) - Est £35

Lot 541 - 1930 - Inauguration of the National Airmail Service' postal stationery airmail lettersheet (H&G F1) used with GUATEMALA machine cancel dated JUN 29 1930. Flown on the Guatemala City - Quezaltenango first flight with boxed 'INAUGURACION DEL CORREO AEREO DE GUATEMALA A QUEZALTENANGO' first flight cachet and QUEZALTENANGO arrival cds's dated the same day on reverse. Printed inside the lettersheet is a government notice detailing the new interior airmail routes and tariffs. Nicely written up on two pages. Very scarce. - Est £90

Lot 542 - 1930 - FIRST FLIGHT: Long airmail cover franked with 1929 3c purple, 1930 6c red AIR issue & 1927 1c olive green TAX issue (SG 230, 223 & 254) tied by PUERTO BARRIOS cds's dated 10 JUN 1930. Flown on the inaugural first flight for the PUERTO BARRIOS - GUATEMALA CITY domestic route with boxed 'INAUGURACION DEL CORREO AEREO DE PUERTO BARRIOS A GUATEMALA' cachet in black on front and arrival cds on reverse. A very rare flight only 109 covers were carried. (Muller #Unlisted, Goodman #AM26c) - Est £120

Lot 543 - 1930 - Registered First Flight cover franked with 1930 'Opening of Los Altos Railway' issue set of three and 1930 6c red AIR issue (SG 251/254) tied by GUATEMALA CITY cds's dated 6 JUN 1930 with boxed registration marking alongside. Flown on the inaugural first flight for the GUATEMALA CITY - RETALHULEU domestic route with boxed 'INAUGURACION DEL CORREO AEREO DE GUATEMALA A RETALHULEU' cachet in blue on front and RETALHULEU arrival cds on reverse. Cover has some toning at top. (Muller #31a, Goodman #AM24a) - Est £25

Lot 544 - 1930 - 'Inauguration of the National Airmail Service' postal stationery airmail lettersheet (H&G F1) a fine unused example. - Est £20

Lot 545 - 1931 - FIRST FLIGHT: Cover franked with 1931 'Primer Vuelo Postal Puerto Barrios-Miami' opt issue plus 1929 5c carmine red and 1927 1c olive green TAX issue (SG 223, 232 & 264/6) all tied by GUATEMALA CITY cancels dated 5 DEC 1931. Flown on the PUERTO BARRIOS - MIAMI first flight with boxed 'VUELO INAUGURAL RUTA BARRIO - MIAMI 5 DE DECEMBRE 1931' cachet in purple on reverse. Addressed to GERMANY. (Muller #50, rated 1500pts) - Est £45

Lot 546 - 1931 - FIRST FLIGHT: First Flight cover franked with 1931 15c ultramarine 'Primer Vuelo Postal BARRIOS MIAMI 1931' overprint issue, pair 1927 1c olive green TAX issue and 1929 4c orange yellow (SG 266, 223 & 231) Addressed to BELIZE, BRITISH HONDURAS and flown on the PUERTO BARRIOS - BELIZE leg of the flight with stamps tied by large boxed 'VUELO INAUGURAL DE LA RUTA BARRIOS - MIAMI 5 DICIEMBRE 1931' cachet with PUERTO BARRIOS cds alongside dated 5 DIC 1931. BELIZE arrival cds on reverse. A rare flight it is thought that only 45 covers were carried. (Muller #51, Goodman #AM32b) - Est £150

Lot 547 - 1933 - MARITIME: Nicely written up trio of commemorative covers from the maiden voyages of the Grace Line ships 'Santa Rosa', 'Santa Paula' and 'Santa Lucia' with varied frankings tied by GUATEMALA CITY cancels and all addressed to USA. (3 items) - Est £24

Lot 548 - 1935 - 2.50q sage green & carmine and 5q blue & orange AIR issue, the two top values fine mint. (SG 319/320) - Est £15

Lot 549 - 1935 - Super written up collection of covers all showing uses of the 1935 'Birth Centenary of General Barrios' issue inc various different values represented noted cover to SWITZERLAND with 3c TRAIN type, 5c & 10c, Internal REG cover with 1c, 2c & 5c, 15c on airmail cover to UK, a very scarce single ½c 'Impresos' franking to USA, 2c on PPC, single 3c TRAIN franking to USA and mixed REG airmail cover to UK with 5 x 3c TRAIN issue on reverse. A super lot, this issue is uncommon used on cover. (7 covers) - Est £120

Lot 550 - 1940 - 5c on 50c carmine rose 'Surcharge' issue all three types with bar measuring 1mm, 1½mm and 2mm good to fine used. (SG 410, 410a & 410b) - Est £10

Lot 551 - 1946 - FIRST FLIGHTS: Nicely written up collection of mid to modern Commemorative and First Flights spanning 1946-1969 inc incoming and outgoing to USA, Panama, Canada, Uruguay & Belgium including Jet liner flights and some official letters/enclosures detailing the flights. (23 covers + 2 letters) - Est £75

Lot 552 - 1949 - TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: Cover franked with single 1948 3c black & carmine & 1949 1c Blue TAX issue (SG 474 & 479) tied by fine strike of CORREOS NACIONALES AMBULANTE No. DOS LINEA GUATEMALA PTO BARRIOS marking in purple dated 10 ABR 1949. Addressed to GUATEMALA CITY with arrival mark on reverse. - Est £35

Lot 553 - 1957 - Long registered OFFICIAL cover franked with the 1957 'Esquipulas Highway Fund' AIR issue set of four (SG 602/5) tied by GUATEMALA CITY cds dated 11 DIC 1957 with official cachet and boxed REG marking. Sent airmail to USA with arrival cds on reverse. A scarce set used on cover, only 4,400 of each value were printed. - Est £75

Lot 554 - 1972 - Small group of 'Ruins of Antigua' issues with 1974 returned cover to Germany with franking inc 1972 1c blue & light blue, 1973 International Fair' OPT in bright purple on unused block of six, 1974 UPU 'Surcharge' issue block of 6 & MS unused plus MS used on FDC and 1984 1c black & yellowish green and 5c black & orange in either a block of six or two strips of three tied on FDCs. - Est £25

Lot 555 - 1984 - 25c black & brown ochre 'Coffee' issue, large format stamp, reported to be the largest in the world when issued. A fine unmounted mint copy. Only 5000 were printed. (SG 1256, Cat £130) - Est £75

Lot 556 - 1918-1931 - Nice mounted collection of covers showing use of the various definitive issues from the period 1910-1930 inc single frankings, REG, multiple frankings inc 6p 75c and 11p REG covers to Germany, a nice single 25c on unsealed envelope to USA plus a few better postmarks & originations and a few of the covers have coffee slogan handstamps. (21 covers) - Est £95


Lot 557 - 1880 - REVENUES: 2c on 70c olive grey 'Tall' type REVENUE, a fine mint corner marginal block of four. (Forbin #9) - Est £20

Lot 558 - 1881 - 7c pale blue on bluish 'Liberty Head' issue a fine mint copy, full O.G. Four good to large margins. (SG 5a) - Est £20

Lot 559 - 1886 - Cover with printed 'Le President d'Haiti' at top left franked with 1882 3c olive bistre on buff and 7c deep blue on greyish PERFORATED 'Liberty Head' issue (SG 13 & 17) tied by PORT-AU-PRINCE cds's dated 16 MAR 1886. Addressed to FRANCE with arrival cds on reverse. Cover is somewhat tatty along the edges and has a couple of repairs but scare originating from President Salomon. - Est £295

Lot 560 - 1887 - 1c green 'Salomon' issue a fine IMPERF PLATE PROOF on thick card in unissued colour. Scarce. (As SG 24) - Est £90

Lot 561 - 1888 - Carmine on white postal stationery formular card (H&G 9) used with 1887 3c blue 'Salomon' issue (SG 26) tied by PORT-AU-PRINCE cds's dated 24 NOV 1888. Addressed to FRANCE with arrival cds on front. Card has small faults inc a small tear at top right but still an attractive item. - Est £75

Lot 562 - 1891 - Cover with company handstamp at lower left and manuscript 'Royal Mail' at top franked with pair 1891 5c orange 'Upright Palms' issue (SG 32, one stamp with small fault at top) tied by PORT AU PRINCE cds's dated 28 DEC 1891. Addressed to UK with transit & arrival marks on reverse. Very attractive. - Est £95

Lot 563 - 1894 - Registered cover franked with single 1882 20c pale brown on buff perforated 'Liberty Head' issue (SG 20) tied by PORT-AU-PRINCE cds with second strike alongside. Addressed to FRANCE with small boxed 'R' and manuscript '226' registration markings and NEW YORK EXCHANGE registration label applied in transit. Also endorsed 'S.S. Olinde Rodriguez' in manuscript with transit and arrival marks on reverse. Fine cover. - Est £195

Lot 564 - 1895 - Cover franked with pair 1893 5c orange vermilion 'Drooping Palms' issue (SG 38) tied by two feint but decipherable strikes of SAINT-NICOLAS cds dated 13 JAN 1895. Addressed to GUADELOUPE with ST THOMAS transit cds and BASSE-TERRE arrival cds on reverse. Cover has a few small faults but a rare origination and destination. - Est £150

Lot 565 - 1896 - 7c slate 'Drooping Palms' issue with variety VERTICAL PERFORATIONS DOUBLE mint. (SG 45 variety) - Est £12

Lot 566 - 1898 - COLOUR TRIAL: 2c pale orange 'Small Palms' issue, a fine IMPERF COLOUR TRIAL on thin buff paper, the final stamp was printed in carmine red. (As SG 49) - Est £35

Lot 567 - 1898 - 2c deep purple 'Small Palms' issue, a fine IMPERF COLOUR TRIAL on thin buff paper, the final stamp was printed in carmine red. (As SG 49) - Est £35

Lot 568 - 1898 - 'Small Palms' issue complete with the 2c lake and 5c green plus the UNISSUED 1c blue, 3c purple, 7c grey and 20c orange all mint or unused. (SG 49/50 & unlisted) - Est £40

Lot 569 - 1899 - 1c yellow green 'Simon Sam' issue (Arms type) a fine IMPERF PLATE PROOF on thick card. Ex ABNCo. Archive. (SG 67) - Est £24

Lot 570 - 1901 - 3c green 'Simon Sam' postal stationery card (H&G 3) used with PORT-AU-PRINCE cds dated 30 DEZ 1901. Addressed to VOLO, GREECE with arrival cds on reverse. One line of address scuffed out but otherwise a scarce destination. - Est £30

Lot 571 - 1902 - Cover with manuscript 'Par S/S houandais(?) via New York' at top franked with 1898 8c carmine and 1899 2c carmine (SG 57 & 68) tied by JACMEL cds's dated 7 MARS 1902. Addressed to GERMANY with transit & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £35

Lot 572 - 1904 - INVERTED CENTRE: 10c black & yellow 'Centenary of Independence' issue, perf 13¼. A fine mint genuine copy with variety CENTRE INVERTED. Rare, as the majority of those offered are forgeries. (SG 100 variety) - Est £180

Lot 573 - 1905 - 2c orange on pink 'Simon Sam' postal stationery card (H&G 2) used with added 1904 1c green 'Nord Alexis' issue (SG 109) tied by SAINT-MARC cds's. Addressed to USA with MIRAGOANE and PORT-AU-PRINCE transit cds's on reverse and USA arrival marks on front. - Est £75

Lot 574 - 1908 - MARITIME: 2c vermilion on lilac postal stationery card (H&G 14) datelined 'Port-au-Prince 1 Dezember 1908' used with red pen stroke and two good strikes of oval 'AMSTERD:-W:INDIE NEDERL: PAKETBOOT' cancel dated 11 DEC 1908 in black. Addressed to GERMANY. - Est £45

Lot 575 - 1910 - Registered cover franked with single 1906 10c orange (SG 145) tied by PORT-AU-PRINCE cds with straight line 'RECOMMANDEE' marking alongside. Addressed to USA with arrival marks on reverse. - Est £30

Lot 576 - 1912 - 1c crimson lake pair, 2c orange and 5c deep blue 'Leconte' issue all used with fine strikes of CAP-HAITIEN cds in red both dated 1915. (SG 164/166) - Est £12

Lot 577 - 1912 - 'Leconte' issue, the set of three each stamp overprinted 'SPECIMEN' with small hole punch. Ex ABNCo. Archive. (SG 164/166) - Est £15

Lot 578 - 1913 - 1c yellow green pair & single plus 2c orange all with GOLD CURRENCY overprints tied on piece by PORT-AU-PRINCE cds's dated 11 OCT 1913. (118 & 120) - Est £24

Lot 579 - 1914 - Sepia PPC 'Haiti - Proclamation D'un Decret Presidentiel' showing Haitian soldiers & trumpeter walking through the streets of Port-au-Prince. Unused. The card refers to the coup to depose Oreste and install Zamor as president. - Est £25

Lot 580 - 1917 - 1c on 1g purple 'Simon Sam' issue with GOLD CURRENCY overprint a fine mint copy. Scarce & underrated stamp. (SG 238) - Est £30

Lot 581 - 1917 - 1c on 20c greenish blue 'Inland' PROVISIONAL issue (opt in brownish black) a fine mint block of four with variety OVERPRINT INVERTED on all four stamps. (SG 245 variety) - Est £35

Lot 582 - 1919 - Cover franked with 1919 5c on 10c orange with boxed 'GL O.Z. 7 FEV 1914' & '5 CTS PIASTRE' provisional overprints (SG 289) tied by PORT AU PRINCE cds dated 27 DEC 1919 with second strike alongside. Addressed to GERMANY. - Est £50

Lot 583 - 1919 - Colour PPC 'Villa a Peu-de-chose, Port-au-Prince' franked on picture side with 1917 2c on 1p claret 'S D' overprint issue and 1919 2c on 20c black & yellow green 'Provisional' SURCHARGE issue (SG 236 & 271) tied by PORT-AU-PRINCE cds dated 18 SEP 1919 with second strike on reverse. Addressed to ITALY. Very attractive. - Est £65

Lot 584 - 1920 - Cover franked with single 1919 5c on 10c orange 'Pictorial' issue with additional 'GL O.Z. 7 FEV 1914' overprint (SG 289) tied by PORT AU PRINCE cds dated 8 JAN 1920 with additional strike alongside. Addressed to USA. - Est £45

Lot 585 - 1920 - 'Bank' cover franked with 1919 5c on 10c orange 'Provisional Issue' (SG 289) tied by PORT AU PRINCE 13 JAN 20 cds with second strike alongside. Addressed to FRANCE with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £45

Lot 586 - 1920 - Coloured PPC 'Institution St Louis de Gonzague, Port-Au-Prince' franked on message side with single 1917 2c on 1p claret with boxed 'S D 2' overprint (SG 236) tied by PORT-AU-PRINCE cds. Addressed to USA. - Est £45

Lot 587 - 1920 - Cover franked with 1917 2c on 10c red brown 'Provisional' issue (SG 256) tied by fine PORT AU PRINCE cds dated 14 DEC 1920. Addressed locally within PORT AU PRINCE. Scarce use. - Est £50

Lot 588 - 1924 - Black & white PPC 'Haiti - Port-au-Prince Alexandre Petion Lyceum (South Building)' franked on picture side with 1920 10c vermilion (SG 296) tied by fine strike of HINCHE cds dated 8 AUG 1924. Addressed to CUBA with PORT AU PRINCE transit cds on reverse. Card has a few light tones. - Est £75

Lot 589 - 1927 - Plain cover with manuscript 'Par Avion' in blue franked with single 1924 50c black & orange (SG 302) tied by JEREMIE cds dated 3 OCT 1927 and also by circular 'AVION' marking in blue. Sent airmail to PORT-AU-PRINCE with arrival cds dated the next day on reverse. Cover is slightly trimmed at left. - Est £15

Lot 590 - 1927 - FIRST FLIGHT: Cover franked with single 1924 10c carmine (SG 300) tied by fine CROIX DES BOUQUETS cds with second strike alongside and also by '1927 BERTHELOT 1927' cachet in blue. Addressed to the 'Comite Marcelin Berthelot, Port-au-Prince' flown on the JEREMIE - PORT-AU-PRINCE return flight to raise funds for the Berthelot centenary fund with PORT-AU-PRINCE arrival cds on reverse. A rare flight only 75 covers were carried. (Muller #8a) - Est £180

Lot 591 - 1927 - FIRST FLIGHT: Cover franked with 1924 50c black & orange (SG 302) tied by PORT-AU-PRINCE cds dated 19 APR 1927 and by 'AVION' airplane marking in red with additional strikes alongside. Flown on the Port-au-Prince - Port de Paix first flight with arrival cds on reverse. (Muller #7, 544 covers carried) - Est £25

Lot 592 - 1932 - MARITIME MAIL: Colour PPC 'Trimming Sponges - Nassau Bahamas' franked on message side with Great Britain 1924 1½d red brown GV issue (SG 420) tied by PORT AU PRINCE machine cancel dated 2 MAR 1932 and by fine strike of straight line 'M.V. BRITANNIC' ship marking in purple. Addressed to USA. - Est £50

Lot 593 - 1933 - 'Airmail' issue the set of six overprinted 'SPECIMEN' with small hole punch. Very fine. Ex ABNCo. Archive. (SG 325/330) - Est £35

Lot 594 - 1936 - Pair of internal covers franked with 1924 pair 5c green or single 10c carmine (SG 299 & 300) tied by PETIT-GOAVE cds's dated JAN 1936 and addressed to PORT-AU-PRINCE with arrival cds's on reverse. (2) - Est £15

Lot 595 - 1944 - 'United Nations Relief Fund' OBLIGATORY TAX issue the set of eight overprinted 'SPECIMEN' with small hole punch. Very fine. Ex ABNCo. Archive. (SG 373/380) - Est £30

Lot 596 - 1944 - Illustrated 'United Nations' registered cover franked on front with 1942 3c dull purple and 3 x 10c olive 'Our Lady of Perpetual Succour' issue with additional 3c on reverse (SG 343 & 352) all tied by fine KENSCOFF cds's in bright blue dated 14 JUL 1944. Addressed to PORT-AU-PRINCE with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £40

Lot 597 - 1950 - Cover franked with single 1947 25c blue (SG 421) tied by oval PETION-VILLE cancel in blue with second strike alongside (the cancel was held together by an elastic band that shows as vertical lines) dated DEC 17 1950. Addressed to FRANCE. - Est £10

Lot 598 - 1953 - 'President Magaloire' PICTORIAL issue the set of six overprinted 'SPECIMEN' with small hole punch. Very fine. Ex ABNCo. Archive. (SG 462/467) - Est £25

Lot 599 - 1954 - 'Restoration of Christophe's Citadel' AIR issue 10c, 50c, 1g, 1.50g & 5g all progressive IMPERF PLATE PROOFS of the base colour and with the Flag at left in black (the red is omitted) plus an additional proof of the Flag in red and black only (no base colour). Interesting group. (SG 501/4 & 506) - Est £40


Lot 600 - 1866 - 2r black on rose, a fine mint block of twenty showing variety 'LOS' FOR 'DOS' on one stamp. Some creasing. (SG 2) - Est £24

Lot 601 - 1877 - 'un real' in black on 2r green 'Tegucigalpa' provisional surcharge issue with validating 'tick' at right, a fine used copy with blue 'Bars' cancel. Margins very tight but a very scarce issue used. (SG 13, Scott #24) - Est £40

Lot 602 - 1888 - 3c+3c violet 'Morazan' postal stationery replycard (H&G 4, cards reattached by plain paper tape) datelined 'Yuscaran dd 19 Jan 1888' used with 'Target' cancel and fine oval REPUBLIQUE DE HONDURAS BUREAU POSTAL D'EXCHANGE TEGUCIGALPA cancel in purple dated JAN 20 1888. Addressed to GERMANY with oval ADMINISTRACION DE CORREOS TEGUCIGALPA marking plus two different LONDON transit cds's on reverse and German arrival cds on front. A rare commercial use of this card. - Est £150

Lot 603 - 1898 - FORGERIES - TRAINS: 'Locomotive' issue 1c brown, 5c grey blue, 5c dull purple ERROR OF COLOUR, 6c dull purple, 10c deep blue, 20c brown orange, 50c orange red and 1p blue green IMPERF FORGERIES in unused marginal blocks of four. (32 stamps, As SG 108/115) - Est £15

Lot 604 - 1899 - 2c orange on buff TRAIN postal stationery card (H&G 29) used with very light strike of oval IRIONA cancel in violet with oval TRUJILLO cancel in blue dated DEC 28 1899 alongside. Addressed to GERMANY with transit & arrival marks on front. Card a little worn around the edges. - Est £35

Lot 605 - 1903 - 2c carmine rose 'Guardiola' issue with part strike of 'PERMITASE' control mark in blue. Lightly used. (SG 119) - Est £24

Lot 606 - 1903 - 2c+2c orange TRAIN 'Provisional' postal stationery reply card (H&G 35) issued for AMAPALA with two strikes of circular 'REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS ADUANA DE AMAPALA' control mark in blue and fine strike of straight line 'PERMITASE' marking in purple on both message & reply halves. Fine unused, very scarce. - Est £60

Lot 607 - 1907 - 5c black 'Medina' issue IMPERF PLATE PROOF on thin paper, a fine example. (As SG 129) - Est £20

Lot 608 - 1911 - 20c lemon yellow 'Hass' issue, a fine unused IMPERF PLATE PROOF PAIR. Scarce. (SG 145) - Est £25

Lot 609 - 1911 - 1p violet STEAMSHIP issue printed by 'Hass Bank Note Engraving Co N.Y.' a fine DIE PROOF on large piece of white paper in unissued colour. Scarce. (As SG 147) - Est £50

Lot 610 - 1913 - ISLAND MAIL: Headed 'American Consular Service' cover franked with 1911 10c blue and 1913 5c blue green (SG 142 & 169) tied by 'Lines' cancel with fine ROATAN cds alongside (Bay Islands P.O.). Addressed to USA with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £40

Lot 611 - 1914 - Cover franked with 1913 6c slate violet and 1913 10c on 6c slate violet 'Provisional' SURCHARGE issue (SG 171 & 183) tied by PUERTO CORTEZ cds dated MAY 26 1914 with second strike alongside. Addressed to GERMANY with NEW ORLEANS transit mark on reverse. Backflap missing. - Est £25

Lot 612 - 1915 - 2c carmine red, 6c slate lilac and 1p green 'Ulua Bridge' issue all IMPERF copies mint with gum. (SG 187, 189 & 193 variety) - Est £20

Lot 613 - 1919 - ISLAND MAIL: Circa 1919 undated cover franked with 1919 5c magenta and 10c dull blue (SG 198 & 200) tied by 'Lines' cancel with undated UTILA HONDURAS cds alongside. Addressed to UK. Cover has some water staining at lower left. - Est £24

Lot 614 - 1920 - 2c red 'Assumption of Power by General Gutierrez'  issue (Large type) IMPERF fine used. (SG 209 Variety) - Est £24

Lot 615 - 1927 - PRIVATE AIRMAIL COMPANIES: Headed 'Central American Lines EXPRESO AEREO' Baggage label addressed internally to YUSCARAN with CENTRAL AMERICAN AIRLINES 50c grey blue on blue SEMI OFFICIAL Airmail issue (Sanabria # 1) tied on reverse by boxed CENTRAL AMERICAN AIRLINES AVION COMMERCIAL CORREO AEREO TEGUCIGALPA HONDURAS cancel dated 2/21 1927 with day & month added in manuscript. The label has typed 'Contenido Aviador' at left with 'Edward M Haight' handstamp (presumably the pilot of the flight). An exceptional rarity. Less than 10 of these baggage labels are thought to exist. - Est £240

Lot 616 - 1927 - PRIVATE AIRMAIL COMPANIES: 50c violet on blue 'Central American Airways' SEMI-OFFICIAL airmail issue, a fine mint complete sheetlet of four with 'No. 202' sheet number printed in margin. A fine item. (Sanabria #501) - Est £90

Lot 617 - 1927 - PRIVATE AIRMAIL COMPANIES: 50c carmine on blue 'Central American Airlines' Semi official AIRMAIL issue, a fine mint IMPERF copy. Small thin on reverse. (Sanabria 502a) - Est £20

Lot 618 - 1930 - Cover with manuscript 'Aerea' franked with 1929 5c slate purple, 10c blue and 50c greenish blue 'Robbery' issue with '1929a1930' control opts (SG 270, 274 & 278, with a few gum marks from the paste used to attach the stamps to the envelope) tied by 'Lines' slogan cancel with SAN PEDRO SULA cds alongside dated MAR 19 1930. Sent via airmail to FRANCE with SAN PEDRO SULA 'Airmail' cancel dated MAR 20 and TELA 'Airmail' transit mark dated 23 MAR all on front. The 50c is very scarce used on cover. - Est £75

Lot 619 - 1930 - Circa 1930 cover franked 1927 6c black (SG 251) tied by fine large FRENCH HARBOUR ISLAS DE BAHIA cds (Small Island P.O.) with second strike alongside. Addressed to USA with ROATAN ISLAS DE BAHIA transit cds on reverse. Some tone spots but a scarce origination. - Est £90

Lot 620 - 1938 - MARITIME: Cover franked with 1937 8c blue (SG 382) tied by NEW YORK PAQUEBOT cds dated APR 28 1938 with good strike of large UNITED FRUIT COMPANY STEAMSHIP SERVICE POSTED ON THE HIGH SEAS PURSER S/S PLATANO cds in turquoise alongside. Addressed to USA. Cover is heavily trimmed at left. - Est £20

Lot 621 - 1940 - REVENUES: Circa 1940. 10c green, 50c red, $1 blue, $10 brown & $25 green CONSULAR REVENUE issue all denominated in 'US GOLD' currency. The set of five with red SPECIMEN overprint & small hole punch. Ex ABNCo. Archive. (5) - Est £25

Lot 622 - 1946 - Airmail cover franked with 1942 1L ultramarine, 1946 1c brown red and 1945 1c sepia, blue & carmine TAX issue (SG 427, 457 & 456) tied by 'Lines' cancel with TEGUCIGALPA cds alongside dated JUL 1 1946. Addressed to SAIGON, INDOCHINA with arrival cds on reverse. Part of backflap missing. An unusual destination. - Est £15

Lot 623 - 1951 - ISLAND MAIL: Airmail cover franked with 1946 pair 8c sepia and 1945 1c sepia, blue & carmine TAX issue (SG 465 & 456) tied by 'Lines' cancel with good strike of CORREOS DE HONDURAS OAK RIDGE cds dated JAN 15 1951 alongside. Addressed to USA with transit cds's on reverse. - Est £30

Lot 624 - 1954 - Pair of printed British Legation envelopes one 1954 franked with 1953 pair 25c on 2c violet & brown (SG 515) and the other sent in 1955 with block of eight & pair 1955 10c on 2c blue green & black 'Rotary' OPT issue (SG 537) tied from TEGUCIGALPA. Addressed to UK with BRITISH LEGATION TEGUCIGALPA cds's on front. (2 items) - Est £15

Lot 625 - 1956 - SIGNATURE CONTROLS: 1956 3c 'Portraits & views' issue and 1957 1c, 5c & 1.00L 'Revolution of October 21st 1956' issue all with complete small 'R Estrada S' SIGNATURE CONTROL handstamps of 'Francisco Morazan' province. Fine used. A scarce group. (SG 553, 570, 572 & 578) - Est £25

Lot 626 - 1961 - ISLAND MAIL: Green illustrated 'Bananas' HAM Radio QSL card inscribed 'PORTABLE 9 AT UTILA BAY ISLAND' unaddressed used from Utila Island. - Est £12

Hong Kong

Lot 627 - 1880 - 5c on 18c lilac QV 'Surcharge' issue, a good used copy with barred numeral 'B62' cancel. (SG 24, Cat £75) - Est £25

Lot 628 - 1900 - 12c blue QV issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 60, Cat £50) - Est £16

Lot 629 - 1903 - $2 slate & scarlet EVII issue, watermark 'Crown CA', a fine used copy with light cds cancel. (SG 73, Cat £400) - Est £125

Lot 630 - 1904 - 50c green & magenta EVII issue on ordinary paper, wmk 'Multi Crown CA', a fine mint copy. (SG 85, Cat £110) - Est £35

Lot 631 - 1917 - BRITISH P.O.s IN CHINA: 30c purple & orange yellow GV issue with 'CHINA' opt in black. A fine mint copy. (SG 11, Cat £50) - Est £16

Lot 632 - 1921 - $3 green & dull purple GV issue, wmk 'Multi Script CA', a fine cds used copy. (SG 131, Cat £85) - Est £28

Lot 633 - 1933 - Group of four GV issue covers to UK with 1933 cover with 1921 2c green & 10c bright ultramarine (SG 118 & 124) tied by KOWLOON cds's, 1933 12c purple on yellow (SG 124c) tied by HONG KONG and pair 'Via Siberia' covers both franked with 20c purple & sage green (SG 125) tied by HONG KONG cds's. (4 items) - Est £35

Lot 634 - 1936 - Cover with typed 'By K.L.M. Service' and 'Per S.S. Rawalpindi' routing instructions at top left franked with 1921 pair 10c bright ultramarine and pair 50c black on emerald GV issue (SG 124 & 128) tied by HONG KONG AIR MAIL (K) cds's dated 27 JUN 1936 and airmail label alongside with VICTORIA cds on reverse dated the same day. Addressed to BELGIUM. - Est £35

Lot 635 - 1938 - 25c bright blue GVI issue, a fine unmounted mint copy. (SG 149, Cat £29) - Est £10

Lot 636 - 1938 - $5 dull lilac & scarlet GVI issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 159, Cat £75) - Est £25

Lot 637 - 1954 - 'QE2' definitive issue, the set of fourteen good to fine used, most with cds cancels. (SG 178/91, Cat £45) - Est £15

Lot 638 - 1962 - $20 multicoloured QE2 'Definitive' issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 210, Cat £65) - Est £20


Lot 639 - 1854 - 4a blue & red QV issue head 'Die 2' and frame 'Die 1', a wonderful lightly used copy, cut square with margins all round. Exceptional quality. (SG 19, Cat £950) - Est £250

Lot 640 - 1854 - 2a bluish green QV issue, a fine used four margin copy. (SG 31) - Est £35

Lot 641 - 1866 - 6a purple 'Revenue' with POSTAGE overprint in green, a fine used copy with blue cancel. (SG 66) - Est £90

Lot 642 - 1866 - 4a green QV issue 'Die 1', a fine mint copy with full O.G. (SG 69, Cat £160) - Est £50

Lot 643 - 1873 - TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: Cover franked with single 1865 ½a blue QV issue (SG 54) tied by manuscript pen stroke and by fine strike of 1 SECT 3 S.E. LINE cds dated 5 JUN 1873. Addressed to KHANDALA with arrival cds on reverse. A scarce cancel. - Est £70

Lot 644 - 1888 - INDIA USED IN IRAN: Cover franked on reverse with India 1882 1a brown purple QV issue (SG 88) tied by small BUSHIRE squared circle cds. Addressed to INDIA with BOMBAY arrival cds on reverse. Cover trimmed at sides. - Est £50

Lot 645 - 1905 - 1a brown on white QV postal stationery envelope (H&G B2e without seal) used with added 1902 ½a green and 1a carmine EVII issue (SG 122/123) tied by BALLIA cds's. Addressed to USA with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £18

Lot 646 - 1908 - Registered cover franked on reverse with 24 x 1902 3p grey EVII issue (SG 119) comprising various blocks & multiples all tied by multiple strikes of MADRAS cds dated 9 AP 1908 with boxed 'R MADRAS' registration handstamp on front. Addressed to GERMANY with arrival cds on reverse. A fine franking. - Est £45

Lot 647 - 1921 - 9p on 1a rose carmine GV issue, a fine mint corner marginal pair with variety 'PIES PIES' on bottom stamp. (SG 192b) - Est £80

Lot 648 - 1926 - INDIA USED IN DUBAI: Circa 1926. 3p slate GV issue of India tied on small piece by good strike of DUBAI PERSIAN GULF cds. Scarce. (SG 201) - Est £40

Lot 649 - 1926 - Range of mint GV issue with 3p slate, 1a chocolate, 2a bright purple, 2a 6p orange, 3a blue, 4a sage green and 12a claret. (SG 201, 203, 205, 207, 209/10 & 213, Cat £68+) - Est £22

Lot 650 - 1937 - 1r grey & red brown, 2r purple & brown, 5r green & blue and 10r purple & claret GVI issue with 'SERVICE' opt, all good to fine cds used. (SG O135/8, Cat £31+) - Est £10

Lot 651 - 1937 - Registered airmail cover franked with 1931 ½a violet & green and 1a mauve & chocolate and 1932 pair 9p deep green GV issue on front plus 1929 4a olive green and pair 6a bistre GV 'Air' issue on reverse (SG 227/228, 233 & 222/223) all tied by BOMBAY G.P.O. REG cds's dated 17 JLY 1937 with printed blue on white 'BOMBAY G.P.O. F 225' registration label on front. Addressed to JAVA, DUTCH EAST INDIES with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £35

Lot 652 - 1942 - MILITARY: 2a vermilion GVI issue four copies used on piece with two strikes of Indian 'F.P.O. No. 88' cds dated 21 JUN 1942 located at MASSAWA in ERITREA. (SG 251) - Est £15

Lot 653 - 1954 - INDIA USED IN NEPAL: Cover franked with India 1949 pair 1a turquoise and 2a carmine (SG 312/313) tied by INDIAN EMBASSY (NEPAL) cds's. Addressed to USA with KATHMANDU transit cds on reverse. - Est £90

Lot 654 - 1958 - INDIA USED IN THE ANDAMAN ISLANDS: ½d orange red QE2 'Wilding' issue tied on piece by fine strike of PORT BLAIR cds dated 19.1.1958. Unusual. (SG 540) - Est £40


Lot 655 - 1802 - PRESTAMP & BISHOP MARK: Cover with manuscript 'Ireland, Maynooth July One 1802' at top with superb strike of straight line 'MAYNOOTH' marking in black. Addressed to EDINBURGH with circular 'FE 9' BISHOP MARK and an additional small circular arrival mark in black on front. - Est £70

Lot 656 - 1829 - PRESTAMP & MILEAGE MARK: Complete folded letter datelined 'Balbriggan 20th Jan 1829' with superb strike of 'BALBRIGGAN 15' mileage mark in black on front originally rated '1/3' which has been crossed through and re-rated '9d' with very feint strike of the red 'CROWN' INSPECTORS MARK alongside. Addressed to LONDON with transit & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £40

Lot 657 - 1837 - PRESTAMP: Cover with manuscript 'Postpaid' and 'Paid 8d' on front with fair strike of straight line 'WARINGSTOWN' marking in black on reverse with boxed 'PAID AT BANBRIDGE' marking in red on front and BANBRIDGE cds dated MAY 22 1837 on reverse. Addressed to DUBLIN with boxed 'PAID' arrival mark in red on front. This is the earliest known use of the 'WARINGSTOWN' mark. Scarce. - Est £75

Lot 658 - 1842 - PRESTAMP: Printed folded 'Insurance Form' with good strike of 'PAID AT DERRY 1d' marking in red on front and fine DERRY cds in blue dated DEC 21 1842 on reverse. Addressed to EDINBURGH with 'PAID' arrival cds in red on front. - Est £40

Lot 659 - 1907 - GREAT BRITAIN USED IN IRELAND: Registered cover franked with strip of three 1902 1d scarlet EVII issue (SG 219) tied by two strikes of IRVINESTOWN cds dated FEB 27 1907 with blue on white registration label with 'LISNARICK IRVINESTOWN S.O.' cds in purple applied. Addressed to BALLYSHANNON with manuscript 'Deceased' on front with BELLEEK R.S.O. and OMAGH cds's on front & reverse. - Est £50

Lot 660 - 1907 - PROPAGANDA LABEL: Deep blue & black SINN FEIN 'Celtic Cross' PROPAGANDA issue, perf 11¼. A fine mint pair. (Hibernian #L15) - Est £35

Lot 661 - 1910 - REVENUES: Large complete folded four page Land Registry document used over 20 years with group of Great Britain EVII 'Land Registry of Ireland' REVENUES cancelled in 1910 on front and overleaf later amendments have been made and additional GV 'Land Registry of Northern Ireland' REVENUES attached and cancelled in 1930 and 1939. A super item that needs further research. - Est £25

Lot 662 - 1922 - 2d orange GV issue, Die 1 with 'Provisional Government of Ireland 1922' first THOM overprint in black tied on piece by fine strike of LURGHA CHARLESTOWN CO. MAYO cds dated 18 APR 1922. A scarce cancel. (SG 12) - Est £24

Lot 663 - 1922 - 2/6 sepia brown GV 'Seahorse' issue, first 'Dollard' printing, a fine mint copy. (SG 17, Cat £60) - Est £20

Lot 664 - 1922 - 2/6 reddish brown GV 'Seahorse' issue with 'Provisional Government of Ireland 1922' DOLLARD overprint in black, a fine mint copy. (SG 18) - Est £40

Lot 665 - 1922 - 10/- dull grey blue GV 'Seahorse' issue, 'Dollard' printing, a very fine mint copy. (SG 21, Cat £200) - Est £65

Lot 666 - 1922 - 2/6 pale brown GV 'Seahorse' issue with 'Irish Free State 1922' THOM overprint in black with wide date. A superb cds used copy. (SG 64aa) - Est £60

Lot 667 - 1922 - 5/- rose carmine GV 'Seahorse' issue with 'Irish Free State 1922' opt 'Thom' printing in blue black (wide date), a fine mint copy. (SG 65, Cat £100) - Est £35

Lot 668 - 1922 - Registered cover franked with 1922 pair 1d scarlet and single 3d bluish violet GV issue with 'Provisional Government of Ireland 1922' DOLLARD overprint in black (SG 2 & 5) tied by multiple strikes of DROGHEDA cds dated 27 FEB 1922 with printed blue on white 'Drogheda' registration label alongside. Addressed to UK with transit and arrival marks on reverse. A nice early cover just 10 days after the stamps were issued. - Est £80

Lot 669 - 1922 - Black on white 'Dollard' IMPERF PROOF of the first 'Provisional Government of Ireland 1922' overprint with boxed 'ORIGINAL PROOF DOLLARD 17.2.22' handstamp in violet with 'BJB' signature on reverse (B.J. Brennan, the manager at Dollard). A fine pair. (Hibernia #PR4a) - Est £150

Lot 670 - 1923 - Registered cover franked with single 1922 10d turquoise blue GV issue with 'Provisional Government of Ireland 1922' first DOLLARD overprint in black (SG 9) tied by MOREHAMPTON ROAD DUBLIN cds dated 30 JAN 1923 with printed blue on white formular registration label with 'Dn 49 No' added in manuscript alongside. Addressed to UK with arrival cds on reverse. A scarce stamp used on cover. - Est £95

Lot 671 - 1925 - 5/- rose carmine GV 'Seahorse' issue with 'Irish Free State 1922' opt in black (narrow date), a fine mint copy. (SG 84, Cat £70) - Est £24

Lot 672 - 1935 - CINDERELLA: Cover franked with 2 x 1922 1d carmine (SG 72) tied by DUBLIN 'BAILE ATHA CLAITH' machine cancel. Addressed to CANADA with lovely black, green & yellow 'SPRING SHOW AND SAORSTAT INDUSTRIES FAIOR BALL'S BRIDGE MAY 7,8,9,10 & 11 1935 VISIT OUR STAND' cinderella label on reverse. - Est £24

Lot 673 - 1939 - FIRST FLIGHT: Printed 'Imperial Airway's cover franked with 1922 6d claret and 9d deep violet (SG 79/80) tied by BAILE ATHA CLIATH Dublin cds dated 5 VIII 1939. Flown on the North Atlantic Airmail Service first flight from Foynes to Montreal with large first flight cachet in purple on front. Addressed to USA with ST JOHNS NEWFOUNDLAND transit mark on reverse. (Muller #32) - Est £18

Lot 674 - 1948 - 'Airmail' issue, the set of seven fine mint. (SG 140/143b, Cat £22) - Est £10


Lot 675 - 1801 - PRESTAMP: Cover with light strike of two line 'JAMAICA 1 NOV 1801' marking in black on flap endorsed 'Pacquette' on front and rated '3/8' in manuscript on front crossed through on inspection and '4/4' added alongside. Addressed to EDINBURGH with DE 29 801 London transit mark on reverse and red 'JA 1' Bishop mark on front. A nice early item. - Est £95

Lot 676 - 1860 - 1/- dull brown QV issue, wmk 'Pineapple', a good used copy. (SG 6, Cat £26) - Est £10

Lot 677 - 1892 - MILITARY: Incoming cover from Great Britain franked with 1887 2½d purple on blue QV issue (SG 201) tied by WOOLWORTH cds dated JAN 8 1892. Addressed to 'Surgeon Major C. W. Moore-Kayes, Medical Staff, Jamaica' with KINGSTON and UP PARK CAMP squared circle arrival marks on reverse. - Est £20

Lot 678 - 1905 - 5/- grey & violet, a fine mint copy. (SG 45, Cat £55) - Est £18

Lot 679 - 1913 - 2d + 1d brown on cream GV postal stationery envelope (H&G C1). A fine unused example. - Est £10

Lot 680 - 1917 - 3d purple on yellow 'WAR STAMP' opt issue, a fine mint pair with variety NO STOP AFTER STAMP on left hand stamp. (SG 75/a, Cat £36+) - Est £12

Lot 681 - 1929 - GV definitive issue, the set of three fine mint. (SG 108/10, Cat £32) - Est £10

Lot 682 - 1932 - GV 'Pictorial' issue, the set of three fine mint. (SG 111/3, Cat £70) - Est £22

Lot 683 - 1935 - 6d green & indigo GV 'Silver Jubilee' issue with EXTRA FLAGSTAFF variety, a fine mint side marginal copy. (SG 116a, Cat £225) - Est £75

Lot 684 - 1935 - MARITIME: Cover franked with Great Britain 1924 ½d green GV issue (SG 418) tied by PAQUEBOT KINGSTON cds with fine strike of large boxed 'OCEAN MAILS EX….ARIGUANI' ships cachet in purple alongside. Addressed to USA. - Est £25

Lot 685 - 1938 - GVI' issue complete set of eighteen plus all shades and perfs (excluding the 2d grey & green perf 12½ x 13 and 6d grey & purple perf 13½ x 13) all fine mint. (SG 121/133a, 124c, 132b, 132ba & 133aa, Cat £200+) - Est £65

Lot 686 - 1956 - BOOKLET: 3/- black on green cover QE2 booklet fine & complete. (SG SB14, Cat £28) - Est £10

Lot 687 - 1964 - Circa 1969 1c brown on dark buff QE2 postal stationery card (H&G Unlisted) used with fine SALT MARSH cds with month slug inverted and year slug omitted. Addressed to MONTEGO BAY. - Est £15

Lot 688 - 1929-1970 - Small group of covers with 1929 cover with 1929 1½d chocolate (SG 109) tied GARDON TOWN to UK, 1935 cover with 1935 1d GV Silver Jubilee issue tied MONTEGO BAY to UK, 1959 6d QE2 PS airletter with MONEAGUE cds to UK and pair of 1d brown on brown PSCs with CANE RIVER and TOMS RIVER temporary oval cancels both dated 1970. (5 items) - Est £30


Lot 689 - 1876 - GB USED IN MALTA: 2½d rosy mauve QV issue Plate 10?, 2½d blue Plate 19 and 2½d Plate 22 all used with fine complete strikes of barred numeral 'A25'. (SG Z38, Z39 & Z40, Cat £41) - Est £15

Lot 690 - 1886 - 5/-rose QV issue, a good mint copy. (SG 30, Cat £130) - Est £40

Lot 691 - 1899 - 2/6 olive grey QV issue, a fine cds used copy. (SG 34) - Est £10

Lot 692 - 1902 - 1d on 2d dull blue QV 'Surcharge' issue, a fine mint strip of three with variety 'PNNEY' for 'PENNY' on central stamp. (SG 36 & 36b, Cat £39) - Est £15

Lot 693 - 1904 - 2d purple & grey, 2½d maroon & blue, 4d black & brown, 5d vermilion and 5d sage green EVII issue, wmk 'Multi Crown CA' all fine mint. (SG 50, 52, 54, 59 & 60a, Cat £130) - Est £40

Lot 694 - 1914 - 2/- purple & bright blue on blue GV issue, wmk 'Multi Crown CA' a fine mint copy. (SG 86, Cat £55) - Est £18

Lot 695 - 1922 - 6d dull & bright purple GV issue, wmk 'Multi Script CA' with 'SELF-GOVERNMENT' opt, a fine mint copy. (SG 119, Cat £28) - Est £10

Lot 696 - 1926 - GV 'Definitive' issue, the set of seventeen fine mint. (SG 157/72, Cat £180) - Est £60

Lot 697 - 1936 - Cover franked with 1930 1½d rose red GV issue (SG 196) tied by VICTORIA GOZO cds dated JY 10 1936. Addressed to USA with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £15

Lot 698 - 1937 - Commercial registered official cover franked with 1937 3 x ½d green, 1½d scarlet and 2½d bright blue GVI 'Coronation' issue (SG 214/6) tied by G.P.O. MALTA cds's dated DEC 13 1937 with printed black on white 'VALLETTA (MALTA)' REG label alongside. Addressed to USA with transit & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £25

Lot 699 - 1938 - 'GVI' issue, the set of twenty one good to fine mint. (SG 217/31, Cat £75) - Est £25

Lot 700 - 1938 - 10/- black & carmine GVI issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 231) - Est £10


Lot 701 - 1830 - Colonial period folded letter written in French sent from VERACRUZ to the Administrator of Customs in JALAPA with fine strike of straight line VERACRUZ marking in red. - Est £75

Lot 702 - 1852 - Stampless cover from SOMBRERETE to DURANGO with fine strike of straight line 'Block Capitals' SOMBRERETE marking in black with large '2' rate marking alongside. - Est £20

Lot 703 - 1856 - 1r yellow 'Hidalgo' issue with 'DURANGO' district overprint, a fine pair with good margins tied on piece by fancy 'CVENCAME' scroll cancel in black. (SG 2) - Est £24

Lot 704 - 1856 - 8r violet 'Hidalgo' issue with Mexico district opt. A good cds used copy, margins tight to touching. (SG 5a, Cat £130) - Est £40

Lot 705 - 1861 - 8r black on brown 'Hidalgo' issue with unclear district opt, margins tight to touching, good used. (SG 13, Cat £180) - Est £35

Lot 706 - 1861 - Cover franked with 1856 QUADRISECTED 8r lilac 'Hidalgo' issue (SG 5f) used as a 2r tied by fine strike of straight line 'ZACATECAS' cancel in black. Addressed to MEXICO CITY. Cover has a few small repairs but very attractive. - Est £150

Lot 707 - 1865 - Cover datelined 'Zacatecas Enero 23 de 1865' on flap franked with 1864 2r orange 'Eagle' issue with '244 1864' invoice number and large 'ZACATECAS' district opt (SG 33) tied by two line FRANCO EN ZACATECAS cancel in black. Addressed to MEXICO CITY. Small 5mm tear at top. - Est £40

Lot 708 - 1866 - 25c pale orange LITHO MAXIMILLIAN issue with '3 - 1866' Invoice number and PUEBLA district overprint, a fine lightly used copy, four tight margins. (SG 38, Follansbee #49) - Est £24

Lot 709 - 1866 - 25c buff LITHO 'Maximilian' issue with '110 866' invoice number opt of MERIDA district, a fine mint copy with gum. Four margins. (SG 38) - Est £16

Lot 710 - 1874 - POSTAL STATIONERY: Range of 1874 - 1884 'Hidalgo' postal stationery envelopes, all unused with varied district opts and numbers inc TULA, MAZATLAN, TOLUCA, APAM & VERACRUZ with & without wmk, also a few 'HABILITADO' opts and various with multiple stamp impressions and a one devalued with manuscript 'X' mark. Nice group for further study. Mixed condition. (23 items) - Est £90

Lot 711 - 1879 - 10c blue 'Juarez' HABILITADO (Re-numbered) issue on thick wove paper with '3981' invoice number in black of 'CHIHUAHUA' district and re-numbered '982' in red for use in TOLUCA with light 'TOLUCA' district overprint in lilac. A fine lightly used copy. (SG 118b, Follansbee #123Hx) - Est £30

Lot 712 - 1879 - 10c blue 'Juarez' HABILITADO (Re-numbered) issue on medium wove paper with '2181' overprint in black of PACHUCA and re-numbered '1982' in black for use in QUERETARO. An unused example. Stamp is thinned on reverse. (SG 118b, Follansbee #123Hy) - Est £15

Lot 713 - 1879 - 25c blue 'Hidalgo' postal stationery envelope with '3679' district number and 'GUANAJUATO' district overprint in black (UPSS #E9, H&G B9b) used with light strike of VALLE DE SANTIAGO FRANCO cds cancel dated FEBRUARY (1880). Addressed to MEXICO CITY with arrival mark dated FEB 1880 on reverse. Backflap missing. - Est £75

Lot 714 - 1886 - Cover franked with single 1885 10c orange 'Hidalgo Medallion' issue (SG 162) tied by undated oval FRANCO EN GUADALAJARA cancel. Addressed to CUIDAD GUZMAN. Nice & clean. - Est £18

Lot 715 - 1888 - Cover franked with single 1887 10c scarlet 'Numeral' issue (SG 179) tied by circular 'Bars' cancel with oval FRANCO EN HUAMANTLA cancel dated 20 JULIO 1888 alongside. Addressed to SAN PABLO APETATITLAN. - Est £30

Lot 716 - 1892 - 1c green 'Numeral' issue on thin hard paper, a fine mint block of ten showing the compound perf 11 x 5½-6 on the bottom row of stamps and perf 11 on the top row. (SG 208a & 208c, Cat £43+) - Est £20

Lot 717 - 1894 - 10c yellow 'Hidalgo Medallion' postal stationery viewcard (H&G A3, UPSS #LC3 with outer perforations intact) used with CELAYA cds dated NOV 22 1894. Addressed to GERMANY with NUEVO LAREDO transit cds and German arrival cds all on front. - Est £20

Lot 718 - 1895 - CLIPPERTON ISLAND: 2c emerald green 'Clipperton Island' LOCAL issue, a good used copy with light strike of 'W. FRESE & CO. AGENTS FOR O. P. Co. SAN FRANCISCO' circular cancel in violet. Stamp has some toning but very scarce. - Est £75

Lot 719 - 1895 - CLIPPERTON ISLAND: 3c orange 'Clipperton Island' LOCAL issue, a good used copy with light strike of 'W. FRESE & CO. AGENTS FOR O. P. Co. SAN FRANCISCO' circular cancel in violet. Stamp has some toning but very scarce. - Est £75

Lot 720 - 1895 - CLIPPERTON ISLAND: 5c yellowish brown 'Clipperton Island' LOCAL issue, a good used copy with light strike of 'W. FRESE & CO. AGENTS FOR O. P. Co. SAN FRANCISCO' circular cancel in violet. Stamp has overall toning but very scarce. - Est £75

Lot 721 - 1895 - CLIPPERTON ISLAND: 25c dark blue 'Clipperton Island' LOCAL issue, a good used copy with light strike of 'W. FRESE & CO. AGENTS FOR O. P. Co. SAN FRANCISCO' circular cancel in violet. Stamp has some toning but very scarce. - Est £75

Lot 722 - 1895 - CLIPPERTON ISLAND: $1 bluish black 'Clipperton Island' LOCAL issue, a used copy with light strike of 'W. FRESE & CO. AGENTS FOR O. P. Co. SAN FRANCISCO' circular cancel in violet. Stamp is toned and has missing corner. The top value is very rare. A space filler. - Est £25

Lot 723 - 1895 - PRIVATE EXPRESS COMPANIES: 10c lilac + 15c green 'Express National Mexicano' postal stationery envelope with corrected weight line (UPSS #NE9, H&G B7) used with large manuscript 'A' cancel in black and oval FERROCARRIL NACIONAL MEXICANO SALAZAR cancel in blue dated JUN 26 1895. Addressed to GALLITO with company arrival mark on reverse. A very scarce envelope in used condition. - Est £90

Lot 724 - 1900 - WELLS FARGO: 10c lilac + 15c green 'Wells Fargo' express company envelope (H&G 95, UPSS #WF121) for use in Mexico and the USA used with added 1899 5c deep blue (SG 269) tied by oval EXPRESS WELLS FARGO Y CIA CHIHUAHUA-MEX cancel dated 16 MAY 1900. The envelope was used as a 'paste up' as can be seen from the reverse but also unusually addressed to GERMANY with HAMBURG arrival cds and small German unclaimed label on front. Very scarce use. - Est £65

Lot 725 - 1913 - CIVIL WAR: 100p grey 'Transitorio' REVENUE issue with coupon, the top value fine mint. Scarce. (Roberts #RV29) - Est £70

Lot 726 - 1913 - CIVIL WAR: Unusual 'El Presidente es valido al portador por 25 Centavos' Civil War banknote inscribed 'Tesoreria General del Estado' for use in the state of CHIHUAHUA with official handstamp and printed signatures also inscribed 'Gobernador Provisional del Estado Gral francisco Villa'. Very attractive & unusual. - Est £25

Lot 727 - 1914 - CIVIL WAR: 5c orange red & green SONORA 'Coach Seal' issue a fine unused block of six with central gutter consisting of two TETE-BECHE pairs. (SG S35 var) - Est £18

Lot 728 - 1914 - CIVIL WAR: Cover franked with 1914 5c buff & green SONORA 'Coach Seal' issue (SG S35b) applied to envelope with glue tied by POZA ESTN, SON cds dated 24 NOV 1914. Addressed to HERMOSILLO with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £30

Lot 729 - 1914 - CIVIL WAR & TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: Cover with printed 'Roy & Titcomb, Inc. Nogales, Arizona' return address at top franked with 1914 5c dull carmine 'Denver' issue (SG CT42) tied by O.P.A. No. 855 F.C.C.R. Y.P. Y SUR P. cds dated 6 AGO 1914 (Guaymas - Nogales route). Addressed to NOGALES, SON. - Est £25

Lot 730 - 1914 - CIVIL WAR: Black & white photographic PPC 'Moving the Mexican Army' showing troops alongside and being transported on trains. Fine unused. A scarce card. - Est £25

Lot 731 - 1915 - 10c blue 'Portrait' issue, imperf. A fine mint copy with variety STAMP PRINTED DOUBLE. (SG 298 var) - Est £20

Lot 732 - 1916 - 'Silver Currency' OPT issue on 1910 set the 1c to 20c all fine mint. (SG 310/317, Cat £20+) - Est £10

Lot 733 - 1916 - 60c on 2c green 'Gold Currency' opt issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 374) - Est £15

Lot 734 - 1917 - 5p grey & grey green 'P.O. Mexico City' issue, a fine mint corner marginal block of four with 'V-13' cylinder number in green and '1982' sheet number handstamp in black in margin. (SG 412a. Cat £112) - Est £50

Lot 735 - 1919 - 10c + 5c blue 'Red Cross Fund' OPT issue, a fine used copy. (SG 414) - Est £10

Lot 736 - 1922 - Registered cover franked with pair 1910 15c lake & slate (SG 288) tied by light MERIDA cds dated 1922 with boxed 'MERIDA' registration marking in purple. Addressed to USA with small French 'Flag' cinderella label on front and 'Sunburst' registration seal on reverse with transit & arrival marks. Cover has a few minor edge faults but late use of this issue. - Est £16

Lot 737 - 1923 - Cover franked with 1923 10c brown (SG 423) tied by fine SANTA CLARA CHIH duplex cds in purple. Addressed to USA with firms filing mark on front. - Est £40

Lot 738 - 1924 - YUCATAN INSURRECTION ISSUE & REVENUE: 10p orange 'Yucatan Insurrection' local REVENUE issue, imperf with coupon attached inscribed 'Gobierno Revolucionario 1924'. A fine unused corner pair. Scarce. (Stevens #Y13, Mexico's Revenue Stamps #Y15) - Est £30

Lot 739 - 1929 - 'Airmail' issue, perf 12, the set of nine fine mint. (SG 469/76, Cat £39) - Est £20

Lot 740 - 1929 - FIRST FLIGHT: 35c green postal stationery airmail envelope (H&G FB2) used with added 1929 2c grey green TAX issue (SG 461) tied by MEXICO CITY cds's dated 15 JUL 1929. Flown on the 'Emilio Carranza' death anniversary special flight from Mexico City to Matamoros with commemorative flight cachet in purple on front. Addressed to MATAMOROS, unclaimed with various LISTA markings etc. (Muller #33) - Est £18

Lot 741 - 1930 - 5c sepia & sage green and 15c green & bright violet 'HABILITADO 1930' opt issue, the pair fine mint. (SG 496/7) - Est £12

Lot 742 - 1930 - Carranza AIRMAIL issue with 'HABILITADO AEREO 1930-1931' opt, the set of six fine mint. (SG 498/503) - Est £25

Lot 743 - 1932 - 30c on 20c sepia AIR 'Surcharge' issue, perforated, a fine cds used copy. (SG 518, Cat £30) - Est £15

Lot 744 - 1932 - 40c on 25c sepia & green AIR 'Surcharge' issue, perforated, a fine cds used copy. (SG 520, Cat £37) - Est £20

Lot 745 - 1933 - 21st International Statistical Congress' issue, POSTAGE set of four fine mint. (SG 529/32, Cat £69+) - Est £32

Lot 746 - 1938 - '16th International Town Planning & Housing Congress, Mexico City' issue, the complete set of twelve fine mint. (SG 610/621, Cat £100) - Est £50

Lot 747 - 1944 - TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: Cover with 'El Pipila, Guanajuato, GTO' company handstamp at left franked with pair 1940 6c green (SG 654) tied by SERVICIO AMBULANTE 393 cds dated 6 NOV 1944. Addressed to USA and censored on arrival. - Est £25

Lot 748 - 1945 - 'Inter American Conference' issue, the set of nine fine mint. (SG 735/43, Cat £47) - Est £22

Lot 749 - 1946 - '400th Anniversary of City of Zacatecas' issue, the set of nine fine mint. (SG 777/85, Cat £55) - Est £25

Lot 750 - 1950 - 20p grey blue & scarlet 'Type 2' REDRAWN with 'LQ' engravers initials added, a fine lightly used copy. (SG 859a, Cat £85) - Est £40

Lot 751 - 1962 - 1p olive grey, 5p dull blue & deep green, 10p deep grey & blue and 20p reddish violet & black 'Photogravure' issue, the set of four fine mint. (SG 1011/4, Cat £42+) - Est £20

Lot 752 - 1963 - 20c rose on white fluorescent paper, a fine mint copy. (SG 1052a, Cat £38) - Est £18

Lot 753 - 1886-1935 - POSTAL STATIONERY: Small lot of better mint & used items inc 1903 2c card with APIZACO TLAX cds to PUEBLA, 1911 2c card with added 4dc tied from CARMEN to Germany, 1903 4c on 3c brown PSC used with printed 'Ferrocarril Central de Mexicano' message on reverse, Hidalgo Medallion 10c orange PSE and 4c orange lettercard unused, 4c brown PSC with 'Villa Zapata' civil war opt and 1930's 25c airmail envelope unused. (9 items) - Est £30

Lot 754 - 1975-1992 - EXPORTA ISSUE: Useful mint collection on various different printed pages plus accumulation on two stocksheets inc a couple of blocks of four. Needs sorting & checking. (69 stamps) - Est £20

Morocco Agencies

Lot 755 - 1896 - GIBRALTAR USED IN MOROCCO: 5c + 5c green QV postal stationery replycard of Gibraltar (H&G 18) reply half only datelined 'Telegraph House, Tangier' on reverse used with added Gibraltar 1889 5c green QV issue (SG Z141) tied by fine TANGIER 'A26' duplex cancel dated NOV 4 1895. Addressed to UK. Fine. - Est £50

Lot 756 - 1899 - 2p black & carmine QV issue fine used with central strike of MOGADOR cds dated 1906. (SG 16) - Est £45

Lot 757 - 1903 - 25c purple & black on blue EVII overprint issue with variety 'HYPHEN BETWEEN N & C' a fine mint copy. (SG 20c, Cat £75) - Est £25

Lot 758 - 1907 - EVII definitive issue, the set of twelve fine mint. (SG 112/123) - Est £95

Lot 759 - 1909 - Black & white printed 'Royal Mail Steam Packet Company' PPC of the 'R.M.S.P. "Agadir"' franked on message side with 1907 25c on 2½d pale ultramarine EVII issue (SG 116a) tied by BRITISH POST OFFICE RABAT cds dated 22 JUL 1909. Addressed to ITALY with CASABLANCA and TANGIER transit cds's and Italian arrival cds all on front. Very fine. - Est £60

Lot 760 - 1914 - 1d scarlet GV British currency issue, a fine used block of eight with oval REGISTERED MAZAGAN cancels dated 16 APR 1918. (SG 43) - Est £24

Lot 761 - 1914 - 3p on 2/6 yellow brown GV 'Seahorse' issue with overprint in 'Spanish Currency', De La Rue printing, a fine mint copy. (SG 140) - Est £25

Lot 762 - 1924 - 3f on 2/6 chocolate brown, 3f on 2/6 reddish brown and 6f on 5/- rose red GV 'Seahorse' issue with overprints in 'French Currency', the set of three fine mint. (SG 200, 200c & 201) - Est £25

Lot 763 - 1937 - GVI issue with 'TANGIER' overprint, the set of three in fine unmounted mint blocks of four. (SG 245/247) - Est £70

Lot 764 - 1937 - Cover franked with single 1937 15c on 1½d maroon GVI issue (SG 164) tied by LARACHE cds. Addressed to TANGIER with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £30

Lot 765 - 1938 - Cover franked with single 1935 1p on 10d turquoise blue GV issue overprinted in Spanish currency (SG 159) tied by BRITISH POST OFFICE TETUAN cds dated 16 JAN 1938 with second strike alongside. Addressed to UK. - Est £40

Lot 766 - 1938 - Registered cover franked with 1935 50c on 5d yellow brown, pair 90c on 9d deep olive green, 1f 50c on 1/- bistre brown GV issue and 1937 15c on 1½d maroon GVI issue all overprinted in French currency (SG 221/2, 224 & 229) plus 1936 5c on ½d green, 10c on 1d scarlet & 15c on 1½d red brown EVIII issue overprinted in Spanish currency (SG 160/2) tied by BRITISH POST OFFICE FEZ cds's dated 8 JAN 1938 with printed 'FEZ, Morocco' REG label. Addressed to USA with GIBRALTAR & other transits & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £35


Lot 767 - 1862 - 1c bistre 'Volcano' issue a fine IMPERF PLATE PROOF on thin paper. Ex ABNCo. Archive. (As SG 3) - Est £40

Lot 768 - 1883 - 2c red brown on buff postal stationery card (H&G 1) used with fine strike of CORREOS DE NICARAGUA CHINANDEGA cds in blue. Addressed to LEON. - Est £50

Lot 769 - 1886 - 2c red brown on buff first postal stationery card (H&G 1) used with CORINTO cds in purple dated 18 AUG 1886. Addressed to LEON. - Est £25

Lot 770 - 1890 - 10c grey postal stationery envelope (H&G B5) with serifed 'SPECIMEN' handstamp in blue green. Unused. - Est £12

Lot 771 - 1893 - TELEGRAPH: 1c blue 'Seebeck' telegraph issue with variety 'TELEGRAFOS' OPT INVERTED, a fine copy. (Barefoot #26b, Cat £20) - Est £12

Lot 772 - 1896 - Nice group of 'Numeral' PSE's with 1896 10c orange used from GRANADA to UK, 10c orange used with added 1896 5c aniline rose 'Seebeck' issue tied from MANAGUA to LEON and 1897 5c red three examples used from LEON, CORINTO & GRANADA to MANAGUA, 10c orange two copies used from LEON & MANAGUA to UK and 5c red used with added 1897 5c aniline rose 'Seebeck' issue tied from LEON to MANAGUA. All in fine condition. (8 items) - Est £65

Lot 773 - 1898 - TELEGRAPH: 5c olive brown 'Seebeck' issue with variety 'TELEGRAFO' OPT DOUBLE. A fine used copy. (Barefoot #unlisted) - Est £30

Lot 774 - 1900 - MOMOTOMBO TRAIN ISSUE: Nice group with 1902 5c blue PSE with added 10c mauve sent from CORINTO to GERMANY, 1900 10c purple PSE sent from LEON to USA, 1902 10c purple PSE with added 5c blue 'Litho' issue sent from BLUEFIELDS to USA and 1902 PPC 'Palacio Nacional Managua' with 5c blue 'Litho' issue from CORINTO to UK. Fine condition. (4 items) - Est £45

Lot 775 - 1900 - 5c blue, 10c purple, 20c brown, 30c green and 50c red large format 'Momotombo' NEWSPAPER STAMP issue, all cut square with large margins, imperf all overprinted SPECIMEN in red and with small hole punch. Ex ABNCo. archive. Unlisted by all catalogues. Very scarce. (See article in Mainsheet issue #62) - Est £120

Lot 776 - 1902 - 10c purple 'Momotombo' PSE (H&G B46) used with added 1901 5c deep blue 'Postage Due' issue with '1901 CORREOS' opt (SG 179) tied by light SAN JUAN DEL SUR cds. Addressed to USA with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £35

Lot 777 - 1904 - 5c blue 'Momotombo' postal stationery envelope (H&G B45) used with superb strike of ADMINISTRACION DE CORREOS DE BOACO oval cancel dated NOV 11 1904. Addressed to MANAGUA with large circular CARTERO No. 4 - 10 A.M. MANAGUA marking on front and MANAGUA oval arrival mark on reverse. Trimmed approx 1cm at left but a rare origination. - Est £240

Lot 778 - 1904 - ZELAYA: 1c claret 'Momotombo' issue with 'B Dpto Zelaya' handstamp in blue from the Managua special printing, a fine used copy with part strike of LAGUNA DE PERLAS oval cancel in purple dated 1905. (Maxwell #LB23R) - Est £18

Lot 779 - 1906 - 10c on 2p deep green 'Arms' issue with overprint reading up, a fine used copy. Difficult stamp. (SG 234) - Est £10

Lot 780 - 1909 - 'CORREOS - 1909' opt on Revenue issue, the set of five fine lightly used. (SG 273/7) - Est £16

Lot 781 - 1910 - CABO GRACIAS A DIOS: Cover franked with single 1909 15c black with 'C Dpto Zelaya' opt (SG C67) tied by dumb cork cancel in black. Addressed to USA with NEW ORLEANS arrival cds on reverse dated MAY 10 1910. A very scarce issue used on cover. - Est £65

Lot 782 - 1911 - 2c on 2c on 5c on 2c blue 'Railway Coupon' issue with overprint in yellow the COMPLETE SETTING OF TWENTY fine unused. (SG 322c) - Est £110

Lot 783 - 1911 - RAILWAY COUPON ISSUE: 2c on 5c on 2c blue 'Railway Coupon' issue with overprint in yellow. A fine unused strip of four. An underrated issue. (SG 322c, Cat £25) - Est £15

Lot 784 - 1911 - 5c on 10c on 1c vermilion and 10c on 10c on 1c vermilion RAILWAY COUPON issue with 'Vale 5 cts. CORREO DE 1911' opt (unissued). The pair fine unused. Uncommon. (SG 331/2, Cat £52+) - Est £25

Lot 785 - 1914 - REVENUES: 1914 2 cor black 'Impuesto Al Capital' (Capital gains tax) REVENUE issue and circa 1950 10c rose 'Consular Especial' (Consular) REVENUE both with red 'SPECIMEN' opt and small hole punch. The latter stamp is only known as a specimen. Ex ABNCo. Archive. (2) - Est £15

Lot 786 - 1917 - ROUTING: Cover franked with 1914 1c green & pair 2c vermilion (SG 395/396) tied by somewhat smudgy SAN JUAN DEL SUR cds's but with return address at top left. Addressed to USA endorsed in manuscript 'Via Liberia y Limon' with LIBERIA COSTA RICA transit cds and straight line 'TRANSITO' marks on front and SAN JOSE COSTA RICA transit cds and USA arrival cds on reverse. Scarce routing. - Est £60

Lot 787 - 1919 - ZELAYA - POSTAL FISCALS: 1c orange 'Timbre Fiscal' REVENUE and 1c blue 'Tall Type' REVENUE issue both tied on small piece by BLUEFIELDS cds dated APR 22 1919. These revenues were authorised for use due to the stamp shortage which resulted in the 1919 Bluefields Provisionals. - Est £35

Lot 788 - 1921 - Colour PPC 'Vida Campo - Recuerdos de Nicaragua' franked on message side with 1921 1c on 5c blue opt on 'OFICIAL' issue and 1c on 4c orange & black OPT on Revenue issue (SG 449 & 455) tied by LEON cds. Addressed to GERMANY with CORINTO transit cds also on front. Uncommon issues used on cover. - Est £30

Lot 789 - 1924 - Trio of 2c orange on yellow PSEs (H&G B82) one used in 1922 with added 1c TAX opt (SG 473) tied CORINTO to LEON, two used in 1924 both with added 1c violet TAX issues (SG 494) tied from CORINTO to LEON with instructional mark on front and from MANAGUA to USA. All fine. (3 items) - Est £30

Lot 790 - 1925 - 10c brown on cream 'Waterlow' postal stationery card (H&G 73) which was devalued in 1913 re-used with added 1922 ½c green and 1c violet 'National Palace' issue (SG 465/466) applied over stamp imprint and tied by heavy strike of MANAGUA cds with second strike alongside. Addressed internally to GRANADA. An unusual use. - Est £24

Lot 791 - 1925 - REVENUE PROOF: Circa 1925. Green 'Timbre Fiscal Consular' IMPERF PLATE PROOF on thick card without value. Ex ABNCo. Archive. - Est £35

Lot 792 - 1928 - Cover franked with 1928 1c violet and 2c on 4c vermilion both with 'Correos 1928' overprints in purple (SG 575 & 586) tied by CORINTO cds. Addressed to USA. - Est £30

Lot 793 - 1931 - EARTHQUAKE ISSUES: Printed 'Presidencia de la Republica Managua' envelope with gold 'Liberty Cap' imprint at top with oval ADMINISTRACION DE CORREOS MANAGUA marking in purple dated NOV 12 1931 sent via CORINTO with added 1931 5c sepia with '1931' earthquake opt and 'OFICIAL 'opt in red (SG O672) tied by CORINTO cds dated 13 NOV. Addressed to FRANCE with arrival cds on reverse. Cover has horizontal crease not affecting the stamp or markings and a few tiny tone spots but otherwise very scarce correct use of the earthquake officials. - Est £65

 Lot 794 - 1933 - Cover with franked with 1922 ½c deep green and 2c carmine red, 1928 4c chocolate and 1929 1c orange TAX issue plus 2 x 1929 15c violet 'Momotombo' AIR issue (SG 465, 467, 595, 605 & 629) all tied by large CORREO AEREO MANAGUA cancels dated AGO 19 1933 with 'Winged' AIR MAIL marking in purple on front. Addressed to UK. Attractive. - Est £24

Lot 795 - 1935 - POSTMASTER PROVISIONAL: 1c orange TAX issue used with 'J P Frawley' Postmaster's Signature validating the stamp after a large theft of stamps from the Treasury on November 16th 1935. Uncommon. (SG 818) - Est £24

Lot 796 - 1938 - '75th Anniversary of the Postal Service' EXTERIOR issue sheetlet of four containing the variety 50c ERROR OF COLOUR (printed in Black & blue the colour of the 15c), IMPERF, fine unused. (Maxwell #A240da, SG 999e/h Variety). - Est £30

Lot 797 - 1938 - Headed 'Banco Nacional de Nicaragua' cover franked with 4 x 1938 5c on 50c brown comprising a normal single plus the three listed varieties 'Val' for 'Vale', 'Valc' for 'Vale' and 'Cantavos' for 'Centavos' (SG 1001, 1001a, 1001b & 1001c) tied by boxed MANAGUA cancel. Addressed locally. Scarce varieties used on cover. - Est £45

Lot 798 - 1941 - CENSORED MAIL: Airmail cover franked with 1937 30c on 50c carmine & 1941 10c on 1c emerald green (SG 931 & 1050) tied by boxed GRANADA cancels. Addressed to USA with Nicaraguan black on buff 'CENSURADA' handstamped censor strip at left and USA 'EXAMINED BY 12066' censor strip at right. Also 1941 airmail cover franked 1937 40c on 1cor green (SG 933) tied by boxed MANAGUA cancel. Addressed to CANADA with 'EXAMINED BY C. 38' Canadian censor strip at left and Nicaraguan 'Coffee' publicity cachet on reverse. (2 items) - Est £20

Lot 799 - 1943 - FIRST FLIGHT: TACA First Flight across Central America, the set of four illustrated covers for the four legs of the flight to Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador and USA each cover with the first flight cachet on front. A fine group showing the complete flight. (4 covers, Muller #36/39, rated 5000pts) - Est £30

Lot 800 - 1947 - 'Triangle' POSTAGE issue, the set of eleven in fine mint triangular blocks of four. (SG 1096/1106, Cat £40) - Est £20

Lot 801 - 1952 - Printed British Legation envelope sent registered franked with 1950 20c scarlet & black on front and 1949 5c turquoise on reverse (SG 1147 & 1137) tied by boxed MANAGUA cancels dated 18 JUL 1952 with boxed REG marking. Addressed to MEXICO with BRITISH LEGATION MANAGUA cachet on front. Also REG cover to USA franked with 5c & 30c from the 'Embajada de la Republica Dominicana, Managua' with consular cachets etc. (2 items) - Est £12

Lot 802 - 1955 - ISLAND MAIL: Airmail cover with typed 'Donald Gardner, Moyogalpa, Ometepe (Isla) Nicaragua, C.A.' return address on front and 'Please Forward' at base franked with 1954 25c scarlet & black and 2 x 1955 5c blue TAX issue (SG 1219 & T1247a) tied by purple MANAGUA cds's. Addressed to USA with arrival cds on reverse. A scarce origination. - Est £20

Lot 803 - 1974 - Cover from CHILE to NIGERIA missent to NICARAGUA with boxed 'MAL ENCAMINADA A NICARAGUA' marking in purple on front. Unusual. - Est £10

Lot 804 - 1979 - SANDINISTA REVOLUTION: Incoming cover from Australia franked with 1976 20c and 35c 'Cocos Keeling Islands' issue (SG 25 & 28) tied by NORTHAMPTON WA cds dated 3 JUL 1979 and also a Hutt River Province 55c 'Christmas' local on reverse tied by large HUTT RIVER PROVINCE cds dated 2 JUL 1979. Addressed to 'R E Allen, Banco de Londres, Managua' and held due to the revolution with fine strike of two line 'CORREO ATRASADO POR LA GUERRA' (mail delayed by war) marking in purple with boxed TELCOR MANAGUA arrival mark on reverse dated 30 AUG 1979. Cover has a boxed Banco de Londres receiving mark on front dated 3 SEP 1979. An unusual item. This cover was featured in an article in Nicaro vol.6 no.1 Jan 2017, a copy of which accompanies. - Est £50

Lot 805 - 1900-1947 - Nice group of 'SPECIMENS' with UNISSUED 1900 2c & 5c 'Postage Dues', the unissued 1c claret RECONSTRUCCION issue, few National Palace types inc 'OFICIAL' opts & block of four, couple of Telegraphs and a later 2c 'Will Rogers' pair, all mint with gum opt 'SPECIMEN' in red with small hole punch. Ex ABNCo. Archive. (16 stamps) - Est £25

Lot 806 - 1933-1943 - OFFICIAL MAIL: Trio of official 'Bank' covers all franked with 'OFICIAL' opt issues inc one sent airmail, two to USA and one to UK with a variety of official cachets & markings. (3 items) - Est £25


Lot 807 - 1891 - 1d black, 2d sea green & vermilion, 4d reddish chestnut & black, 8d rose lake & ultramarine and 1/- grey brown 'B.C.A.' opt issue all fine mint (the 8d is unused). (SG 1/3 & 6/7, Cat £105) - Est £32

Lot 808 - 1895 - 6d black & blue 'Arms of the Protectorate' issue, no watermark, a fine mint copy. (SG 24, Cat £100) - Est £32

Lot 809 - 1898 - 1d vermilion & deep ultramarine 'Cheque' stamp, without control opt on reverse used with central ZOMBA Squared circle cds dated JUL 27 1898. Couple of small thins on reverse. (SG 57ab, Cat £120) - Est £40

Lot 810 - 1934 - GV 'Leopard' issue, the set of nine fine mint. (SG 114/22, Cat £48) - Est £16

Lot 811 - 1935 - GV 'Silver Jubilee' issue, the set of four fine mint. (SG 123/6, Cat £42) - Est £12

Lot 812 - 1938 - GVI 'definitive' issue, the set of eighteen fine mint. (SG 130/143, Cat £225) - Est £75

Lot 813 - 1938 - 2/- purple & blue on blue and 2/6 black & red on blue GVI 'Key Type' issue on chalk surfaced paper, both fine mint copies. (SG 139/40, Cat £30) - Est £10

Lot 814 - 1938 - 5/- pale green & red on yellow on chalk surfaced paper and 5/- green & red on pale yellow on ordinary paper GVI 'Key Type' issue, both shades fine mint. (SG 141/141a, Cat £150) - Est £50

Lot 815 - 1938 - 10/- emerald & deep red on pale green GVI 'Key Type' issue on chalk surfaced paper, a fine mint copy. (SG 142, Cat £60) - Est £20

Lot 816 - 1945 - GVI 'Definitive' issue, the set of fourteen fine mint. (SG 144/157, Cat £95) - Est £30

Lot 817 - 1950 - 6d yellow orange 'Postage Due' issue, a fine cds used copy. (SG D5, Cat £170) - Est £55


Lot 818 - 1866 - BRITISH POST OFFICE & VIA PANAMA MAIL: Cover franked with pair Great Britain 1865 1/- green QV issue, Plate 4 (SG 101) tied by HALIFAX '330' duplex cancels dated MAR 16 1866. Addressed to LIMA, PERU sent via the British P.O. in Panama with fine strike of the PANAMA arc British Post Office cds dated APR 8 1866 on front and LIMA arrival cds on reverse. - Est £120

Lot 819 - 1867 - BRITISH POST OFFICES: 1/- green QV issue of Great Britain, Plate 4 used with fine strike of barred numeral 'C35' of the British P.O. in PANAMA CITY. Stamp has a few rough perfs. (SG Z103) - Est £35

Lot 820 - 1878 - 10c blue on thin paper 'First Issue', a good copy, four margins, tight at top, used with manuscript cancel. (SG 2A, Cat £80) - Est £40

Lot 821 - 1887 - 1c black on deep red 'Map' issue, TRIAL PRINTING on surface glazed paper in unissued colour. Ungummed. (As SG 5, Heydon #8 Unlisted) - Est £30

Lot 822 - 1903 - 10c orange MAP issue with 'Second Panama' overprint, bar in same colour as stamp, a fine unused copy with variety PANAMA OVERPRINTED ONCE HORIZONTALLY. A scarce & underrated stamp. (SG 51c variety, Heydon #93x) - Est £30

Lot 823 - 1904 - 10c orange MAP issue with 'Fourth Panama' overprint in dark carmine red with wide bar (seventh printing) a fine unused copy with variety PANAMA OVERPRINT DOUBLE AT RIGHT ONLY. (SG 56, Heydon 121b) - Est £24

Lot 824 - 1904 - 10c on 20c blue on bluish paper 'Registration' issue of Colombia, issued at Panama, a fine used copy with handstruck '7524' registration number in blue. A scarce stamp. (SG R68) - Est £60

Lot 825 - 1904 - 10c on 20c blue on bluish paper 'Registration' issue of Colombia, issued at Panama, a mint copy with handstruck '7341' registration number in blue. Some light thinning on reverse but scarce stamp. (SG R68) - Est £45

Lot 826 - 1904 - Superb registered cover franked with 1904 2 x 1c green 'Third Panama' overprints (two different printings with PANAMA's touching bar on one and 8mm away on the other, two pairs of 2c carmine 'Fourth Panama' overprint and a pair of 10c orange 'Fourth Panama' overprint one with circular 'R COLON' registration handstamp in purple with manuscript '1322' registration number alongside and 5c blue 'Fourth Panama' overprint with 'A R COLON' handstamp also in purple (SG 62, 54, 56, R60 & AR61) all tied by COLON duplex cancels dated 15 MAR 1904. Addressed to GERMANY with NEW YORK EXCHANGE transit registration label on front and transit and arrival marks on reverse. A superb and rare cover. - Est £450

Lot 827 - 1906 - 2c on 50c bistre brown MAP 'Surcharge' issue with variety OPT DOUBLE, a fine unused copy. (SG 139e) - Est £15

Lot 828 - 1906 - UNISSUED: 2c on 20c violet MAP 'Surcharge' UNISSUED value with OPT INVERTED (this value only exists with inverted opt), a CTO copy with blue COLON cds dated 1906. Uncommon. (See note in SG) - Est £45

Lot 829 - 1909 - Cover with 'AGENCE DIPLOMATIQUE DE FRANCE A PANAMA' handstamp on front and circular 'CONSULAT ET AGENCE DIPLOMATIQUE DE FRANCE' arms cachet on reverse franked with 1909 2½c red (SG 154) tied by PANAMA cds dated 12 NOV 1909. Addressed to 'Monsieur Benoit Reynet, Maison de Goethals, Ingenieur en chef de P.C.C., Culebra, Canal Zone' with transit & arrival cds's on reverse. Cover a little roughly opened at top. - Est £20

Lot 830 - 1911 - REVENUES: 40c orange 'Timbre Nacional' REVENUE issue, Perkins Bacon PROOF impression block of 4 showing two full impressions and four partial impressions, imperf without gum. Very unusual. - Est £10

Lot 831 - 1912 - Colour PPC 'Fire at Colon, Panama' showing many buildings in the city of Colon on fire with contemporary manuscript endorsement 'Colon 8 Noviembre 1902, Fuego en Colon, Panama'. Franked on message side with 1909 2c black & vermilion (SG 153) tied by COLON cds dated NOV 9 1902. Addressed to SPAIN. A very scarce disaster postcard. - Est £40

Lot 832 - 1917 - 20c grey lilac 'Triangular' PARCEL POST issue, '1 PARTE' with arms inverted, a fine lightly used copy with variety '20' AT RIGHT INVERTED. Rare. - Est £50

Lot 833 - 1918 - 1b black & indigo violet 'Pedro Miguel Lock' issue, a good mint copy. Tiny thin on reverse. (SG 182) - Est £15

Lot 834 - 1924 - 'Arms' definitive issue, the set of ten fine mint. (SG 198/207) - Est £15

Lot 835 - 1924 - Registered cover franked with single 1915 10c black & orange (SG 167) tied by fine boxed AGENCIA POSTAL 'R' BOCAS DEL TORO cancel dated JUN 24 1924 with boxed REG handstamp alongside. Addressed to USA with transit & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £35

Lot 836 - 1925 - Cover franked with 1924 2c carmine 'Arms' issue (SG 200) tied by fine strike of ADMON PRIN DE CORREOS LAS TABLAS cds dated APR 16 1925. Addressed to USA. - Est £40

Lot 837 - 1926 - 'Bolivar Congress' issue, the set of twelve fine mint. (SG 208/19) - Est £25

Lot 838 - 1929 - FIRST FLIGHT: Cover franked with 1924 2c carmine 'Arms' issue and 1929 15c on 10c orange AIR issue (SG 200 & 229) tied by PANAMA cds's dated MAY 22 1929. Flown on the Colon - Tela, Honduras first flight with boxed AGENCIA POSTAL DE PANAMA PRIMER SERVICIO DE CORREO AEREO PANAMA - HONDURAS first flight cachet in black on front. Addressed to TELA, HONDURAS with LA CEIBA transit and TELA arrival marks on reverse. A Rare flight. (Muller #16, only 129 covers flown) - Est £75

Lot 839 - 1929 - FIRST FLIGHT: Cover franked with 1924 2c carmine 'Arms' issue and 1929 25c on 10c orange AIR issue (SG 200 & 225) tied by COLON cds dated FEB 9 1929. Flown on the Colon - Miami, USA first flight by Lindbergh with circular 'AGENCIA POSTAL COLON R. DE P. PRIMER CORREO AEREO INTERNACIONAL' cachet and two line 'PANAMERICAN AIRWAYS Inc. PRIMER VUELO' marking both in violet on front. Addressed to USA with arrival cds on reverse. (Muller #8) - Est £15

Lot 840 - 1929 - MARITIME: Cover franked with 1928 2c scarlet on rose (SG 222) tied by PANAMA cds dated MAY 22 1929 with good strike of two line "Resolute" Weltreise SHIP marking in purple (The Resolute's World Cruise) with 'MAY 21 1929' date handstamp in blue below. Addressed to USA. - Est £20

Lot 841 - 1929 - FIRST FLIGHT: 2c red airmail PSE (H&G FB1) with added 1929 15c on 10c orange AIR issue (SG 229) tied by COLON cds's dated JUL 8 1929. Flown on the Colon - Cartagena, Colombia first flight with boxed AGENCIA POSTAL DE COLON PRIMER SERVICIO DE CORREO AEREO COLON - CARTAGENA first flight cachet in purple on front. Addressed to COLON with CARTAGENA and COLON transit and arrival marks on reverse. (Muller #26, only 308 covers flown) - Est £35

Lot 842 - 1929 - FIRST FLIGHT: 2c red airmail PSE (H&G FB1) with added 1929 25c on 10c orange AIR issue (SG 225) tied by PANAMA cds's dated MAY 23 1929. Flown on the Panama - Guayaquil, Ecuador first flight with boxed AGENCIA POSTAL DE PANAMA PRIMER SERVICIO DE CORREO AEREO PANAMA - ECUADOR first flight cachet in purple on front. Addressed to GUAYAQUIL,. ECUADOR with arrival cds on reverse. A very scarce flight. (Muller #21a, only around 220-250 covers flown) - Est £45

Lot 843 - 1930 - FIRST FLIGHT: Airmail cover franked with 1926 5c deep blue and 1930 15c on 10c orange AIR issue (SG 212 & 229) tied by COLON cds's in pink dated MAY 4 1930. Flown on the Colon - Maracaibo, Venezuela first flight with boxed AGENCIA POSTAL DE COLON PRIMER VUELO PANAMA - VENEZUELA cachet also in pink. Addressed to MERIDA, VENEZUELA. (Muller #50) - Est £30

Lot 844 - 1930 - FIRST FLIGHT: 1c green PSE used with added 2 x 1930 5c on 10c orange AIR opt issue (SG 238) tied by PANAMA cds's dated MAR 10 1930. Flown on the Panama - San Jose, Costa Rica first flight with boxed 'AGENCIA POSTAL DE PANAMA PRIMER VUELO PANAMA - COSTA RICA' cachet in pink with SAN JOSE arrival cds all on front. (Muller #38, around 350 covers flown) - Est £35

Lot 845 - 1931 - FIRST FLIGHT: Airmail cover franked with 1931 5c blue 'Internal' AIR issue (SG 250) tied by PANAMA cds dated 28 NOV 1931. Flown on the Panama City - Bejuco' opening of the air service to the Western Provinces first internal flight with first flight cds tying stamp and BEJUCO first flight arrival cds in blue on front. (Muller #70e) - Est £25

Lot 846 - 1932 - OFFICIAL SEALS: Pair of registered covers one dated 1932 from PANAMA CITY to USA and the other dated 1936 sent from COLON to USA both with fine examples of the printed red & white 'Sawtooth' OFFICIAL SEAL tied on reverse. A fine pair of covers which will display well. (2 items) - Est £30

Lot 847 - 1934 - 10c on 20c brown 'CORREO AEREO' surcharge issue with variety SMALL '10'. A fine mint copy. (SG 268a, Cat £60) - Est £30

Lot 848 - 1936 - 'Fourth Spanish American Postal Congress' AIR issue, the set of six fine mint. (SG 283/8, Cat £24) - Est £12

Lot 849 - 1937 - '50th Anniversary of the Fire Brigade' issue, the set of nine fine mint. (SG 325/33) - Est £30

Lot 850 - 1939 - '25th Anniversary of Opening of the Panama Canal' both postage and air sets fine mint. (SG 357/73, Cat £33+) - Est £18

Lot 851 - 1941 - 1c green postal stationery viewcard (H&G 18) with view in blue of 'National University - Panama City, R. of P.' used with added 1941 1c green TAX issue (SG 394) tied by PANAMA OFICIAL cds dated MAR 1 1941 with 'REPUBLICA DE PANAMA AGENCIA POSTAL DE PANAMA' Arms cachet alongside. Addressed to USA. Card has a small tear at top but is uncommon in used condition. - Est £30

Lot 852 - 1944 - Green 'PAA Grace - Este es mi Viaje via Panagra' illustrated air routes postcard franked on message side with 1942 8c black & brown and 1943 1c carmine TAX issue (SG 420 & 434) tied by indistinct PANAMA cds's. Addressed to USA with circular censor mark. - Est £40

Lot 853 - 1950 - REVENUES: Circa 1950 5b orange brown TIMBRE DE GANADERIA 'Cows Head' revenue issue, a fine mint strip of three with stamps lettered 'A', 'B' and 'C' with stamp A having an Arms design instead of the Cows head and each stamp with a blank tablet at base. Printed by Thomas de la Rue and possibly a proof. - Est £16

Lot 854 - 1953 - HAM RADIO: 'Ham Radio' card franked with 1952 2c black & scarlet and 1950 1c black & violet TAX issue (SG 531 & 521) tied by COLON cds. Addressed to SWEDEN. - Est £10

Lot 855 - 1956 - UNISSUED: 'Popes' UNISSUED set of twelve fine mint, printed by the 'Jeffries Banknote Co.'. Uncommon. (See note in SG) - Est £45

Lot 856 - 1956 - UNISSUED 'Popes' set of twelve fine unmounted mint, printed by the 'Jeffries Banknote Co.'. Uncommon. (See note in SG) - Est £40

Lot 857 - 1912-1935 - POSTCARDS: Small lot with views inc 1917 'One of the Indian Chiefs at San Blas' used but with stamps removed, 1912 'Residence of Chief Eng. Stevens Culebra' used to France, 1912 'Street in Empire' used to UK, 1935 General view of Gatun Locks used to USA and 'Indian Beauties, Darien' and 'Chinese Oranges from Chiriqui' unused. (6 items) - Est £25

Lot 858 - 1925-1949 - POSTAL STATIONERY: 1c green PSE (H&G B8) used with added 1924 1c green (SG 199) tied from PANAMA to USA per 'S.S. Teno', 1946 & 1947 two 1c green PSC's (H&G 14) both used with added 1945 1c green TAX stamp tied from PANAMA CITY to CURUNDU, C.Z. and 1949 printed 'Sears Roebuck' promotional card addressed to 'BOX HOLDER' cancelled by PANAMA cds dated SET 7 1949. (4 items) - Est £20

Panama - Canal Zone

Lot 859 - 1904 - 5c blue MAP issue of Panama with 'CANAL ZONE' handstamp in grey black, a fine lightly used copy. Scarce stamp. (SG 2) - Est £150

Lot 860 - 1904 - 5c blue MAP issue of Panama with 'CANAL ZONE' overprint in black, a fine mint copy with variety BOTH PANAMAs OVERPRINT AT RIGHT. (SG 12 variety) - Est £24

Lot 861 - 1904 - UNISSUED: 8c on 50c bistre brown MAP issue of Panama with Third Panama overprint and '8 cts' overprint Type 3, a mint copy with variety 'CANAL ZONE' OVERPRINT OMITTED. Stamp has sweated gum. (Scott #19 variety, SG 17 variety) - Est £40

Lot 862 - 1906 - Coloured PPC 'Mango Tree in Gorgona, Canal Zone, Panama' franked on message side with 1906 1c black & green (SG 26) tied by GORGONA C.Z. duplex cds. Addressed to USA. - Est £35

Lot 863 - 1909 - 5c black & steel blue 'Arosmena' issue of Panama with 'CANAL ZONE' overprint TYPE 2, a mint block of four. Some creasing. (SG 42) - Est £40

Lot 864 - 1909 - BOOKLET STAMPS: 1c black & green with 'CANAL ZONE' opt Type 5 and 1921 1c green 'Independence Centenary' issue booklet stamps both imperf at left fine used. (SG 50a & 64a) - Est £15

Lot 865 - 1910 - Cover franked with single 1906 5c black & ultramarine 'Hamilton' issue with 'CANAL ZONE' opt reading down (SG 28) tied by ANCON duplex cds dated JUN 6 1910. Addressed to GERMANY. The Hamilton opts are uncommon used on cover. - Est £30

Lot 866 - 1911 - Coloured PPC 'Policeman on Guard Las Bobedas, Panama' franked on message side with 1909 1c black & green (SG 35) tied by fine PEDRO MIGUEL C.Z. duplex cds. Addressed to USA. - Est £35

Lot 867 - 1914 - 10c grey MAP issue with small 'CANAL ZONE' opt only, a fine mint copy. (SG 54, Cat £60) - Est £30

Lot 868 - 1915 - 2c brown 'Postage Due' issue with 'CANAL ZONE' opt in blue, a good mint copy, a few perfs are lightly toned and stamp has a slight gum stain but very scarce. (SG D60, Cat £275) - Est £55

Lot 869 - 1917 - 24c black & brown 'Gatun Lock' issue of Panama with 'CANAL ZONE' opt. A fine mint copy. (SG 61, Cat £46) - Est £20

Lot 870 - 1924 - Colour PPC 'Gaillard Cut, S.S. Wangaratta near Empire, looking north, Panama Canal.' franked on message side with 1909 1c black & green and 2c black & vermilion (SG 50/1) tied by ANCON machine cancel dated MAR 11 1924. Addressed to GERMANY with PANAMA transit cds in purple. - Est £30

Lot 871 - 1925 - POSTAGE DUES: 1c green, 2c carmine and 10c orange USA issue with 'CANAL ZONE' overprint (A's with flat tops) and further overprinted 'POSTAGE DUE', the set of three fine lightly used. (SG D89/D91) - Est £30

Lot 872 - 1925 - US NAVY: Cover franked with 1924 2c carmine USA issue with 'CANAL ZONE' overprint (SG 77) tied by U.S.S. CAMDEN 'Ship' cds. Addressed to USA. - Est £30

Lot 873 - 1926 - MIXED FRANKING: Colour comedy PPC 'Honey Come Down I'm waiting for you in Panama' showing Alligators chasing a man up a tree franked with Canal Zone 1925 2c carmine and USA 1922 1c green (SG 86 & 560) used together to pay the 3c postcard rate tied by BALBOA machine cancel dated DEC 9 1926. Addressed to GERMANY. Card has a vertical crease left. - Est £30

Lot 874 - 1929 - FIRST FLIGHT: Airmail cover franked with strip of three 1929 15c on 1c green AIRMAIL opt issue (SG 117) tied by CRISTOBAL machine cancel dated JUL 16 1929. Flown on the FAM-9 first flight from Cristobal to Santiago, Chile with purple first flight cachet on front. Addressed to CHILE with arrival cds on reverse. (Muller #4, AAMC #CZ38b) - Est £25

Lot 875 - 1929 - FIRST FLIGHT: Cover franked with 1929 15c on 1c green AIR surcharge issue (SG 117) tied by CRISTOBAL machine cancel dated JUN 21 1929. Flown on the FAM 5 Cristobal - Barranquilla, Colombia first flight with illustrated first flight cachet on front. Addressed to BARRANQUILLA, COLOMBIA with arrival cds on reverse. (AAMC #CZ37a, Muller #22) - Est £30

Lot 876 - 1929 - FIRST FLIGHT: Airmail cover with printed 'First Flight Air Mail Cristobal Cartagena' at top franked with 1929 15c on 1c green AIR surcharge issue (SG 117) tied by CRISTOBAL cancel dated JUN 21 1929. Flown on the FAM 5 Cristobal - Cartagena, Colombia first flight with illustrated first flight cachet on front. Addressed to COLON with CARTAGENA and COLON arrival marks on reverse. (AAMC #CZ37, Muller #22) - Est £30

Lot 877 - 1929 - FIRST FLIGHT: Airmail cover franked with 1929 2 x 25c on 2c carmine AIR surcharge issue (SG 119) tied by CRISTOBAL machine cancel dated OCT 8 1929. Flown on the extension of the FAM 5 route from Cristobal to Buenos Aires, Argentina with illustrated first flight cachet on front. Addressed to ARGENTINA with arrival cds on reverse. A scarce flight only 143 covers were carried. (AAMC #CZ43, Muller #26) - Est £60

Lot 878 - 1932 - The Panama Canal, Canal Zone Official Business' PENALTY envelope with 'Official Business' crossed out franked with 1927 3c violet USA overprint issue (SG 104) tied by BALBOA HEIGHTS roller cancel. Addressed to USA. - Est £24

Lot 879 - 1939 - 15c brown '10th Anniversary of Canal Zone Airmail Service' issue, a fine mint bottom marginal block of four with '140994' plate number in margin. (SG 145) - Est £15

Lot 880 - 1941 - Airmail issue with 'OFFICIAL PANAMA CANAL' overprint, the set of eight fine lightly used with the usual BALBOA HEIGHTS CANAL ZONE wavy lines cancel. (SG O167/O174) - Est £45

Lot 881 - 1952 - Airmail cover franked with USA 1947 6c carmine AIR issue (SG A944) tied by BALBOA PAQUEBOT C.Z. cds with NEW YORK N.Y. U.S.S. RANKIN BR. US Naval cds alongside. Addressed to USA. - Est £30

Papua New Guinea

Lot 882 - 1906 - 2/6 black & brown 'Lakatoi' issue on thin paper, line perf with small 'Papua' overprint. A fine used copy with central SAMARAI E.D. cds dated NOV 1907. (SG 45a, Cat £95) - Est £32

Lot 883 - 1909 - Cover from New Zealand franked with 1908 1d carmine 'Universal' issue (SG 386) tied by GORE cds. Addressed to 'The Reverend A. K. Chignall, St Peters Rectory, WANIGERA, Via Samarai, Papua' with NELSON transit and SAMARAI arrival marks on reverse. Inbound mail at this date is very scarce. - Est £70

Lot 884 - 1911 - 2d bright mauve 'Lakatoi' issue, a fine mint corner marginal pair with 'CA' (Commonwealth of Australia) Monogram in margin. (SG 86) - Est £24

Lot 885 - 1915 - N.W. PACIFIC ISLANDS: 9d violet 'Roo' issue with 'N. W. PACIFIC ISLANDS' overprint Type 'a', a fine mint copy. (SG 79, Cat £55) - Est £18

Lot 886 - 1916 - 2/6 maroon & bright pink 'Lakatoi' issue, 'Ash' printing with 'O S' Official overprint, a fine cds used copy. (SG O66a) - Est £50

Lot 887 - 1916 - ½d myrtle & apple green 'Lakatoi' issue, a fine strip of three tied on piece by BWAGAOIA cds's dated 15 MAY 1925. Very scarce. (SG 93) - Est £30

Lot 888 - 1916 - 1/- sepia & olive 'Lakatoi' issue, a fine mint top marginal pair with variety RIFT IN CLOUDS on top stamp. (SG 102) - Est £25

Lot 889 - 1931 - 'Lakatoi' SURCHARGE issue, the set of four fine mint. (SG 123/126) - Est £20

Lot 890 - 1935 - £2 bright violet 'Bulolo Goldfields' issue, a very fine cds used copy. (SG 204) - Est £75

Lot 891 - 1937 - NEW GUINEA: 5d green GVI 'Coronation' issue, a superb unmounted mint corner marginal block of four showing the RE-ENTRY with the DESIGN COMPLETELY DUPLICATED (row 5, stamp no. 2). A lovely positional piece. (SG 210 & 210a, Cat £76+) - Est £25

Lot 892 - 1945 - AUSTRALIAN FORCES: WWII YMCA airmail cover franked with 1937 3d purple brown GVI issue (SG 187) tied by AUST ARMY PO 217 cds located at PORT MORESBY, PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Addressed to CUNNOCK, N.S.W. with boxed 'AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCES PASSED BY CENSOR 2136' handstamp in purple and Censor's signature on front & arrival cds on reverse. - Est £45

Lot 893 - 1947 - AUSTRALIA USED IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Cover franked with Australian 1937 2d bright purple (SG 185) tied by LAE PAPUA NEW GUINEA cds dated 26 AUG 1947. Addressed locally to the Burns Philip Co. In LAE. - Est £25

Lot 894 - 1952 - 'Pictorial' issue, the set of sixteen fine unmounted mint. (SG 1/15) - Est £45

Lot 895 - 1952 - AUSTRALIA USED IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Cover franked with Australian 1951 4½d scarlet (SG 248) tied by MADANG PAPUA NEW GUINEA cds dated 2 OCT 1952 with additional strike alongside. Addressed to Captain Wilding on the Mission Vessel 'M.V. BULOLO' in SAMARAI. - Est £40

Lot 896 - 1958 - Cover franked with single 1957 4d on 2½d orange (SG 16) tied by SOHANO cds. Addressed internally to RABAUL. - Est £12


Lot 897 - 1879 - 5c orange brown 'Lion' issue a superb mint corner marginal block of twenty five. A scarce multiple. (SG 16) - Est £45

Lot 898 - 1881 - 4c LION issue 'L Goumand, Buenos Aires' IMPERF COLOUR TRIALS in black, brown, blue & red. All very fine. (AS SG 22) - Est £40

Lot 899 - 1884 - 1c on 1r bright rose 'Lion' issue, a fine unused block of nine. Large margins on three sides, touching at left and small 2mm tear at top right but a rare multiple. (SG 23a) - Est £100

Lot 900 - 1886 - OFFICIAL MAIL: Circa 1886. Wrapper franked with single 1886 5c blue official issue with thin 'OFICIAL' overprint (SG O41) tied by CORREOS DE LA ASUNCION cds. Addressed to BUENOS AIRES. Fine. - Est £120

Lot 901 - 1889 - 15c purple on thin paper 'UPU' issue with 'ANULADO' overprint in black, four large margin unused without gum. Unusual. (SG 39) - Est £40

Lot 902 - 1899 - Cover franked with strip of three 1892 20c vermilion 'Portrait' issue (SG 48, small surface scuff on one stamp) tied by tow fine strikes of SAN BERNARDINO cds dated 9 JAN 1899. Addressed to SWITZERLAND with ASUNCION transit cds and Swiss arrival cds on reverse. - Est £45

Lot 903 - 1907 - GERMAN COLONY: Colour PPC 'Salto Guaira Ladecones' showing waterfalls with small 'Kurt Schubert, Nueva Germania, Paraguay, Sudamer.' handstamp in violet on picture side franked on message side with 1905 5c yellow and 20c deep lilac LION issue (SG 116 & 120) tied by CORREOS CNIA NUEVA GERMANIA cds dated 5 MAY 1907. Addressed to GERMANY with ASUNCION transit cds on front. - Est £75

Lot 904 - 1908 - 5c on 20c slate purple 'Official' LION issue, a fine mint corner marginal block of four with variety OVERPRINT INVERTED. (SG 152a) - Est £20

Lot 905 - 1911 - AUSTRALIAN COLONY: Colour PPC of 'Villa Rica' datelined 'Arturo R Groves, Colonia Cosme, Caazapa, Paraguay' franked on picture side with 5 x 1910 5c pale lilac (SG 208) tied by large COL COSME 21/1/11 manuscript cancel. Addressed to BELGIUM with arrival cds on reverse. A rare item from this short lived Australian Colony in Paraguay. - Est £150

Lot 906 - 1918 - 10c brown 'Postage Due' issue with variety 'HABILITADO 1918' OVERPRINT VERTICAL. A fine mint block of four. (SG 239 variety) - Est £24

Lot 907 - 1921 - 50c black UNISSUED ESSAY for the 'Presidents' issue, imperf on thick white glazed paper. This issue was unissued due to the 1921 revolution. Toned. (Listed in Kneitschel Page 159) - Est £20

Lot 908 - 1922 - REVOLUTION: 50c carmine, 1p dark blue and 3p green 'Lion' issue produced in October 1922 by the Revolutionary Government in Encarnacion inscribed 'EJERCITO CONSTITUCIONAL 1922. The set of three fine mint. Very scarce. (Kneitschel #2/4) - Est £95

Lot 909 - 1925 - 'General Jose E Diaz' issue with small 'C' overprint for use by Rural post offices, the set of three in fine mint IMPERF blocks of four. (SG 271B/273B variety) - Est £40

Lot 910 - 1926 - FOREIGN COLONIES IN PARAGUAY: Cover with manuscript 'Colonia Independencia via Villarrica' return address on reverse franked with strip of five 1925 50c scarlet with 'c' overprint (SG 271B, one stamp is damaged at top) tied by three strikes of undated circular CORREOS COLONIA INDEPENDENCIA 'Arms' cancel in purple. Addressed to GERMANY with transit marks on reverse. The Colonia Independencia cancel is very scarce, most mail from this colony was transported to Villarrica and posted there. - Est £75

Lot 911 - 1927 - Colour PPC 'El Teatro, Asuncion' franked on picture side with pair 1926 2c on 5c pale blue (SG 276) tied by RECOLETA cds in purple with second strike alongside and additional strike on reverse. Addressed to ROUMANIA. - Est £40

Lot 912 - 1929 - FIRST FLIGHT: Registered cover franked with 1927 1p emerald green and 1p 50c red brown plus 1929 2p 85c on 5c dull purple 'AIR 'Surcharge' issue (SG 302, 305 & 345) tied by SCIO AEREO POSTAL PARAGUAY cds's dated 1 JAN 1929 with printed registration label alongside. Flown on the Inaugural ASUNCION - BUENOS AIRES flight (on the 2nd of Jan) by 'Vachet'. Addressed to BUENOS AIRES with arrival cds's on reverse dated 2 JAN 1929. (Muller #3, rated 3000pts) - Est £90

Lot 913 - 1930 - 1p 50c lilac postal stationery envelope with 'c' imprint for 'Campana' for use in rural towns & villages outside of Asuncion (H&G B5, Paraguay Postal Stationery Catalogue #EN8)used with added 1927 1p scarlet with 'c' opt (SG 329) tied by SAN BERNARDINO cds dated 25 FEB 1930. Addressed to GERMANY with arrival cds on reverse. Cover has 2cm tear at top. - Est £25

Lot 914 - 1931 - 'Zeppelin' OPT issue, the pair fine mint. (SG 429/30) - Est £20

Lot 915 - 1931 - Group of covers from RURAL post offices, four showing uses of the 'c' (Camapana) opt issues with 1931 REG from ESTACION BORJA to USA, 1935 & 1939 from CONCEPCION to UK, 1938 from AREGUA to SWITZERLAND plus 1937 cover with normal issues from SAN BERNARDINO to UK and 1942 Censor cover from CORONEL BOGADO to USA. Mixed condition. (6 items) - Est £40

Lot 916 - 1932 - 1p 50c bistre brown 'Chaco Boundary Dispute' issue with 'C' overprint in black, a fine used copy with complete central strike of SALITRE-CUE cds dated 11 NOV 1933. Scarce cancel. (SG 443) - Est £30

Lot 917 - 1932 - ZEPPELIN: 70c red on blue postal stationery card (H&G 13) used with added 1927 block of four 70c grey blue, 1931 1p yellow green and 1932 4p bright ultramarine and 16p purple TRIANGULAR 'Zeppelin' issue (SG 301, 431, 435 & 438) all tied on reverse by SCIO AEREO POSTAL PARAGUAY cds dated 19 MAR 1932 and by two strikes of diamond 'Zeppelin' first flight cachet in black. Flown on the second Sudamerikafahrt by LZ 127. Addressed to GERMANY with various other 'Zeppelin' cachets and printed registration label plus FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and LORCH arrival cds's all on front. Scarce. (Sieger #148) - Est £120

Lot 918 - 1932 - ZEPPELIN: Cover with typed 'Vuelo Abril 1932, Sudamerika Europa por Graf Zeppelin Asuncion (Paraguay) Via Pernambuco (Brasil) a Friedrichshafen' endorsement on front franked with 1927 strip of three 1p 50c rose and 1932 20p yellow brown TRIANGULAR 'Zeppelin' issue (SG 307 & 439) tied by diamond 'GRAF ZEPPELIN' cancel in green with SCIO AEREO POSTAL PARAGUAY cds dated 2 ABR.1932 alongside with illustrated cachet. Flown on the Second Sudamerikafahrt by LZ 127 with oval 'Zeppelin' cachet and printed registration label plus FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and LORCH arrival cds's on reverse. Light horizontal crease. Scarce. (Sieger #148) - Est £125

Lot 919 - 1933 - CHACO WAR: Printed 'Ministerio de Guerra y Marina. Regimiento "Itororo" de Infanteria N.2' official cover franked with 1927 1p 50c rose (SG 307) tied by ASUNCION machine cancel dated APR 1933. Addressed to USA with official 'Arms' cachet in red on front & reverse. Some small opening tears at top. More research required. - Est £45

Lot 920 - 1934 - ZEPPELIN: Reg cover franked with various issues inc 'Zeppelin' issues with '1934' overprint tied illustrated 'Zeppelin' cachets and by SCIO AEREO POSTAL PARAGUAY cds dated 15. 9.1934 with printed red white & blue 'POR GRAF ZEPPELIN ASUNCION (Paraguay) via Rio de Janeiro a Friedrichshafen' airmail label alongside. Flown on the eighth Sudamerikafahrt by LZ 127. Addressed to GERMANY with various transit and arrival marks including FRIEDRICHSHAFEN cds on reverse. Some light toning. Scarce. (Sieger #276, Cat 140 euros) - Est £75

Lot 921 - 1934 - ZEPPELIN: Reg cover franked with various issues inc 'Zeppelin' issues with '1934' overprint tied circular and triangular illustrated 'Zeppelin' cachets with SCIO AEREO POSTAL PARAGUAY cds dated 26. 5.1934 on reverse with printed red white & blue 'POR GRAF ZEPPELIN ASUNCION (Paraguay) via Rio de Janeiro a Friedrichshafen' airmail label alongside. Flown on the first Sudamerikafahrt by LZ 127. Addressed to GERMANY with various transit and arrival marks including FRIEDRICHSHAFEN cds on reverse. Some light toning. Scarce. (Sieger #249, Cat 200 euros) - Est £95

Lot 922 - 1935 - JEWISH SETTLEMENT IN PARAGUAY: Cover with 'M/N NEPTUNIA' ship imprint on flap sent from COLONIA FRAM (A settlement of Polish, Czech & Hungarian Jews fleeing persecution in Europe) with manuscript 'J Zak, Colonia Fram, Carmen del Parana via Encarnacion Rep Paraguay' return address on reverse franked with 1927 3p drab with 'C' overprint and 50c grey blue (SG 338 & 298) tied by CARMEN DEL PARANA cds's. Addressed to CZECHOSLOVAKIA with ASUNCION transit cds on reverse. Scarce. - Est £90

Lot 923 - 1936 - OFFICIAL MAIL: Official 'Banco de la Republica del Paraguay' window envelope franked with 1935 1p orange and 2p 50c bright violet 'OFICIAL' opt issue (SG O476 & O478) tied by ASUNCION machine cancel dated 28 OCT 1936 with 'Official' ARMS cachet in purple on front & reverse..  - Est £12

Lot 924 - 1937 - Trio of covers from the same correspondence to the UK with a variety of frankings all tied by CORREOS CONCEPCION cds's dated 1937 or 1938. (3 items) - Est £20

Lot 925 - 1937 - Printed 'Zeppelin' registered cover franked with 1927 4 x 50c rose, 3p purple & 5p bright violet (SG 300, 311 & 313) all tied by PRIMAVERA cds's with formular registration label with handstruck PRIMAVERA alongside. Addressed to ARGENTINA with various other transit and arrival marks on reverse. The cover has small faults and has been repaired & strengthened in places. - Est £45

Lot 926 - 1937 - JEWISH COLONY: Incoming cover from POLAND franked with 1935 10gr yellow green and strip of three 15gr brown lake (SG 318/319) tied by RADZIWIE cds's.  Addressed to 'Michal Pasiecznik, Colonia Fram, Carmen del Parana'. (Colonia Fram was a settlement of Polish, Czech & Hungarian Jews fleeing persecution in Europe).  ASUNCION transit mark on reverse. - Est £45

Lot 927 - 1938 - Cover franked with single 1937 10p scarlet, yellow & blue (SG 498) tied by SAN LORENZO DEL C. GRANDE cds. Addressed to FRANCE with transit & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £20

Lot 928 - 1939 - Airmail cover with 'First Day Cover' handstamp in green franked with 1939 'Airmail' issue set of three plus 1931 10p pink on front and additional 10p pink and 1924 4p pale blue and 1927 1p lilac with 'C' overprint on reverse (SG 502/504, 411, 270A & 327) all tied by large CORREO AEREO ASUNCION 'Airship' cds's dated 14. 7. 1939. Addressed to CHILE with arrival cds on reverse. Note that SG lists the issue date for this set as the 3rd August. - Est £20

Lot 929 - 1940 - Registered cover with manuscript 'Francisco Keutz, Colonia Fram, Carmen del Parana, Paraguay' return address on flap franked with 1939 pair 5p black & blue and 1940 pair 50c orange (SG 510 & 536) tied by two average strikes of undated CARMEN DEL PARANA negative seal cancel in black with black & white formular registration label with manuscript 'CARMEN' alongside. Addressed to ARGENTINA with arrival cds's on reverse. - Est £45

Lot 930 - 1946 - FOREIGN COLONIES IN PARAGUAY: Registered airmail cover with manuscript 'E Kochmann, Co. Carlos Pfannl, Paraguay' return address on reverse franked on front with pair 1944 70c brown lake and two pairs of 1946 5c grey (SG 603 & 631) tied by AEROPOSTAL PARAGUAY cds's dated 28 MAR 1946 with printed REG label with manuscript 'C. Pfannl' added in manuscript on reverse. Addressed to UK, routed via PORTUGAL with LISBOA transit cds on reverse. Colonia Carlos Pfannl was an Austrian Settlement established in 1932 and is most famous for issuing its own typeset stamp. A rare origination. - Est £75

Lot 931 - 1946 - Registered airmail cover franked with the set of five 'Waterlow' AIR issue in new colours (SG 647/51) tied by ASUNCION cds's dated 18 NOV 1946 with printed REG label alongside. Addressed to USA with transit & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £12

Lot 932 - 1946 - Cover franked with the 1946 '5 Centimos 5' Surcharge issue set of four including the TRAIN issue (SG 636/9) tied by AEROPOSTAL PARAGUAY (Asuncion) cds's dated 1 JUL 1946 likely the first day of issue. Addressed to USA. - Est £12

Lot 933 - 1948 - Pair of REG airmail covers franked with 50c or 1g respectively both with handmade manuscript REG labels on front and both sent from ENCARNACION to either USA or SWITZERLAND with transit & arrival marks. (2 items) - Est £15

Lot 934 - 1955 - Stampless OFFICIAL cover with circular 'Facultad de Odontologia Bedelia' ARMS official cachet on front & reverse with ASUNCION cds and nice multicoloured 'Rotary Club' Map in shield CINDERELLA label inscribed '1a Feria International de Asuncion Paraguay 1955' on front. Addressed to USA. Cover has a couple of opening tears at top. - Est £15

Lot 935 - 1961 - Circa 1961 undated cover with OFICINA DE CORREOS SAN PEDRO DEL PARANA 'Arms' originating cancel at top right franked with 1961 75c 'Europa' issue (SG 960) tied in transit by ENCARNACION cancel (likely carried stampless to Encarnacion with the stamp applied there). Addressed to ARGENTINA. Cover a little toned. - Est £10

Lot 936 - 1963 - Registered airmail cover franked with 1961 3g brown on front & 10 x 1941 4g 50c myrtle green on reverse all tied by DISTR. No. 7 ENCARNACION cds's dated 3 AGO 1963 with handmade REG label on front. Addressed to JAPAN with arrival cds on reverse. An unusual destination. - Est £10

Lot 937 - 1965 - Registered cover franked with 1963 50c sepia & drab tied by ASUNCION cds and 1964 4g brown & claret tied by commemorative cancel with registration label alongside and large green & white propaganda label inscribed 'CIUDADANO APOYE EL ASCENSO DEL GRAL DE EJERCITO ALFREDO STROESSNER' (supporting the re-election of President Stroessner). Addressed to BRAZIL with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £40

Lot 938 - 1966 - Airmail cover franked with 1964 36g olive & bluish lavender (SG 1062) tied by fine strike of CORREOS COLONIA MEMNO cds in purple. Addressed to GERMANY. - Est £10


Lot 939 - 1825 - PRESTAMP: Circa 1825. Front with manuscript 'Correos' at top sent from CHACHAPOYAS to CAJAMARCA with superb strike of straight line 'CHACHAPS' in black. Rated '3' in manuscript. (Colareta #1) - Est £75

Lot 940 - 1854 - PRESTAMP & MARITIME: Complete folded letter from TACNA to COBIJA, BOLIVIA with fine strikes of straight line 'ARICA' and straight line 'VAPOR' markings in blue. Rated '2' in manuscript. The 'Vapor' markings were used to indicate that the cover was to be sent via the coastal route. Very scarce. (Colareta #3 & 3v) - Est £210

Lot 941 - 1856 - PRESTAMP: Complete folded letter from SANTA to LIMA with fine strike of straight line 'SANTA' in black. Rated '2rs' in manuscript at top right. Scarce. (Colareta #1) - Est £90

Lot 942 - 1856 - PRESTAMP & MARITIME: Complete folded letter from TACNA to LIMA with fine strikes of straight line 'TACNA' and straight line 'VAPOR' markings in blue. The 'Vapor' markings were used to indicate that the cover was to be sent via the coastal route. Scarce. (Colareta #4 & 4v) - Est £210

Lot 943 - 1858 - 1d pale blue 'Arms' issue with wavy lines, a superb lightly used copy with 'CALLAO' dotted cancel, four huge margins. (SG 3) - Est £35

Lot 944 - 1858 - 1d deep blue 'Arms' issue with wavy lines, a superb used copy with fair strike of TRUX (TRUJILLO) dotted cancel, four large margins. (SG 3b) - Est £45

Lot 945 - 1858 - 1d pale blue 'Arms' issue with wavy lines, a fine copy, four good to large margins used with neat dotted cancel. (SG 3) - Est £25

Lot 946 - 1858 - 1d blue 'Arms' issue with wavy lines, a superb used copy with four large margins and light TACNA cds. (SG 3a) - Est £25

Lot 947 - 1858 - 1p vermilion 'Large Lettering' issue a fine lightly used copy, four large margins. (SG 7, Cat £65) - Est £30

Lot 948 - 1858 - 1p vermilion 'Arms' issue with large lettering, a good used copy with dotted 'PIURA' cancel in black, four margins, tight in places. (SG 7) - Est £30

Lot 949 - 1860 - 1d blue 'Arms' issue with zigzag lines, a fine used copy with four tight margins showing DAMAGED RIGHT HAND FRAME variety with the frame line bend inwards crossing the 'O' of 'CORREOS'. A striking variety. (SG 8) - Est £50

Lot 950 - 1860 - 1p brick red 'Zigzag' background issue, a fine used copy with four good to tight margins as usual for this printing. (SG 9, Cat £43) - Est £20

Lot 951 - 1862 - LOT WITHDRAWN - Est £

Lot 952 - 1862 - 1d red 'LeCoq' issue on thin paper (Early impression) and 1d pink on thin paper the latter showing lovely vertical PAPER JOIN variety. Both are fine lightly used with four margins. (SG 14 & 14b) - Est £12

Lot 953 - 1862 - 1d pale vermilion 'LeCoq' issue on thin paper (Early impression), a fine used copy with complete strike of dotted 'TARMA' cancel in black. Four large margins. (SG 14) - Est £30

Lot 954 - 1863 - 1p brown 'LeCoq' issue, a fine four margin copy used with part strike of oval JULI cancel in blue black. Small thin on reverse. (SG 16) - Est £30

Lot 955 - 1865 - Folded letter franked with pair 1862 1d pale vermilion on thin paper 'LeCoq' issue (SG 14) cancelled by fine strike of straight line 'PIURA' with neat oval firms cachet in blue alongside. Addressed to LIMA sent via the coastal route with 'Por Vapor' in manuscript. Arrival cds on reverse. A fine & very attractive cover. - Est £150

Lot 956 - 1866 - Cover franked with 2 x 1866 5c green 'Vicuna' issue (SG 17) tied by to strikes of 'HUANC CA dotted cancel in blue of HUANCAVELICA. Addressed to LIMA with feint arrival cds dated 6 JAN 1866 on reverse. Very attractive. - Est £150

Lot 957 - 1868 - 1d yellow green 'LeCoq' issue, a fine used copy with large part strike of oval 'BARRANCA' cancel in black, four margins, tight at top. Small faults but rare. (SG 20) - Est £60

Lot 958 - 1868 - 1d green 'LeCoq' issue, tied on piece by superb strike of dotted oval 'HUAN-CHACO' cancel in blue, four margins. Very scarce cancel. (SG 20a) - Est £50

Lot 959 - 1871 - 5c pale red 'Embossed' TRAIN issue, a good used copy, four tight to large margins. (SG 21) - Est £25

Lot 960 - 1872 - 1p yellow buff 'LeCoq' issue, a fine four margin copy lightly used with cds cancel. (SG 22) - Est £30

Lot 961 - 1873 - 2c deep blue EMBOSSED 'Llama' issue, a fine, four margin mint copy with full O.G. (SG 23a) - Est £40

Lot 962 - 1873 - 2c blue 'Llama' issue a fine unused copy without gum from the original printing. (SG 23, Cat £50) - Est £25

Lot 963 - 1878 - 10c red on pale yellow LAID paper postal stationery envelope (H&G B3b) used in the correct first period with LIMA PRINCIPAL cds dated 16 JUL 1878. Addressed to TRUJILLO. These envelopes are scarce used prior to the Pacific War. - Est £60

Lot 964 - 1880 - PACIFIC WAR: 50c green 'Arms' issue with Grill overprinted 'PLATA PERU' in red, a fine used copy. (SG 40) - Est £20

Lot 965 - 1881 - PACIFIC WAR: 10c orange, 20c blue and 50c brown 'Postage Due' issue with 'PLATA LIMA' overprint in blue or red, all good to fine mint with gum. (SG D49/51, Cat £158) - Est £60

Lot 966 - 1881 - CIVIL WAR - AREQUIPA: Range of Arequipa issues and Postal Fiscals with and without overprints. Mixed condition mint, used & unused. (13 different) - Est £40

Lot 967 - 1883 - 5c red 'Postage Due' issue with oval PLATA LIMA overprint in blue and additionally overprinted with TRIANGLE overprint Type 4. A fine lightly used copy. (SG D252) - Est £15

Lot 968 - 1883 - 1c bistre brown 'Postage Due' issue with LIMA CORREOS overprint in red and TRIANGLE OVERPRINT (Type 4) in black. A fine unused copy. (SG D275) - Est £35

Lot 969 - 1883 - CIVIL WAR: 1c bistre brown 'Postage Due' issue with circular 'LIMA CORREOS' opt in red plus TRIANGLE OPT type 4, a good unused copy. (SG D275, Cat £31) - Est £18

Lot 970 - 1884 - CIVIL WAR - CHICLAYO: 5c blue with large oval 'FRANCA' handstamp in black, a fine lightly used copy. (SG 110) - Est £24

Lot 971 - 1884 - CIVIL WAR - HUACHO: 5c blue with large 'T IN CIRCLE' handstamp in black, a fine unused copy. (SG 126) - Est £30

Lot 972 - 1884 - CIVIL WAR - PIURA: 5c blue with oval 'PIURA' handstamp in black, a fine lightly used copy. (SG 176) - Est £10

Lot 973 - 1884 - CIVIL WAR - PIURA: 10c orange 'Postage Due' issue with 'PIURA VAPOR' overprint in black. A fine mint copy. A very scarce stamp. (SG 180) - Est £95

Lot 974 - 1885 - CIVIL WAR - CUZCO: 5c olive grey with dotted 'CUZCO' handstamp in black. A fine looking unused copy without gum. Small thin on reverse. Rare. (SG 122, Cat £200) - Est £100

Lot 975 - 1892 - 4c red & black postal stationery card (H&G 17) used with large CALLAO PRINCIPAL cds dated 9 JAN 1892. Addressed to URUGUAY with arrival mark on reverse. - Est £18

Lot 976 - 1893 - Registered cover with manuscript 'Via Trasandina' at top franked with 1886 2 x 10c blue black on front and single 1c slate violet on reverse (SG 278 & 281) tied by LIMA cds's dated 12 JUN 1893 with boxed 'CERTIFICADO LIMA' registration marking in black alongside. Addressed to PELOTAS, BRAZIL with transit and arrival marks on reverse. - Est £120

Lot 977 - 1895 - 'Installation of President Pierola' issue the set of seven fine cds used. (SG 328/334) - Est £25

Lot 978 - 1895 - ESSAY: 2c green ESSAY stamp in an unadopted design inscribed 'Republica Peruana 2 Centavos' and dated '1895'. Perforated and gummed. Origin unknown. - Est £90

Lot 979 - 1896 - 'Portrait' issue postal stationery collection on Hagner sheets with the four different wrappers unused, 5c envelope 3 shades unused and one used internally from LIMA to CHIMBOTE, 10c envelope two used & one unused. Mixed condition. (11 items, H&G B11/12 & E1/4) - Est £30

Lot 980 - 1896 - BERMUDEZ HEAD ISSUE: 2c on 5c blue on black postal stationery card (H&G 27) used with added 1894 2c carmine 'Bermudez Head' overprint issue (SG 297) tied by CHICLAYO cds's dated MAR 1896. Addressed to GERMANY with PAYTA transit cds and German arrival cds all on front. Some light creasing. - Est £55

Lot 981 - 1898 - 1c green on 5c black 'New Years Greeting' postal stationery card (H&G 31) used with LIMA cds dated 1 JAN 1898. Addressed locally showing the correct use of this card. - Est £24

Lot 982 - 1899 - 3c bluish black postal stationery viewcard (H&G 39a, large date) with view of 'Plaza de Acho' fine unused. Very rare. (Moll scarcity rating 5) - Est £90

Lot 983 - 1899 - 2c red postal stationery viewcard (H&G 38, small date) with view of 'Puente de Piedra - Lima' used with added 1896 2c red (SG 338) tied by LIMA cds dated 17 MAR 1899. Addressed to SMYRNE, TURKEY D' ASIA with fine strike of BRITISH POST OFFICE SMYRNA arrival cds dated APR 21 1899 on front. A fine & rare use of this card. - Est £90

Lot 984 - 1899 - 1c violet postal stationery viewcard (H&G 37, small date) with view of 'Patio de la Casa Nacional de Moneda - Lima' fine unused. - Est £30

Lot 985 - 1899 - 1c violet postal stationery viewcard (H&G 37a, large date) with view of 'Beneficencia Publica - Lima' fine unused. - Est £30

Lot 986 - 1899 - 1c violet postal stationery viewcard (H&G 37, small date) with view of 'Patio de la Casa de Correos - Lima' fine unused. Uncommon. (Moll scarcity rating 3) - Est £40

Lot 987 - 1899 - 4c brown postal stationery viewcard (H&G 40a, large date) with view of 'Matucana - Peru' and variety 'CS' initials at lower left. Fine unused and very scarce. Card has a couple of light tone spots. (Moll scarcity rating 5) - Est £90

Lot 988 - 1899 - 1c violet postal stationery viewcard (H&G 37) with view of 'El Rio Chanchamayo' fine unused. Uncommon. - Est £25

Lot 989 - 1899 - 1c violet postal stationery viewcard (H&G 37) with view of 'Fuerte de Sta Catalina' fine unused. Uncommon. - Est £35

Lot 990 - 1899 - 1c violet postal stationery viewcard (H&G 37) with view of 'Hospital de Tarma' fine unused. Uncommon. - Est £25

Lot 991 - 1900 - 4c brown postal stationery viewcard (H&G 40, small date) with view of 'Puente de Verrugas' showing train crossing the bridge used from LIMA but without originating cds. Addressed to USA with arrival cds dated 14 FEB 1900 on front. A rare card in used condition. (Moll scarcity rating 5) - Est £180

Lot 992 - 1900 - 1c dark blue postal stationery viewcard (H&G 49) with view in greenish blue on reverse of 'Puente de Piedra - Arequipa' used with added 1896 strip of three 1c green (SG 336) tied by LIMA cds's dated 17 JUL 1901. Addressed to FRANCE with arrival cds on front. - Est £50

Lot 993 - 1902 - 4c bluish black & brown postal stationery viewcard (H&G 52 blue black with text in brown) with view in brown on reverse of 'Templo de la Matriz, Callao' used with two strikes of MOLLENDO cds dated 22 JAN 1902. Addressed to BELGIUM with arrival marks on front. (Listed but unrecorded in Moll) - Est £75

Lot 994 - 1902 - UNCLAIMED MAIL: 4c bluish black & brown postal stationery viewcard (H&G 52) with view in brown on reverse of 'Patio de la Casa Nacional de Moneda - Lima' with pre-printed message in black from the 'Sociedad de Ingenieros' printed on top of the view used with LIMA cds dated 13 MAR 1902. Addressed to FRANCE, unclaimed and returned to sender with various markings including boxed 'INCONNU' and three line 'RETOUR A L'ENVOYEUR 2306' on front. Various other transit & arrival marks on front & reverse. Card is creased in places and has some small faults but a nice and unusual use. - Est £90

Lot 995 - 1902 - 2c dark blue & purple brown postal stationery viewcard (H&G 50) with view of 'Puente de Piedra - Arequipa' used with added 1896 2c red (SG 338) tied by fine LIMA cds. Addressed to AUSTRIA with arrival cds on front. - Est £60

Lot 996 - 1903 - 4c bluish black & brown postal stationery viewcard (H&G 52) with view in brown on reverse of 'Islas de Lobos, Peru' (with sailboat) used with LIMA cds dated 13 FEB 1903. Addressed to UK with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £60

Lot 997 - 1904 - LOT WITHDRAWN - Est £

Lot 998 - 1907 - 'Pictorial' DEFINITIVE issue, the set of nine each stamp with 'SPECIMEN' opt in red and small hole punch. Ex ABNCo. Archive. A lovely set. (SG 364/72, Cat £450 as mint) - Est £125

Lot 999 - 1908 - EXPRESS ISSUE: 10c black with large 'EXPRESO' overprint in black, a fine cds used copy. (SG E373) - Est £24

Lot 1000 - 1908 - 10c black with 'EXPRESO' opt in black, a fine cds used copy. (SG E373) - Est £15

Lot 1001 - 1908 - 10c black with 'EXPRESO' opt in black, a good mint copy. (SG E373) - Est £20

Lot 1002 - 1908 - 4c black postal stationery card (H&G 59) with 'Farm Neuhof, San Ramon de Chanchamayo' return address handstamp in purple on reverse used with undated circular RECEPTORIA DE CHANCHAMAYO cancel. Addressed to GERMANY with arrival cds on front. - Est £60

Lot 1003 - 1909 - Nice group of 'Portrait' issue SPECIMENS in blocks of four with different size 'SPECIMEN' opts (from the different printings) with 2 blocks of the 4c, 10c, 12c & 50c and a single block of the 5C & 20c all opt 'SPECIMEN' in red with small hole punch. Ex ABNCo. archive. (10 blocks, SG 375/80) - Est £95

Lot 1004 - 1910 - REVENUE: 20s deep lilac 'Servicio Consular' REVENUE issue 'Waterlow' COLOUR TRIAL in unissued colour with WATERLOW & SONS LTD SPECIMEN opt and small hole punch. - Est £35

Lot 1005 - 1913 - 2c black on white postal stationery card (H&G 62a, Carlos Southwell printing without embossing) used with LIMA cds dated NOV 25 1913. Addressed to TUMBES. A very scarce card in used condition. - Est £110

Lot 1006 - 1915 - 10c black & brown with large 'EXPRESO' overprint in purple, a fine cds used copy. (SG E383) - Est £20

Lot 1007 - 1915 - 1c on 1c black & green 'Provisional' issue a fine mint block of nine with variety OVERPRINT INVERTED. A rare variety in a multiple. (SG 384a) - Est £75

Lot 1008 - 1919 - UNISSUED: 2c black & red on white 'Flag' style postal stationery card (H&G Unlisted, Moll #65) with pre-printed message to Woodrow Wilson, President of the USA to arbitrate for the rights of Peru on reverse. Fine unused. Very rare. - Est £300

Lot 1009 - 1920 - Cover franked with single 1930 10c vermilion with 'Arms' overprint (SG 479) tied by fine HUARAS cds. Addressed to USA with CALLAO transit cds on reverse. - Est £25

Lot 1010 - 1920 - ISLAND POSTCARD: Circa 1920 real photographic B&W PPC 'Isla Guaneras Chicha - Peru', showing Penguins on rocks of one of the islands. Fine unused. A scarce card showing a view of the Islas Chinchas. - Est £35

Lot 1011 - 1924 - LOT WITHDRAWN - Est £

Lot 1012 - 1930 - U.S. NAVAL MISSION TO PERU: Cover with 'Mrs W.O. Spears, U.S. Naval Mission to Peru, Foreign Station Post Office, New York City' imprint on flap franked with 1924 10c vermilion 'Portrait' issue (SG 434) tied by LIMA machine cancel dated 26 II 1930. Addressed to USA. - Est £30

Lot 1013 - 1931 - 2c olive green 'Litho' issue with variety STAMP PRINTED IN REVERSE. A fine mint copy, partially imperf at top. Believed to be clandestine printings. (SG 500 var) - Est £20

Lot 1014 - 1931 - MARITIME: Printed 'Grace Line' FLAG cover with manuscript 'Pablo Avilez, Grace Line, Pier 33. - M.S. Santa Rita, Brooklyn, New York' return address on reverse franked with single 1930 10c vermilion 'Arms' opt issue (SG 479) tied by CALLAO cds dated JAN 12 1931. Addressed to USA. - Est £16

Lot 1015 - 1931 - Cover with franked with 1924 1s bistre, 1930 15c greenish blue and 1930 10c vermilion with 'Arms' overprint (SG 439 486 & 479) all tied by LIMA 3 cds's dated 5 MAY 1931. Addressed to 'Consulado de Chile, Guayaquil' (ECUADOR) with oval 'CORREOS DEL PERU EXPENDIO LIMA SERVICIO AEREO' marking on reverse along with GUAYAQUIL arrival cds. - Est £35

Lot 1016 - 1932 - POSTAGE DUE: 10c purple brown 'Harrison' POSTAGE DUE issue, the 'Photogravure' printing. A fine corner marginal block of fifteen, each stamp with 'CANCELLED' overprint in black, applied to demonetise the stamps. (SG D513) - Est £30

Lot 1017 - 1934 - Nice group of gummed 'Waterlow' IMPERF PLATE PROOFS inc 1933 2c dull purple 'Pro Descupados' TAX issue, 1934 2c bright purple & 10c scarlet, 1938 2c bright emerald pair, 50c greenish blue, 2s blue green, 5c brown purple pair, 25c blue green pair and 70c slate blue. (12 proofs, As SG 526, 537, 539, 640, 645, 647, 650, 653 & 656) - Est £35

Lot 1018 - 1934 - Reg airmail cover franked 1934 15c magenta and 4 x 20c violet plus pair of the 1934 2s blue AIR issue (SG 531/2 & 534) tied from LIMA to UK and 1936 airmail cover with 1934 5 x 10c scarlet, 3 x 1s deep violet and single 1934 2s blue AIR issue (SG 539, 543 & 534)tied from LIMA to USA. Nice usage of the high value airs. (2 items) - Est £35

Lot 1019 - 1935 - 5s purple lake and 10s deep blue '400th Anniversary of Lima' issue, the top two values fine mint. (SG 564/5, Cat £55) - Est £25

Lot 1020 - 1936 - 10s brown & violet 'Waterlow' issue, a fine cds used copy. (SG 595, Cat £37) - Est £16

Lot 1021 - 1936 - 10s brown & carmine 'Santa Rosa' issue, a fine cds used copy. (SG 608, Cat £110) - Est £65

Lot 1022 - 1936 - OFFICIAL MAIL: Registered cover franked with uncancelled pair 1935 10c scarlet 'Servicio Oficial' opt issue (SG O567) with 'MINISTERIO DE GUERRA SECRETARIA' official 'Arms' cachet in purple on front & reverse with plain REG label also on front. Addressed to FRANCE with transit & arrival marks on reverse. Some contemporary manuscript marks on front. A scarce issue used on cover. - Est £40

Lot 1023 - 1936 - REVENUE: 1c orange 'Waterlow' REVENUE issue (Series C), a superb IMPERF PLATE PROOF block of nine, gummed. (Akerman & Moll #Page 43) - Est £24

Lot 1024 - 1936 - REVENUES: 5s red Series A and 1s black Series C General REVENUES plus 40c magenta 'Pro Desocupados' REVENUE all three 'Waterlow' IMPERF PLATE PROOFS, gummed. (3) - Est £10

Lot 1025 - 1937 - REVENUE: 5s pale green 'Ley 7622' REVENUE issue for use on Bills of Exchange and Loan documents. A fine corner marginal block of eight each stamp with small 'SPECIMEN' overprint in red and small hole punch. Ex ABNCo. Archive. (Akerman & Moll #31) - Est £40

Lot 1026 - 1938 - 5s brown & violet and 10s blue & black 'Waterlow' POSTAGE issue, the top two values fine mint. The 5s has a couple of light tones. (SG 648/9, Cat £41) - Est £20

Lot 1027 - 1940 - Airmail cover franked with 1928 2 x 15c ultramarine and 1938 2c brown TAX issue (SG 643 & 639) tied by tow fine strikes of CORREOS PERU HAD. CASA GRANDE cds dated 16 NOV 1940. Addressed internally to MIRAFLORES with transit & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £30

Lot 1028 - 1942 - Airmail cover franked with 1938 2 x 20c bright purple and 1s claret (SG 644 & 646) tied by two fine strikes of undated RECEPTORIA TALARA LOBITOS cancel in black with boxed 'SERVICIO AEREO AIR MAIL LOBITOS PERU' marking in purple alongside. Addressed to UK, censored with printed 'EXAMINED BY 14578' censor strip at left and TALARA transit cds on reverse. - Est £35

Lot 1029 - 1946 - REVENUE: 1s rose 'Timbre Antituberculoso' REVENUE issue to raise tax for TB. A fine corner marginal block of ten each stamp overprinted 'SPECIMEN' in red and with small hole punch. Ex ABNCo. Archive. (Akerman & Moll #134) - Est £35

Lot 1030 - 1951 - REVENUE ISSUE: 200 sols brownish red 'Documentary' REVENUE issue, a superb DIE PROOF on large piece of card printed by the 'Institut de Gravure, Paris'. (Akerman & Moll #506D) - Est £95

Lot 1031 - 1954 - 5c blue & red 'National Marian Eucharistic Congress Fund' TAX issue, a mint copy with variety RED PRINTING INVERTED, imperf. (SG 796 var) - Est £30

Lot 1032 - 1964 - UNITED NATIONS: Circa 1960 pair of long printed UN covers, one stampless and the other franked with 25c and 75c, sent by surface/airmail from LIMA to the UN in New York, USA. (2) - Est £10

Lot 1033 - 1966 - 'Gold Objects & Chimu Culture' issue the set of five fine mint. (SG 916/920) - Est £10

Lot 1034 - 1969 - OFFICIAL MAIL: Stampless printed 'Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores' cover with boxed 'TAXE PERCUE MIGRACIONES' marking and circular 'Direccion de Migraciones' ARMS cachet in blue on front. Addressed to ETHIOPIA with ADDIS ABEBA arrival cds on reverse. Very unusual. - Est £20

Lot 1035 - 1992 - 'Surcharge' issue, the complete set of fourteen fine unmounted mint. A very scarce & difficult to find set. (SG 1779/1792, Cat £150) - Est £75

Lot 1036 - 1970-1971 - Mint collection for the period 1970-1971 all different and almost complete only missing 3 stamps. (96 stamps + 1 MS, between SG 1014-1114, Cat £78+) - Est £30

Lot 1037 - 1972-1975 - Mint collection for the period 1972-1975 all different and almost complete just missing  1975 surcharge set. (152 stamps between SG 1115-1320, Cat £190+) - Est £75

Saint Helena

Lot 1038 - 1864 - 1d lake QV issue, wmk 'Crown CC' with SHORT BAR, perf 14 x 12½, a fine unused copy. (SG 21, Cat £85) - Est £20

Lot 1039 - 1884 - ½d emerald QV issue, wmk 'Crown CA' words 17mm long. A fine lightly used copy. (SG 34, Cat £26) - Est £10

Lot 1040 - 1884 - ½d emerald, ½d green (2), 1d red, 1d pale red and 2d yellow QV issue all mint with gum. (SG 34 & 36/39, Cat £38+) - Est £12

Lot 1041 - 1884 - ½d green, 1d red, 1d pale red, 2d yellow, 3d deep reddish lilac, 4d sepia & 6d grey QV issue all fine mint with gum. (SG 35, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43c & 44, Cat £120+) - Est £40

Lot 1042 - 1884 - 4d sepia QV issue with words 17mm long, a fine mint copy. (SG 43c, Cat £27) - Est £10

Lot 1043 - 1903 - EVII issue, the set of six fine mint. (SG 55/60, Cat £120) - Est £40

Lot 1044 - 1903 - 8d black & brown EVII issue, a fine cds used copy. (SG 58, Cat £38) - Est £12

Lot 1045 - 1908 - 2½d blue and 4d black & red on yellow EVII issue both fine cds used copies. (SG 64 & 66, Cat £41+) - Est £12

Lot 1046 - 1922 - 1/- grey & brown, 2/- purple & blue on blue, 2/6 grey & red on yellow and 5/- grey & green on yellow GV issue all fine mint. (SG 106, 108/110, Cat £108+) - Est £35

Lot 1047 - 1938 - GVI 'Definitive' issue, the set of fourteen fine mint. (SG 131/140, Cat £140) - Est £45

Lot 1048 - 1938 - 2/6 maroon, 5/- chocolate and 10/- purple GVI issue, the top three values fine cds used. (SG 138/40, Cat £52) - Est £16

Lot 1049 - 1938 - 2/6 maroon & 10/- purple GVI issue, both fine mint copies. (SG 138 & 140, Cat £40) - Est £12

Lot 1050 - 1941 - Stampless 'On His Majesty's Service' OFFICIAL cover with ST HELENA cds dated AP 19 1941 and oval 'POST OFFICE ST. HELENA' crown cachet and boxed 'OFFICIAL PAID' marking in black alongside with printed blue on white 'ST. HELENA' formular REG label. Addressed to USA with transit & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £20

Lot 1051 - 1961 - QE2 Definitive issue, the set of fourteen fine mint. (SG 176/89, Cat £70) - Est £20

Saint Kitts & Nevis

Lot 1052 - 1870 - SAINT CHRISTOPHER: 1d magenta QV issue, wmk 'Crown CC', perf 12½, a fine unused example. (SG 2, Cat £80) - Est £25

Lot 1053 - 1882 - NEVIS: 1d dull rose QV issue, a fine used copy. (SG 27, Cat £35) - Est £10

Lot 1054 - 1921 - 1½d orange yellow and 1d pale violet GV issue both used with good strikes of ST. KITTS SANDY POINT cds dated 1931 and 1930 respectively. (SG 26 & 39) - Est £12

Lot 1055 - 1922 - Cover franked with single 1921 2d slate grey GV issue (SG 41) tied by NEVIS cds dated FEB 26 1922. Addressed to USA. - Est £20

Lot 1056 - 1935 - ANGUILLA: Small range of GV and GVI issues all used with ANGUILLA VALLEY cds's inc 1921 1½d brown pair, 1d red on piece, 1935 1d Jubilee, 1937 1½d coronation and various GVI defins inc 1½d on piece. (10 items) - Est £35

Lot 1057 - 1938 - 3d dull reddish purple & scarlet GVI issue perf 13 x 12, both types on ordinary and chalk surfaced paper fine mint. (SG 73 & 73a, Cat £70) - Est £22

Lot 1058 - 1938 - NEVIS POSTMARKS: Small group of POSTMARKS all on GVI issues with GINGERLAND, four strikes inc one on Leeward Islands issue and CHARLESTOWN, five strikes all on St. Kitts & Nevis issues. All good to fine strikes. (10) - Est £24

Lot 1059 - 1945 - Cover franked with single 1938 3d dull reddish purple & carmine red GVI issue (SG 73b) tied by fine CHARLESTOWN NEVIS cds dated 22 MY 1945. Addressed to USA with feint ST. KITTS transit cds on front. - Est £30

Lot 1060 - 1900-1930 - NEVIS POSTMARKS: Super lot of NEVIS cds's, duplexes, barred numeral 'A09' postmarks on QV, EVII & GV issues of St Kitts & Nevis and Leeward Islands, many on piece and a few pairs. All the strikes are fine & clear and most of the cds's have clear dates. (31 pmks) - Est £60


Lot 1061 - 1874 - 'San Miguel Volcano' issue with 'CONTRASELLO' overprint type 3, the set of four fine mint. (SG 5C/8C) - Est £24

Lot 1062 - 1887 - 10c salmon on white 'PROVISIONAL' opt postal stationery envelope (H&G B2i) and 1888 5c ultramarine on LAID paper with 5c imprint on flap (H&G B4) both fine unused. - Est £20

Lot 1063 - 1888 - 10c salmon on white laid paper postal stationery envelope (H&G B5j) with 'PROVISIONAL' overprint, white inside and embossed 'CONTAD MYOR 10 C' on reverse. A fine unused example. - Est £24

Lot 1064 - 1889 - 1c green (unused) & 2c vermilion plus the 2c vermilion with bar opt UNISSUED 'Seebeck' types fine mint. (see note below SG 22) - Est £10

Lot 1065 - 1891 - 10c green on salmon postal stationery envelope (H&G B17c) sent from LA LIBERTAD with firms cachet on front and cancelled by NEW YORK '12' in bars maritime cancel. Addressed to GERMANY with PANAMA TRANSIT cds NY FOREIGN TRANSIT cds and German arrival cds all on reverse. Small mark at top right but unusual use. - Est £35

Lot 1066 - 1896 - POSTAGE DUE ISSUE: 1c red SEEBECK 'Postage Due' issue, a fine mint IMPERF block of twenty without watermark comprising the top four rows of the pane with sheet margins on three sides, from the original printing on thin paper with horizontal mesh and clear gum. The block has a part 'Hamilton Bank Note Eng & Ptg Co. New York' imprint at top. (SG D150B variety) - Est £40

Lot 1067 - 1898 - REVENUES: 25p blue on rose, 50p blue on yellow and 100p lilac on grey REVENUE issue high values, all in fine unused blocks of four. (Forbin #27/29) - Est £18

Lot 1068 - 1899 - UNISSUED: 'Ceres' issue with 'FRANQUEO OFICIAL' overprint, the set of eleven without wheel opt UNISSUED as such including the 12c green, all fine mint with gum. (SG O329/39 var) - Est £10

Lot 1069 - 1900 - UNISSUED: Orange 'Postage Due' issue without watermark, the set of eight without wheel opt UNISSUED as such, mint with gum. (SG D347/54 var) - Est £20

Lot 1070 - 1900 - 13c dull orange and 50c rose red 'Ceres' issue with 'Shield' opt in violet (Type 1), both fine lightly used. Both have small thins on reverse. (SG 436/7) - Est £10

Lot 1071 - 1905 - SCHOOL TAX: Cover franked with 1905 5c blue 'Ceres' issue with 'Shield' opt in black and '1905' opt in blue (SG 544) tied by dumb 'Cork' cancel with oval ADMON CENTRAL DE CORREOS SAN SALVADOR cancel dated APR 18 1905 both in blue. Addressed to SANTA ANA with 1904 1c black 'Timbre de Instruccion Primaria' SCHOOL TAX stamp with 'REVISADO' opt in purple applied on reverse and tied by the dumb 'Cork' cancel and arrival cds alongside. The cover has a horizontal crease along lower half not affecting the stamps. Very scarce, the '1905' provisionals are rarely seen on cover. - Est £90

Lot 1072 - 1906 - PERFINS: 1c black & green, 2c black & rose carmine, 3c black & yellow and 5c black & blue 'Escalon' postal stationery cut outs each PERFORATED '1', '2', '3', or '5' respective to their value. Very unusual, possibly some kind of telegraphic use.  - Est £15

Lot 1073 - 1911 - 1c dull green on thin white card and 5c blue on thick rough buff card postal stationery cards (H&G 70a & 72) used with SAN SALVADOR cds's dated 31 MAR 1911. Both addressed locally. No messages. - Est £12

Lot 1074 - 1914 - 1c blue on cream postal stationery card (H&G 77a) used with added pair 1912 2c black & brown (SG 664) tied by dumb 'S' cancel with manuscript 'Stgo de Maria julio 13 / 1914' at top and blue SANTIAGO DE MARIA cds at left. Addressed to GERMANY with SAN SALVADOR transit cds on front. - Est £45

Lot 1075 - 1915 - 50c purple 'Presidents Palace' issue with 'OFICIAL' overprint in black and '1915' overprint also in black. A fine mint IMPERF PAIR. Unusual. (SG O691 variety) - Est £30

Lot 1076 - 1915 - Interesting range of 'Arms' REVENUE Issue with date opts inc '1918', '1920', '1921', '1923' & '1924' inc some denominated in 'Pesos' rather than colones inc some in strips or pairs each stamp overprinted 'SPECIMEN' in red and with small hole punch. Some values unlisted by Ross and likely only produced as trial stamps by the ABNCo. (16 stamps) - Est £25

Lot 1077 - 1919 - TRIAL: 26c on 29c black 'Provisional' SURCHARGE issue TRIAL OVERPRINT on bottom corner marginal block of four with top two stamps overprinted in black and bottom two stamps overprinted in GREEN, fine mint. Rare & unusual. (As SG 717) - Est £75

Lot 1078 - 1920 - 1c on 5c yellow 'Municipal Tax' REVENUE issue with '1919' opt and variety 'CORREOS UN CENTAVO' OVERPRINT DOUBLE. A fine mint copy. (SG 723 variety) - Est £15

Lot 1079 - 1921 - 'Centenary of Independence' issue with 'CENTENARIO' opt, the set of four fine lightly used. (SG 735a/d) - Est £15

Lot 1080 - 1921 - Cover franked with single 1919 15c on 29c black 'Provisional' SURCHARGE issue (SG 716) opt type 3 tied by SAN SALVADOR cds dated FEB 19 1921 Addressed to USA. Cover lightly toned on front. - Est £15

Lot 1081 - 1925 - 6c blue PSE (H&G B113) used with added 1925 2c on 60c violet 'Fourth Centenary of San Salvador' issue (SG 760) tied by SAN SALVADOR cds dated 3th August (possibly first day of issue) postage was evidently underpaid and then additionally franked with 1925 2c red (SG 751) tied by different SAN SALVADOR cds dated 4th DEC. Addressed to SPAIN with partial arrival cds on reverse. - Est £35

Lot 1082 - 1927 - 2c on 1c green postal stationery card (H&G 99) used with added pair 1924 2c red (SG 751) tied on reverse by 'Lines' cancel with SANTA TECLA cds on front dated ABR 22 1927. Addressed to USA with SAN SALVADOR transit cds on front. - Est £20

Lot 1083 - 1930 - Registered cover franked with 1924 2c red and 1930 25c purple AIR issue (SG 751 & 777) tied by boxed SAN SALVADOR 'Airplane' cancel with SAN SALVADOR cds dated SET 15 1930 the first day of issue with boxed 'Primer Dia de Circulacion' cachet and boxed registration marking all on front, Sent airmail to NICARAGUA with arrival mark on reverse. - Est £24

Lot 1084 - 1933 - Cover with typed 'VIA AEREO' at top franked with 1933 15c red orange and 25c mauve '441st Anniversary of Columbus departure from Palos' issue (SG 810 & 812) tied by SAN SALVADOR cds dated 12 OCT 1933, the first day of issue. Addressed to USA. - Est £24

Lot 1085 - 1933 - Trio of covers all with uses of the 1933 '441st Anniversary of Columbus's Departure from Palos' issue inc 1933 cover to USA with 25c mauve, 1934 REG cover to AUSTRIA with 15c red orange & 25c mauve and 1933 long airmail cover to USA with pair 15c red orange. (3 items)  - Est £25

Lot 1086 - 1938 - REVENUES: 50c bright green 'Timbre Nacional' REVENUE issue, a fine block of four with the left hand stamp of each pair overprinted 'DUPLICADO' in red in fancy negative lettering believed to have been PREPARED FOR USE BUT UNISSUED, each stamp overprinted 'SPECIMEN' in red and with small hole punch. Ex ABNCo. Archive. (Ross #Unlisted) - Est £24

Lot 1087 - 1943 - FIRST FLIGHTS: Pair of 1943 TACA First Flight across Central America illustrated covers to Nicaragua & USA, 1946 PAA clipper first flight San Salvador to Houston Texas, 1946 incoming PANAM air mail test flight cover with 'National Air Mail Week' cachet flown from Philadelphia to San Salvador and returned with added Salvador stamps. (4 items) - Est £25

Lot 1088 - 1947 - 1c carmine 'Famous Salvadoreans' issue with 'OFICIAL' opt in black, a fine lightly used copy. (SG O959, Cat £40) - Est £20

Lot 1089 - 1947 - 5c grey 'Famous Salvadoreans' issue with 'OFICIAL' opt in red, a fine lightly used copy. (SG O961, Cat £40) - Est £20

Lot 1090 - 1947 - 10c bistre 'Famous Salvadoreans' issue with 'OFICIAL' opt in red, a fine lightly used copy. (SG O962, Cat £40) - Est £20

Lot 1091 - 1947 - 20c green 'Famous Salvadoreans' issue with 'OFICIAL' opt in red, a fine lightly used copy. (SG O963, Cat £40) - Est £20

Lot 1092 - 1949 - '75th Anniversary of UPU' airmail issue, the set of four fine lightly used. (SG 981/4) - Est £12

Lot 1093 - 1956 - DESTINATION: Airmail cover franked with 1954 50c slate black & drab, 1955 2c yellow green (corner fault) & 1956 10c deep blue (SG 1068, 1087 & 1094) tied by SAN SALVADOR cds's. Addressed to PAGET, BERMUDA with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £12

Lot 1094 - 1936-1940 - Small collection of covers on Hagner sheets all with the 1930 & 1937 AIR issues inc a nice array of frankings with a good variety of values plus airmail cancels, odd cinderella label and three of the covers addressed to COSTA RICA. A good lot for study. Mixed condition. (7 items) - Est £25


Lot 1095 - 1890 - 2c to 48c QV issue Die 1 all good to fine mint. (SG 1/7, Cat £150+) - Est £50

Lot 1096 - 1890 - QV issue Die 2, the set of six fine mint. (SG 9/14, Cat £85) - Est £28

Lot 1097 - 1897 - QV issue, the set of nine fine mint. (SG 28/36, Cat £325) - Est £100

Lot 1098 - 1903 - 'EVII' issue wmk 'Crown CA', the set of eleven fine mint. (SG 46/56, Cat £160) - Est £50

Lot 1099 - 1903 - 3c on 18c sage green & carmine EVII 'Surcharge' issue, a fine cds used copy. (SG 58, Cat £60) - Est £20

Lot 1100 - 1906 - 1r 50c black & carmine EVII issue, wmk 'Multi Crown CA', a fine mint copy. (SG 69, Cat £60) - Est £20

Lot 1101 - 1938 - 12c reddish violet GVI issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 139, Cat £50) - Est £16

Lot 1102 - 1938 - 20c blue GVI issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 140, Cat £45) - Est £15

Lot 1103 - 1938 - 45c chocolate on chalk surfaced paper GVI issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 143, Cat £48) - Est £16

Lot 1104 - 1952 - GVI 'Definitive' issue, the set of fifteen fine mint. (SG 158/72, Cat £90) - Est £30

Lot 1105 - 1954 - QE2 'Definitive' issue, the set of nineteen fine mint. (SG 174/88, Cat £100) - Est £32

Lot 1106 - 1890-1938 - Useful QV- GVI period collection inc some early issues, surcharges, values to 50c & 1r 50c. Mixed mint & used, condition generally good to fine. (73 stamps, SG Cat £300+) - Est £75

South Africa

Lot 1107 - 1913 - SOUTH AFRICA USED IN ZULULAND: 3d ultramarine 'GV Head' issue, a fine used horizontal pair with ESHOWE ZULULAND cds dated OCT 28 1925. (SG 9) - Est £10

Lot 1108 - 1913 - COIL ISSUE: GV Head 'Coil' issue, the set of four plus the 1d scarlet shade all fine cds used. (SG 18/21 & 19a, Cat £39+) - Est £12

Lot 1109 - 1915 - Nice group of USED postal stationery inc 1915 4d blue REG PSE with 1913 ½d green and pair 1d red tied from JOHANNESBURG to Switzerland, 1920 small 4d blue REG PSE with 1913 2½d bright blue tied MOORLEIGH to Germany (some staining), 1928 1d red GV PSE with 2 x ½d and 1d tied CAPETOWN to Germany, 1930 4d blue REG PSE with 1d tied HARRISMITH to LOURENCO MARQUES with arrival marks, 1932 1d red & black SHIP PS wrapper with added 1d tied WYNBERG to Germany and 19374d blue REG PSE with various added stamps tied by NON-EUR. OFF PRETORIA (racial segregation) cds with similar REG marking. (6 items) - Est £45

Lot 1110 - 1932 - POSTAGE DUE: Incoming B&W PPC of 'Bungay from the River' franked with Great Britain 1924 1d scarlet GV issue (SG 419) tied by BUNGAY cds dated 19 MAY 1932. Addressed to DURBAN, NATAL, taxed on arrival with added 1927 1d black & carmine 'Postage Due' (SG D18) tied by DURBAN cds. - Est £15

Lot 1111 - 1933 - 6d green & vermilion 'Die 1', a fine mint pair. (SG 61, Cat £70) - Est £22

Lot 1112 - 1933 - 10/- blue & sepia 'Top Value', a fine mint pair. (SG 64c, Cat £65) - Est £20

Lot 1113 - 1938 - 'Voortrekker Centenary Memorial Fund' GVI issue, the set of four horizontal pairs, fine mint. (SG 76/9, Cat £80) - Est £25

Lot 1114 - 1938 - Plain cover franked with 1938 'Voortrekker Commemoration' issue pairs (SG 80/1) tied by JOHANNESBURG cds's dated 14. XII. 1938 (the first day of issue). Addressed  locally. - Est £12

Lot 1115 - 1939 - 250th Anniversary of Huguenot Landing' GVI issue, the set of three horizontal pairs, fine mint. (SG 82/4, Cat £55) - Est £18

Lot 1116 - 1941 - 'War Effort' issue, the set of seven horizontal pairs and two singles fine mint. (SG 88/96, Cat £60) - Est £20

Lot 1117 - 1942 - 'War Effort' reduced size issue, the set of eight units (pairs or triplets) fine mint. (SG 97/104, Cat £50) - Est £16

Lot 1118 - 1952 - OFFICIAL MAIL: Pair of official envelopes franked with a variety of 'OFFICIAL / OFFISIEEL' opts, one with boxed official cachet. Both addressed to the UN in SWITZERLAND. (2 items) - Est £12

Lot 1119 - 1930-1947 - Useful group of mint pairs with 1930 1d black & carmine, 1933 1½d blue green & dull gold, 3d ultramarine & 1/- brown & chalky blue and 1947 ½d grey & green, 1d grey & carmine, 4d brown, 6d green & red orange and 2/6 green & brown. (SG 43, 57, 59, 62, 114/5, 118/9 & 121, Cat £111+) - Est £35

South African States

Lot 1120 - 1882 - CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: 1d on 6d deep lilac 'Surcharge' issue, heavy used with barred numeral '3' cancel in black. (SG 32, Cat £160) - Est £40

Lot 1121 - 1893 - CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: 3d bright magenta 'Hope' issue, wmk 'Anchor', a fine mint copy. (SG 64, Cat £22) - Est £10

Lot 1122 - 1902 - CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: 'EVII' definitive issue, the set of nine fine mint. (SG 70/78, Cat £250) - Est £80

Lot 1123 - 1902 - CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: 2d brown, 4d olive green, 6d bright mauve & 1/- yellow ochre EVII issue, all good mint copies. (SG 72 & 75/7, Cat £105) - Est £30

Lot 1124 - 1903 - CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: 1d pink QV postal stationery envelope (H&G B2a) used with ORANGE RIVER C.G.H. cds dated 1 MY 1903. Addressed to CAPE TOWN with arrival cds on reverse. Crease along lower edge of cover. - Est £25

Lot 1125 - 1877 - NATAL: 'HALF ½' on 1d rose 'Surcharge' issue type 'a' (½ opt 4½mm high, 2 with straight foot), a good mint copy with full O.G. (SG 85, Cat £50) - Est £16

Lot 1126 - 1904 - NATAL: Small piece with 1902 1d carmine EVII issue tied by DURBAN cds with added Great Britain 1902 1½ dull purple & green EVII issue tied by CIRENCESTER squared circle cds dated MAY 9 1904. Most likely the original cover was forwarded. An unusual mixed franking. (SG 128 & 221) - Est £12

Lot 1127 - 1904 - NATAL: ½d green QV PSE (H&G B1a) used with added 1882 1d dull green (SG 97a) tied by BULWER cds's to PINETOWN and 1d carmine QV PSE (H&G B2) used with added 1882 1d rose (SG 99) tied by PINETOWN cds's addressed to the 'Trappists Mission, Reichenau, Bulwer. (2 items) - Est £20

Lot 1128 - 1897 - ORANGE FREE STATE: ½d orange postal stationery card (H&G 17) with postcard stamp (SG P12) tied by 'Arms' imprint in black used with KROONSTAD cds dated OCT 15 1897. Addressed to MAFEKING with arrival cds on front. - Est £45

Lot 1129 - 1899 - ORANGE FREE STATE: Black on yellow bistre 'COMMANDO BRIEF O.V.S.' military frank stamp. A fine mint corner marginal block of four. Scarce in multiples. (SG M1) - Est £95

Lot 1130 - 1900 - ORANGE FREE STATE: 6d on 6d blue 'V.R.I.' overprint issue with 'Level Stops', a fine mint copy with variety '6 OMITTED'. (SG 109b) - Est £60

Lot 1131 - 1900 - ORANGE FREE STATE: Cape of Good Hope issue with 'ORANGE RIVER COLONY' overprint, the set of three in fine mint blocks of six. (SG 133/135) - Est £40

Lot 1132 - 1900 - ORANGE FREE STATE: 2½d ultramarine with 'ORANGE RIVER COLONY' opt, a fine mint marginal block of six with '1' Plate number in margin. (SG 135, Cat £48) - Est £16

Lot 1133 - 1900 - ORANGE FREE STATE - BOER WAR: 1d on 1d orange postal stationery card with 'V.R.I.' overprint (H&G 22) datelined "Deale's Farm North of Bloemfontein 14/4/0" used with unclear cds. Addressed to UK. Message reads in part "Just a word to say no news, we are all waiting to recruit horses etc & all very fit". Card has a central crease but an interesting item. - Est £50

Lot 1134 - 1905 - ORANGE RIVER COLONY: ½d yellow green & 1d scarlet EVII issue wmk 'Multi Crown CA', both fine mint copies. (SG 148/9, Cat £27) - Est £10

Lot 1135 - 1870 - TRANSVAAL: 1d brick red 'First Republic' issue 'Otto' printing, clear and distinct impression on thin paper, rouletted 15½-16. A superb mint copy with full O.G (SG 4a) - Est £95

Lot 1136 - 1877 - TRANSVAAL: 3d mauve on buff new printing with ITALIC 'V. R. Transvaal' overprint in black, imperf. A fine used copy. Small thin on reverse. (SG 118d) - Est £35

Lot 1137 - 1879 - TRANSVAAL: 3d mauve on green new printing with small 'V.R. Transvaal' overprint in black, imperf. A fine used copy with concentric circles Numeral '31' cancel of KALEKALESKOP. Rare cancel. (SG 148) - Est £75

Lot 1138 - 1896 - TRANSVAAL: Cover franked with 1895 ½d on 1/- green and pair 1d on 2½d bright mauve 'Provisional' issue (SG 213/214) tied by PRETORIA cds's. Addressed to GERMANY with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £50

Lot 1139 - 1898 - TRANSVAAL: 1d rose red & green used on small piece with good strike of SMUTSOOG Z.A.R. cds dated 26 APR 1898. A rarity, the only recorded example of this cancellation. (SG 217) - Est £120

Lot 1140 - 1901 - TRANSVAAL - PIETERSBURG: 1/- black on yellow 'Provisional' issue, type 3, imperf with controllers initials. A good mint copy with gum. (SG 18) - Est £25

Lot 1141 - 1901 - TRANSVAAL: 4d sage green & green with 'E.R.I.' opt in black, a fine used block of four with central PRETORIA cds dated 30 SEP 1902. (SG 241, Cat £48) - Est £16

Lot 1142 - 1901 - TRANSVAAL - BOER WAR: Cover with manuscript 'From Pioneer A J Foske II, S.A.C. Military Works, Heidelburg Transvaal' at top franked with Great Britain 1881 1d lilac QV issue (SG 172) tied by fine strike of FIELD POST OFFICE 56 BRITISH ARMY S. AFRICA cds dated SEP 19 1901 of APO 10 located in the Stationery office at HEIDELBURG. Addressed to UK with arrival cds on reverse. Cover is roughly opened at top. - Est £30

Lot 1143 - 1902 - TRANSVAAL: 2/- black & brown EVII issue, wmk 'Crown CA', a fine mint copy. (SG 252, Cat £75) - Est £25

Lot 1144 - 1902 - TRANSVAAL - BOER WAR: Cover franked with pair 1901 ½d on 2d brown & green 'E.R.I.' overprint issue (SG 243) tied by KRUGERSDORP cds with large oval 'KRUGERSDORP P.B.C. A E MAINWARING' censor cachet in magenta on reverse. Addressed to UK with transit & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £30

Lot 1145 - 1904 - TRANSVAAL: 3d to 10/- EVII issue wmk 'Multi Crown CA', all fine cds used. (SG 265/71, Cat £40+) - Est £12

Lot 1146 - 1907 - TRANSVAAL: ½d green EVII issue with 'C.S.A.R.' official PERFIN, a fine used copy with JOHANNESBURG cds dated APR 1910. (SG RO18) - Est £10

Lot 1147 - 1909 - TRANSVAAL: Black & white PPC 'Wonderboom Poort near Pretoria' franked on picture side with1905 1d scarlet EVII issue (SG 274) tied by PRETORIA cds dated 9 AUG 1909. Addressed to SPAIN routed via SIERRA LEONE and FUNCHAL with FREETOWN SIERRA LEONE transit cds's on front and FUNCHAL MADEIRA transit cds on reverse. Unusual. - Est £40

South West Africa

Lot 1148 - 1918 - SOUTH AFRICA USED IN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: ½d yellow green GV Head postal stationery card of South Africa (H&G 1) used with KARIBIB S.W. AFRICA cds dated 11 APR 1918. Addressed to WINDHOEK, censored on arrival with 'PASSED CENSOR B100' marking in purple on front. - Est £35

Lot 1149 - 1918 - Censored cover franked with South Africa 1913 2½d bright blue GV Head issue (SG 7) tied by German type oval '- WINDHOEK' cancel dated 24.12.1918. Addressed to SWITZERLAND with printed red on white 'OPENED BY CENSOR 99' strip at left and circular 'PASSED BY CENSOR 99' marking in black on front. Also 1923 1d on ½d green GV Head PSC with 'Zuid-West Afrika' opt (H&G 5a) commercially used with oval SWAKOPMUND cancel dated 27.12.1923 addressed to WINDHOEK, card has two repaired punch holes. (2 items) - Est £40

Lot 1150 - 1922 - SOUTH AFRICA USED IN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: 1d black & scarlet 'Postage Due' issue of South Africa, a fine used block of four with WINDHOEK cds dated 1922. (SG D2) - Est £30

Lot 1151 - 1923 - 1d red on cream GV postal stationery envelope with 'SOUTH WEST AFRICA' opt in black (H&G B1) used with added 1923 pair ½d green and 1d rose red 'GV Head' issue with 'ZUID-WEST AFRICA' opt (SG 1/2, Setting 1) tied by heavy WINDHOEK cds's dated 24 SEP 1923. Addressed to GERMANY. - Est £35

Lot 1152 - 1925 - Coloured PPC ' Elendantilopen Bein Schattenbaum. Sud-West Africa' franked on message side with single 1923 2d dull purple GV overprint issue (SG 31) tied by fine KALKFELD S.W. AFRICA 'German' type cds. Addressed to GERMANY. Card has small faults but uncommon issue on cover. - Est £50

Lot 1153 - 1927 - 1d black & carmine 'Ship' issue with 'SOUTH WEST AFRICA' overprint (English opt on Afrikaans stamp), a fine mint block of eighteen. (SG 46) - Est £24

Lot 1154 - 1927 - 3d black & red with 'South West Africa' opt in blue, a fine cds used horizontal pair. (SG 50, Cat £32) - Est £10

Lot 1155 - 1928 - 4d blue on cream postal stationery registered envelope with 'S.W.A.' overprint in red (H&G C10) used with added 1927 1d black & carmine 'Ship' issue with 'S.W.A.' overprint (SG 59) tied by KOLMANSKOP cds's with large boxed 'KOLMANSKOP' registration marking in black on front. Addressed to KEETMANSHOOP with arrival cds on reverse. Fine & scarce origination. - Est £50

Lot 1156 - 1931 - 'Pictorial' issue, the complete set of fourteen fine mint horizontal pairs. (SG 74/87, Cat £250) - Est £80

Lot 1157 - 1937 - 1½d purple brown 'Mail Train' issue a fine unmounted mint block of four. (SG 96) - Est £40

Lot 1158 - 1938 - 'Voortrekker Centenary Memorial' issue opt 'S.W.A.', the set of four fine mint horizontal pairs. (SG 105/8, Cat £110) - Est £35

Lot 1159 - 1941 - 'War Effort' issue opt 'S.W.A.', the set of seven horizontal pairs and two singles fine mint. (SG 114/22, Cat £55) - Est £18

Lot 1160 - 1945 - 1½d purple brown 'Mail Train' issue with 'OFFICIAL' overprint in red (Type 2), a fine mint side marginal block of four. (SG O20) - Est £45

Lot 1161 - 1952 - 1½d purple brown 'Mail Train' issue with 'OFFICIAL' overprint in deep vermilion, a fine used pair with central WINDHOEK cds dated 22 IV 1955. (SG O30) - Est £24

Lot 1162 - 1979 - TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: Trio of covers all with manuscript 'Rail Letter' or 'Spoorpos' at top with varied frankings one cover with stamps tied by boxed 'ARIS S.A.R. STATION FOREMAN' and the other two with boxed 'REHOBOTH S.A.R. GOODS' or 'REHOBOTH S.A.R. STATION FOREMAN' markings. All addressed to BENONI with arrival cds's on reverse. Interesting. (3 covers) - Est £25


Lot 1163 - 1897 - TELEGRAPHS: 2 x 5m carmine with oval 'TEL' opt in blue, 2 x 1pi blue with 'TEL' handstamp in black & blue and 2 x 2pi orange brown with 'TEL' opt in black and 1898 5m lilac brown & violet, 5m brown & pale blue, 5pi violet & black and 25pi pale blue & brown all in fine used pairs and 5m brown & pale blue mint pair. Odd small fault. (Barefoot #4B, 5, 5B, 6, 14/15, 18 & 20, Cat £107) - Est £35

Lot 1164 - 1898 - TELEGRAPHS: 2pi green & brown and 5pi violet & black 'Military Telegraph' issue, wmk 'Rosette' both in good mint pairs. (Barefoot #11/12) - Est £12

Lot 1165 - 1898 - 5m carmine on brownish paper postal stationery lettersheet of Egypt with 'SOUDAN' opt in black (H&G G1) used with WADI HALFA cds dated 10 III 1898. Addressed to LUXOR, EGYPT. - Est £25

Lot 1166 - 1898 - TELEGRAPHS: 5m lilac brown & violet, 5m brown & pale blue, 1pi black & red, 5pi violet & black, 10pi rose & green and 25pi pale blue & brown 'Military Telegraph' issue, wmk 'Star & Crescent' all in good to fine mint pairs. (Barefoot #14/16 & 18/20) - Est £25

Lot 1167 - 1902 - 5pi brown & green 'Camel' issue on chalk surfaced paper, a fine mint copy. (SG 27a, Cat £55) - Est £18

Lot 1168 - 1903 - 10pi black & mauve 'camel' issue with 'O.S.G.S.' official opt (wmk rosette), a fine mint copy. (SG O4, Cat £25) - Est £10

Lot 1169 - 1927 - 6p greenish blue & black, 8p emerald & black, 10p black & reddish purple and 20p pale blue & blue 'Camel Postman' issue on chalk surfaced paper, the top four values fine mint. (SG 45b/46b, Cat £73) - Est £24

Lot 1170 - 1948 - 5m olive black & brown, 10m rose red & black and 15m ultramarine & chestnut 'Small Camel' issue all fine mint. (SG 100/102, Cat £24+) - Est £10

Lot 1171 - 1948 - TRAINING STAMPS: 10m rose red & black 'Camel Postman' issue with 'SCHOOL' overprint in black & hole punch on each stamp for use in the Post master training school in Omdurman. A fine mint marginal block of four. (SG 101) - Est £15

Lot 1172 - 1950 - 'Pictorial' AIRMAIL issue, the set of eight fine mint. (SG 115/22, Cat £35) - Est £10

Lot 1173 - 1951 - TRAINING STAMPS: 15m black & chestnut 'Policeman' issue with 'SCHOOL' overprint in black on each stamp for use in the Post master training school in Omdurman. A fine mint side marginal block of four. (SG 129) - Est £15

Lot 1174 - 1952 - AIRLETTERS: 2½pt orange on blue used with added 10m tied from PORT SUDAN to Denmark airletter has two punch holes one that affects the stamp. Also 1954 3½pt brown on light blue unused and 1960 4pt brown on light blue also unused. (H&G FG1/3) - Est £25

Trinidad & Tobago

Lot 1175 - 1883 - 4d grey QV issue, a superb mint corner marginal block of nine. A scarce multiple. (SG 110, Cat £67+) - Est £20

Lot 1176 - 1892 - TOBAGO: ½d green on buff and 1d carmine on buff QV postal stationery cards and ½d + ½d green on buff postal stationery reply card (H&G 5/7) all with large 'SPECIMEN' opts in black. (3 items) - Est £30

Lot 1177 - 1901 - 4d green & blue on buff, a fine unmounted mint side marginal block of ten. (SG 130, Cat £50) - Est £16

Lot 1178 - 1905 - 'Postage Due' issue, wmk 'Multi Crown CA', the set of eight fine mint. (SG D10/17, Cat £140) - Est £45

Lot 1179 - 1913 - 4d black & red on lemon 'Britannia' issue, watermark 'Multi Crown CA'. A fine unmounted mint marginal block of six. (SG 152c, Cat £60) - Est £20

Lot 1180 - 1921 - 6d dull & bright purple 'Britannia' issue, watermark 'Multi Script CA'. A fine unmounted mint side marginal block of twelve. (SG 212, Cat £66) - Est £22

Lot 1181 - 1922 - Registered cover franked with single 1921 6d dull & bright purple (SG 212) tied by PORT OF SPAIN cds dated NOV 7 1922 with printed red & black 'TRINIDAD' registration label alongside. Addressed to UK with arrival mark on reverse. - Est £35

Lot 1182 - 1929 - FIRST FLIGHT: Cover franked 1922 1d brown and 1/- black on emerald GV issue (SG 219 & 227) tied by GENERAL POST OFFICE TRINIDAD (Port-of-Spain) cds's dated FE 10 1931. Flown on the Port of Spain - Cristobal, Canal Zone first flight with large boxed 'FIRST FLIGHT PORT OF SPAIN - MATURIN Airmail Routes FAM 6 and 7. PAA. Completing the Lindbergh Circle, Maturin, Venezuela' first flight cachet in purple on front. Addressed to CRISTOBAL, CANAL ZONE with arrival cds on reverse. A very rare flight. (Muller #34, only 82 covers were carried) - Est £75

Lot 1183 - 1929 - FIRST FLIGHT: Cover franked 1922 6d green & red on emerald and 1/- black on emerald GV issue (SG 226/227) with red on white airmail label all tied by PORT-OF-SPAIN machine cancel dated Sept 25 1929. Flown on the Trinidad - St. John's, Antigua first flight. Addressed to the US Consul in ST JOHN'S, ANTIGUA with arrival cds on reverse. (Muller #4, only 233 covers were carried) - Est £45

Lot 1184 - 1935 - 6c sepia & blue 'Pictorial' issue, perf 12½, a fine unmounted mint block of four. (SG 233a, Cat £112) - Est £35

Lot 1185 - 1938 - GVI 'Definitive' issue, the set of fourteen fine mint. (SG 246/56, Cat £130) - Est £42

Lot 1186 - 1938 - $4.80 rose carmine GVI issue, the top value fine lightly used. (SG 256, Cat £60) - Est £20

Lot 1187 - 1944 - FIRST FLIGHT: Cover franked with 1938 5c magenta GVI issue (SG 249b) tied by PORT OF SPAIN cds dated DE 14 1944. Flown on the Trinidad - Jamaica first flight by B.W.I. Airways' with boxed first flight cachet and BLACKSTONE JAMAICA arrival cds on front. (Muller #65) - Est £25

Lot 1188 - 1947 - Registered 'Wells' cover franked with 1946 2 x 3c chocolate and 6c blue GVI issue (SG 257/258) tied by three strikes of ROXBOROUGH TOBAGO cds dated 24 MAR 1947 with REG label alongside. Addressed to UK with transit cds on reverse. - Est £18

Lot 1189 - 1957 - Cover franked with strip of three 1958 1c on 2c indigo & orange brown QE2 issue (SG 280) tied by light SAN JUAN cds's. Address locally to PETIT VALLEY. A nice commercial use of this issue. - Est £12

Lot 1190 - 1964 - Internal cover franked with single 1960 5c chalky blue QE2 issue (SG 286) tied by good strike of oval EAST DRY RIVER TRINIDAD cancel in black dated 1964. Addressed to PORT OF SPAIN. - Est £12

United States of America

Lot 1191 - 1862 - CONFEDERATE STATES: 5c light blue 'Jefferson Davis' issue, fine impression on thin paper, a fine mint copy with full gum. Three good margins, just touching along base. (SG 7) - Est £10

Lot 1192 - 1862 - CONFEDERATE STATES: 1c orange 'John C. Calhoun' issue, a four margin copy unused without gum. Stamp has a vertical crease and some paper adherence on reverse. (SG 17, Cat £120) - Est £30

Lot 1193 - 1863 - CONFEDERATE STATES: 2c dull red 'Jackson' issue, a superb unused four margin copy without gum. (SG 9, Cat £90) - Est £30

Lot 1194 - 1863 - CONFEDERATE STATES: 20c green 'Washington' issue, a superb unused four margin copy without gum. (SG 14, Cat £55) - Est £18

Lot 1195 - 1927 - ALASKA: Real photographic PPC 'Akutan Island Alaska' franked on picture side with 1926 1c yellowish green (SG 632) tied by UNALASKA ALASKA cds dated JUN 17 1927. Unaddressed. - Est £18

Lot 1196 - 1927 - ALASKA: Real photographic PPC 'Fire at Douglas Alaska almost destroyed the city Oct 10th 1926' showing the city on fire from a distance franked on picture side with 1926 2c carmine (SG 634) tied by DOUGLAS ALASKA cds dated JUL 7 1927. Unaddressed. - Est £25

Lot 1197 - 1928 - FIRST FLIGHT: Printed 'First Flight Foreign CAM 4 Miami-Havana' airmail cover franked with 1922 2c carmine (SG 562) tied by MIAMI machine cancel dated SEP 15 1928. Flown on the Miami - Havana first flight, addressed to CUBA with HAVANA arrival cds on reverse. (Muller #249, 525 covers were flown). - Est £25

Lot 1198 - 1941 - Cover franked with 1938 3c deep violet (SG 803) tied by fine NEW LONDON CONN U.S. SUBMARINE BASE BR. cds dated MAY 5 1941. Addressed to NEW YORK. - Est £15


Lot 1199 - 1856 - 80c light green 'Diligencia' issue, a very fine unused example, four tight margins as is usual for this issue. A superb example. (SG 2) - Est £300

Lot 1200 - 1858 - 240c dull red 'Mail Coach' issue a fine looking unused copy with four margins, tight at top. Tiny thin on reverse but otherwise a lovely copy. (SG 7, Cat £100) - Est £75

Lot 1201 - 1859 - 60c grey lilac 'Montevideo' SUN issue, thin figures of value, a fine used copy with oval MONTEVIDEO cancel dated 17 NOV 1859, four margins, tight at right. (SG 8a) - Est £25

Lot 1202 - 1859 - 60c grey lilac 'Montevideo' SUN issue, thin figures of value, a fine unused copy, four large margins. Expertised 'A Brun' on reverse. (SG 8a) - Est £60

Lot 1203 - 1859 - 80c orange 'Montevideo' SUN issue, thin figures of value, a fine mint copy with full O.G. and four margins, being close at base. A rare stamp. (SG 9a) - Est £300

Lot 1204 - 1859 - 180c green 'Montevideo' SUN issue, thin figures of value, a fine used four margin copy with PREPRINTING PAPER FOLD running horizontally across the stamp. Unusual. (SG 12a) - Est £75

Lot 1205 - 1859 - 180c green 'Montevideo' SUN issue, thin figures of value, a fine lightly used four margin copy. (SG 12) - Est £20

Lot 1206 - 1859 - Cover franked with 1859 120c blue 'Montevideo' SUN issue, thin figures of value (SG 11) with four good to large margins tied by oval MONTEVIDEO cancel dated 7 NOV 1859. Addressed to BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA conveyed across the River Plate by ship with manuscript 'Pr d'Puntecasteaux' ship endorsement on front.  1992 BPA certificate accompanies. - Est £240

Lot 1207 - 1860 - 60c brown lilac 'Montevideo' SUN issue, thick figures of value, fine impression, a good looking used copy with part MERCEDES oval cancel, just four margins, tight at top. Thinned on reverse. (SG 14) - Est £10

Lot 1208 - 1860 - 60c lilac rose 'Montevideo' SUN issue, thick figures of value, coarse impression, a good looking used copy with red manuscript cancel, four good margins. Thinned on reverse. (SG 15a) - Est £15

Lot 1209 - 1860 - BISECT: 120c blue 'Montevideo' SUN issue, thick figures of value, diagonally BISECTED and tied on piece by SALTO 'Eye' cancel in black. Rare. (SG 18) - Est £75

Lot 1210 - 1866 - 20c on 6c rose 'Surcharge' issue, a good looking four margin copy mint with gum. Some small thins on reverse. (SG 27a, Cat £37) - Est £20

Lot 1211 - 1876 - ESSAY: 5c red on white paper WELKER ESSAY stamp, a very fine imperf copy, ungummed with four margins. - Est £24

Lot 1212 - 1877 - 1p blue 'Top Value' a good used copy. (SG 47) - Est £10

Lot 1213 - 1887 - TRAVELLING POST OFFICES: 5c green postal stationery envelope (H&G B10b) used with good strike of ESTAFETA AMBULANTE 'A 5' cds dated 17 JUN 1887 on front. Addressed to MONTEVIDEO with arrival cds on reverse. - Est £50

Lot 1214 - 1889 - 2c green 'Waterlow' issue an IMPERF PROOF in unissued colour with large hole punch through centre. (SG 116) - Est £30

Lot 1215 - 1895 - UNISSUED: 20c brown with 'OFICIAL' handstamp in black, prepared for use but unauthorised. A fine mint copy. (See note below SG O167) - Est £35

Lot 1216 - 1900 - 2c brown on buff postal stationery card (H&G 44) with privately printed view in sepia on reverse showing 'Boats in Montevideo Harbour' used with added 1900 10c violet (SG 234) tied by MONTEVIDEO cds. Addressed to GERMANY. The 10c may be a replacement for a missing stamp. A scarce item. - Est £25

Lot 1217 - 1903 - Registered AR cover franked with single 1900 25c brown (SG 235) tied by OFICINA DE REC'S CORREO MONTEVIDEO cds dated 19 JUN 1903 with printed red on white 'MONTEVIDEO' REG label and small boxed 'A R' marking all on front, Addressed to FRANCE. - Est £25

Lot 1218 - 1910 - Incoming PPC from BELGIUM franked with 1907 5c green (SG 108) tied by BRUSSELS cds. Addressed to MONTEVIDEO with MALDONADO arrival cds and fine strike of boxed TRANSITO MALDONADO marking. - Est £35

Lot 1219 - 1920 - 'Honouring J. E. Rodd' issue the set of three in 'Waterlow' FILE COPY PROOF blocks of four, each stamp with large hole punch. Ex Waterlow Archive with a little staining from the flood in the archive during WW2. (SG 372/4) - Est £12

Lot 1220 - 1924 - 8c rosine 'Chilean Lapwing' issue a fine mint IMPERF PAIR. Scarce. (SG 455 variety) - Est £40

Lot 1221 - 1924 - 'Victory of Uruguay Football Team' issue, the set of three fine mint. (SG 464/6, Cat £60) - Est £30

Lot 1222 - 1925 - FIRST FLIGHT: Registered cover franked with 1925 5c rose and 45c blue green 'Centenary of Battle of Rincon' issue (SG 474/475) tied by oval CORREO AEREO 1825 24 SEPTIEMBRE 1925 MONTEVIDEO cancels in blue with printed registration label alongside. Flown on the MONTEVIDEO - RINCON first flight, addressed to RINCON with arrival marks on front & transit marks on reverse. (Muller #13) - Est £30

Lot 1223 - 1925 - FIRST FLIGHT: Registered cover franked with 1925 5c rose & 45c blue green 'Centenary of the Battle of Rincon' issue (SG 474/5) tied by oval MONTEVIDEO first flight cancel in blue. Flown on the MONTEVIDEO - RINCON flight of the 24th September. Addressed to RINCON with MONTEVIDEO transit cds on reverse and RINCON oval arrival mark in blue on front. (Muller #13) - Est £20

Lot 1224 - 1927 - TELEGRAPHS: 5c yellow, 10c deep blue, 20c pale turquoise and 50c vermilion tall 'Telegraph' issue (with coupon attached). The set of four fine mint. (Barefoot #1/4) - Est £30

Lot 1225 - 1928 - 'Albatross' AIR issue, the set of twelve fine mint plus the 1929 4c olive brown. A scarce set. (SG 569/80 & 634, Cat £500+) - Est £200

Lot 1226 - 1928 - Uruguayan Football Victories' set of three fine mint. (SG 581/583, Cat £46) - Est £20

Lot 1227 - 1930 - 15c orange 'Centenary of Independence' issue WATERLOW COLOUR TRIAL in unissued colour with 'Waterlow & Sons Ltd SPECIMEN' overprint in black and small hole punch. (As SG 646) - Est £15

Lot 1228 - 1930 - 1c carmine 'Ejercito 1929-30 Impuesto de Timbres Ley 23 Novembre 1923' REVENUE issue WATERLOW COLOUR TRIAL, perforated, ungummed with 'Waterlow & Sons Ltd SPECIMEN' overprint & small hole punch. - Est £30

Lot 1229 - 1931 - OFFICIAL MAIL: Printed 'Boletin del Ministerio de Hacienda Montevideo' official cover franked with 1929 16c deep blue 'Pegasus' issue with 'Official' PUNCHES (SG 622) tied by smudged MONTEVIDEO cds with large official cachet alongside. Sent registered to USA with transit & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £35

Lot 1230 - 1934 - 5c blue postal stationery lettercard (H&G A18, with outer perforations removed) used with added 1921 1c pale green, 1923 12c deep blue, 1928 2c green, 1930 3 x 3c yellow green & 20c slate blue and 1933 2 x 7c slate blue (SG 380, 427, 545, 642, 647 & 691) all tied by EXTERIOR MONTEVIDEO cds's. Addressed to SWITZERLAND with transit cds on reverse. - Est £40

 Lot 1231 - 1934 - ZEPPELIN: Commercial cover franked with 1928 strip of four 20c lake and 1933 7v slate blue (SG 559 & 691) tied by MONTEVIDEO cds's dated 4 IX 1934 with circular 'SERVICIO AEREO TRANSOCEANICO URUGUYA - EUROPA CONDOR ZEPPELIN LUFTHANSA' cachet in black on front. Flown on the 7th South American flight of September 1934 on LZ127. Addressed to GERMANY with FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 'Zeppelin' arrival mark on reverse. (Sieger #272C) - Est £60

Lot 1232 - 1939 - 75c rose, 1p blue, 1p 38c violet, 1p 38c orange yellow, 2p blue, 5p lilac and 5p green 'La Carreta' AIR issue FORGERIES in fine mint blocks of four with gum. (28 forgeries, As SG 822/28) - Est £15

Lot 1233 - 1946 - 'SERVICIO AEREO' airplane surcharge issue, the set of six fine mint. (SG 928/33, Cat £25) - Est £12

Lot 1234 - 1956 - EXHIBITION MAIL & CINDERELLA: Unaddressed cover with 'Exposicion Filatelica' handstamp franked with 1945 5m violet, 1954 pair 5m carmine, red-brown & green and 1c black & scarlet (SG 905 & 1028/9) all tied by SAN JOSE cds's with fine large 'Exposicion Filatelica San Jose 1956' CINDERELLA label depicting the 1856 60c blue 'Diligencia' issue tied by oval SAN JOSE cachet. - Est £10

Lot 1235 - 1970 - PRIVATE EXPRESS COMPANIES: Pair of covers one from the Club Filatelico del Uruguay and one commercial both with stamps cancelled by CORREO EXPRESO URUGUAY illustrated 'Motorbike' cancel dated 28 OCTUBRE 1970 with two line 'CORREO NACIONAL SERVICIO EXPRESO' cachet on front and both have the printed 25p black on yellow 'Servicio Expreso' label applied on reverse. Addressed locally. Uncommon. - Est £45

Lot 1236 - 1934-1948 - OFFICIAL MAIL: Trio of printed 'S.O. OBSERVACIONES TARJETA POSTAL' official postcards for reporting rainfall used from BARKER, FLORENCIO SANCHEZ and MONTEVIDEO with various markings inc Official cachets. All addressed to MONTEVIDEO. (3 items) - Est £25


Lot 1237 - 1852 - PRESTAMP: Cover with manuscript 'Correo del 8 de Mzo 1852' at top sent from CARACAS to VALENCIA with good strike of circular CORREOS DE VENEZUELA CARACAS DEBE marking in black with small handstruck '1' rate marking alongside. - Est £40

Lot 1238 - 1854 - LOCAL ISSUE: Black on yellow 'BEJUMA Debe' and 'BEJUMA Franca' LOCAL issues imperf unused with fine good to large margins, fine for this issue. These were actually the first stamps issued in Venezuela. Scarce. (Hurt & Williams # 1/2) - Est £150

Lot 1239 - 1859 - 2r red 'First Issue', coarse impression, a mint copy with full gum, four tight to large margins. Thinned on reverse. (SG 9, Cat £90) - Est £30

Lot 1240 - 1863 - ½r pale red 'Eagle' issue, a fine used copy, four margins. A scarce stamp. (SG 16, Cat £120) - Est £60

Lot 1241 - 1864 - LA GUAIRA: 1c black on rose 'Ship' issue, Type A with plain numeral, a fine four margin copy mint, tight at left unused without gum. (SG 2, Cat £47) - Est £35

Lot 1242 - 1873 - ½r rose pink 'Square' issue two copies with upright and inverted 'Contrasena - Estampilla de Correo' Type 3 opt by Aramburu (in large lettering) plus 1r dull vermilion with upright opt from the same Aramburu printing. All good to fine used with mixed margins, tight to touching. (SG 79, 79a & 80, Cat £52) - Est £25

Lot 1243 - 1876 - LOCAL ISSUE - PETARE: Black on lilac 'Petare' local issue inscribed 'SOCIEDAD PROGRESISTA DE PETARE CORREO ENTRE CARACAS Y PETARE'. An unused example with faults & some staining, however an exceptional rarity of Venezuelan philately. Fewer than ten genuine copies are known. 2017 B Moorhouse certificate accompanies. (Hurt & Williams #1, Valera #3) - Est £550

Lot 1244 - 1889 - CORO Y LA VELA LOCAL ISSUE: ½r black on blue local issue for 'CORO Y LA VELA' rouletted in black. A fine used copy with light 'ANOTADA CORREO DEL KOMERCIO' marking in purple. (Hurt & Williams #7) - Est £35

Lot 1245 - 1891 - LOCAL POST: 5c pale blue 'Coro Y La Vela' local post issue with TRAIN design and inscribed 'EXPRESO'. A fine unused example. A rare local. - Est £75

Lot 1246 - 1899 - 2b orange yellow 'Bolivar' issue a fine cds used copy. A rare stamp. 2021 Pedro Meri certificate accompanies. (SG 185) - Est £300

Lot 1247 - 1900 - 1b purple 'Instruccion' issue with variety 'RESELLADA R.T.M.' OPT INVERTED. A fine mint block of four. (SG 195a) - Est £25

Lot 1248 - 1900 - Cover franked with pair & single 1900 10c vermilion 'Bolivar' issue with 'RESELLADA R.T.M.' overprint issue (SG 200) plus an uncancelled pair on reverse with undated MARACAIBO cancels in blue tying the stamps on the front of the cover. Addressed to GERMANY with USA transit and German arrival marks on reverse. Cover has a few light tones. - Est £40

Lot 1249 - 1903 - CIVIL WAR - GUAYANA ISSUE: 10c black on orange 'Square Type' without any control marks or opts. A genuine mint copy separated by scissors as is usually the case with the genuine stamps and with some gum staining showing on front. The genuine stamps have 9 ornaments along the bottom frame and forgeries have 10. (SG 251, Cat £75) - Est £35

Lot 1250 - 1903 - CIVIL WAR - CARUPANO - FORGERIES: 5c carmine on yellow, 25c black on orange, 1b violet on grey, 2b carmine on green and 5b violet on blue second 'Carupano' issue with & without control marks all 'Raoul de Thuin' FORGERIES and all with the fake 'GARANTI: P. ANDUZ' expertisation mark on reverse. (As SG 243, 245 & 247/9) - Est £20

Lot 1251 - 1904 - 5c green 'Bolivar' issue, a fine block of eight each stamp overprinted 'SPECIMEN' in red and with small hole punch. Ex ABNCo. Archive. (SG 317) - Est £24

Lot 1252 - 1904 - REVENUE: 20b 'Estado Falcon' PAPEL SELLADO revenue stamped paper used with added 1904 1b claret (2), 3b blue (2) and 10b grey 'Instruccion' REVENUE issue (As SG 321/3) tied by manuscript signature with various cachets & marks on front & reverse. The paper has some folds & faults but is attractive. - Est £12

Lot 1253 - 1908 - RAILWAYS: Colour PPC 'F.C. De Puerto Cabello a Valencia - Viaducto de Las Palmas' showing train crossing the viaduct franked on picture side with 2 x 1904 5c green 'Sucre' issue (SG 311) tied by large PUERTO CABELLO cds dated 23 DEC 1908 and also by COLON A BORDEAUX L. D. No.1 French maritime cds. Addressed to FRANCE. A very attractive card. - Est £25

Lot 1254 - 1914 - 5c green 'Bolivar' issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 359, Cat £55) - Est £25

Lot 1255 - 1920 - Headed 'Costanzo Vanzina Caracas Venezuela' cover with typed 'APG' at top franked with 1912 50c black & violet 'Official' issue (SG O357) tied by CARACAS cds. Addressed to USA. No indication of official use. - Est £40

Lot 1256 - 1932 - 'Airmail' issue on 'Winchester Security Paper', the set of twenty four good to fine lightly used. A very difficult set to assemble in used condition. (SG 426/449) - Est £65

Lot 1257 - 1934 - Group of items all with single frankings of the 1934 37½c on 40c Prussian blue (SG 454) with 1935 cover from CARACAS to BRITISH GUIANA with arrival cds, cover to AUSTRIA with manuscript 'S.S. Floyd Via Curacao' and 1934 'Radiotelegrafico' postcard from MARACAY to USA. (3 items) - Est £20

Lot 1258 - 1934 - ANTI MALARIA CACHET: Printed 'El Administrador Principal de Correos de Maracaibo PARTICULAR' cover franked with 1932 25c scarlet (SG 419) tied by boxed MARACAIBO cancel dated MAR 20 1934. Addressed to USA with fine strike of boxed 'EL ZANCUDO TRASMITE EL PALUDISMO EXTERMINELO SECUNDE AL GOBIERNO NACIONAL EN ESTA PATRIOTICA CAMPANA' illustrated Mosquito Eradication cachet in black on reverse. - Est £50

Lot 1259 - 1937 - Range of 'RESELLADO 1937-1938' AIRMAIL overprint issue with postage set of four and airmail 10c orange, 25c slate violet, 40c green, 70c scarlet, 1b grey, 1.80b dark ultramarine, 1.95b light ultramarine, 3b lilac, 10b bright purple & 20b grey black. All good to fine used. Odd small fault. (SG 491/99, 501/2 & 505/7, Cat £288+) - Est £90

Lot 1260 - 1938 - 'Pictorial' DEFINITIVE issue, the set of ten fine lightly used. (SG 508/17, Cat £110) - Est £55

Lot 1261 - 1938 - 'Airmail' issue on white Paper in changed colours, the set of eight fine cds used. (SG 575/82) - Est £10

Lot 1262 - 1940 - 4b black & 5b red brown 'Top Values' both with 'SPECIMEN' opt in red and small hole punch. Ex ABNCo. Archive. (SG 644/5) - Est £12

Lot 1263 - 1940 - Registered cover franked with 1938 5c blue green, 1939 4 x 10c carmine & 25c ultramarine and 1940 5c blue green (SG 542, 595, 597 & 601) tied by multiple strikes of large undated SANTA TERESA - EDO MIRANDA 'Arms' cancels with handstruck '13 MAYO 1940' date and straight line 'CERTIFICADO' markings alongside. Addressed to CANADA with transit and arrival marks on reverse. - Est £50

Lot 1264 - 1943 - 'Resellado 1943' overprint issue, the postage set of four fine unmounted mint. Very scarce in this quality. (SG 658/661) - Est £90

Lot 1265 - 1944 - 'Seventh World Amateur Baseball Championship' issue, the set of nine fine lightly used. (SG 688/96) - Est £16

Lot 1266 - 1946 - FIRST FLIGHT: Cover franked with 1940 90c red orange (SG 638) tied by large CARACAS cds dated July 1946. Flown on the Venezuela - Europe KLM first flight with four line 'PRIMER VUELO VENEZUELA - EUROPA VIA AMSTERDAM - HOLANDA POR K.L.M.' first flight cachet in blue on front. Addressed 'Poste Restante' to HOLLAND with arrival cds on reverse and unclaimed and returned to Venezuela. - Est £25

Lot 1267 - 1947 - Registered AR cover franked with a variety of issues including 1946 'J.R.G.' opts and 1947 surcharges all tied by boxed CARACAS cancels dated SET 25 1947 with printed red on white REG label and circular 'A.R.' marking. Addressed to ARGENTINA. An attractive franking. - Est £30

Lot 1268 - 1951 - 'Arms of Anzoategui' POSTAGE issue, the set of seven fine mint. (SG 991/7, Cat £55) - Est £30

Lot 1269 - 1952 - 'Arms of Bolivar' POSTAGE issue, the set of seven fine mint. (SG 1034/40, Cat £60) - Est £35

Lot 1270 - 1953 - 'Arms of Estado Monagas' AIR issue, the set of nine very fine mint. (SG 1160/68, Cat £40) - Est £25

Lot 1271 - 1954 - 'Arms of Amazonas' AIR issue, the set of nine mint, the 50c has no gum and some of the other values have sweated gum but otherwise a nice looking & rare set. (SG 1281/89, Cat £500) - Est £150

Lot 1272 - 1954 - 'Arms of Amazonas' AIR issue, the set of nine fine mint. All stamps in superb condition without any faults. The key set of this issue (SG 1281/9, Cat £500) - Est £250

Lot 1273 - 1955 - MARITIME: Black & white PPC of 'George Washington' franked with USA pair 1938 ½c orange (SG 799) tied by undated REPUBLICA DE VENEZUELA FUERZAS NAVALES DESTRUCTOR ARAGUA 'Arms' cancel in black and pair 1954 ½c vermilion (SG 1027) tied by undated REPUBLICA DE VENEZUELA F.N.V. ZULIA 'Arms' cancel. Addressed to USA. - Est £25

Lot 1274 - 1963 - 'Venezuelan Wildlife' Animals issue, the set of twelve fine mint. (SG 1766/77, Cat £31) - Est £16

Lot 1275 - 1976 - 'Bolivar' PORTRAIT issue, original printing by the State Bank Note Co, Helsinki, Finland. The set of seventeen each stamp with 'MUESTRA' (Specimen) overprint in black. (SG 2313/2329) - Est £60

Lot 1276 - 1900-1942 - Useful range of covers with various issues inc 1899 50c black to USA, two covers with the 1893 25c purple 'Columbus' issue, 1911 & 1914 issues and a range of covers with the 1915-1932 'Bolivar' definitives. Postmarks inc SAN CRISTOBAL, CIUDAD BOLIVARPUERTO CABELLOLA GUAIRA, MERIDA, MARACAIBO and SAN FERNANDO DE APURE. (16 items) - Est £35

Lot 1277 - 1905-1910 - Small lot of 1904 'Sucre' issue covers with 3 PPC's all with 15c frankings, a range of 50c frankings to Europe and a 1b franking comprising 4 x 25c from MARACAIBO to Germany. (10 items) - Est £25

Lot 1278 - 1930-1940 - Collection of covers on Hagner sheets all with the 1930 & 1938 AIR issues (SG 395/410 etc) inc a nice array of frankings with a good variety of values plus REG, couple of blocks of four. a nice 1940 German Consulate internal airmail cover from MARACAIBO to CARACAS, censored, 1931 First Flight to Trinidad, 1b 90c on cover etc. A great lot for study and continuation. Mixed condition. (14 items) - Est £45

Lot 1279 - 1930-1950 - Large lot of mainly commercial airmail covers inc registered & censors with a great variety of issues used for franking. Mixed condition. (65+ covers) - Est £30

Lot 1280 - 1930-1952 - FIRST DAY COVERS: A nice group of FDCs all with better sets inc 1930 Death Centenary of Simon Bolivar (SG 411/3), 1945 Birth Centenary of General Sucre AIR issue (SG 708/17 on 2 FDCs), 1946 Democratic Party Revolution (722/6), 1947 Pan-Am Conference (SG 727/31), 1949 Columbus AIR (SG 824/9), 1950 Protection of Fauna (SG 848/56 on 2 FDCs), 1950 Census of the Americas AIRS (SG 864/72 on 2 FDCs), 1950 Lake Maracaibo AIRS (SG 878/83 on 2 FDCs) and 1952 Fourth Centenary of Barquisimeto AIRS (SG 1120/7 on 2 FDCs). Mixed condition but generally good to fine. (13 covers) - Est £30

Lot 1281 - 1933-1938 - Collection of covers on Hagner sheets all with the 1932 AIR issue printed on Security Bank note paper (SG 426/49 etc) inc a nice array of frankings with a good variety of values plus REG, censored, various high values inc 2b, 2b 30c & 3b on cover, airmail instructional markings etc. Destinations inc France, Germany, UK, Holland and USA. A great lot for study and continuation. Mixed condition. (13 items) - Est £65

Lot 1282 - 1935-1949 - Nice lot of covers from smaller Post Offices, all with fine cancels inc censored, airmail, REG etc. Postmarks include GUANOCO, CORO, MENE GRANDE (Oil Field P.O.), LOS TEQUES, EL SILENCIO, LAGUNILLAS, PETARE and CASIGUA. (11 items) - Est £40

Lot 1283 - 1947-1953 - Collection of 'Postal Fiscal' issues used on cover on Hagner sheets inc many nice uses with REG, 1949 cover with 50c blue and 1b purple tied from MARACAIBO to UK, 1947 10c on cover to CANADA, 1949 5c & 50c REG to USA, 1949 Hotel cover with pair 40c to UK, 1947 cover with strip of 3 10c tied by CASIGUA cancels to UK, 1948 1b purple single on airmail cover to UK, 1951 50c blue tied by MIRANDA BICENTENNIAL boxed cancel , 1959 REG from CABIMAS plus many others. A great lot for study of this interesting period of postal history. (16 items) - Est £85

Lot 1284 - 1950-1980 - CINDERELLA: Small group of labels inc Christmas & TB seals, University label, philatelic Exhibition label, a complete sheet of twenty 1972 Venezuela Para Venecia labels and two covers one with 1936 1c red 'Cruzada Sanitaria' label on front and the other with 1944-45 large illustrated Anti TB label on reverse. (28 + 2 covers) - Est £20

Virgin Islands

Lot 1285 - 1867 - 1/- black & rose carmine on white paper unused and 1/- black & rose carmine on toned paper mint. (SG 18/19, Cat £165) - Est £50

Lot 1286 - 1883 - 1d pale rose QV issue wmk 'Crown CA', a good mint copy. Small amount of paper adherence on gum. (SG 29, Cat £55) - Est £18

Lot 1287 - 1901 - ½d green on buff and 1d brown red on buff 'St Ursula' postal stationery cards (H&G 4/5) both with large 'SPECIMEN' opts in black. - Est £18

Lot 1288 - 1935 - GV 'Silver Jubilee' issue, the set of four fine mint. (SG 103/6, Cat £25) - Est £10

Lot 1289 - 1938 - ½d to 1/- GVI issue on chalk surfaced paper, all fine mint. (SG 110/7, Cat £86+) - Est £28

Lot 1290 - 1938 - 2/6 sepia GVI issue on chalk surfaced paper, a fine mint copy. (SG 118, Cat £70) - Est £22

Lot 1291 - 1938 - 2/6 sepia, 5/- carmine, 10/- blue & £1 black GVI issue on chalk surfaced paper, the top four values fine mint copy. (SG 118/21, Cat £182) - Est £60

Lot 1292 - 1938 - 5/- carmine GVI issue on ordinary paper, a fine mint copy. (SG 119a, Cat £20) - Est £10

Lot 1293 - 1938 - 5/- carmine GVI issue on chalk surfaced paper, a fine mint copy. (SG 119, Cat £85) - Est £28

Lot 1294 - 1961 - Registered cover franked with marginal block of seven 1956 3c blue & deep olive QE2 issue (SG 152) tied by ROAD TOWN cds's with boxed 'ROAD TOWN TORTOLA registration marking alongside. Addressed to CANADA with transit & arrival marks on reverse. - Est £10


Lot 1295 - 1904 - Black & white PPC with 2 views 'Miziganni Main Street' & 'Soko-Mogo Street Zanzibar' franked on message side with 1899 1a carmine (SG 190) tied by ZANZIBAR squared circle cds. Addressed to UK. - Est £35

Lot 1296 - 1905 - 1a carmine rose on yellowish paper postal stationery envelope (H&G B8) used with ZANZIBAR squared circle cds dated 19 AP 1905. Addressed locally and commercial use. - Est £25

Lot 1297 - 1936 - 'Sultan Kalif bin Harub' issue, 'CENTS' without serifs, the set of thirteen fine mint. (SG 310/322) - Est £70

Lot 1298 - 1946 - Registered newspaper wrapper franked with 1936 10c black & 30c ultramarine (SG 311 & 315) tied by REG ZANZIBAR cds with printed blue & white 'ZANZIBAR'  registration label alongside. Addressed to NAIROBI, KENYA with arrival cds on front. A scarce use & rate. - Est £50

Lot 1299 - 1908 - 1r yellow green 'Sultan Ali bin Hamoud' issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 234, Cat £50) - Est £16

Lot 1300 - 1926 - 6c violet split pair and 1936 20c orange all used with PAQUEBOT DAR-ES-SALAAM cds's, one dated NOV 1935. (SG 202 & 313) - Est £10

Lot 1301 - 1936 - 5s scarlet GVI issue, a fine mint copy. (SG 320, Cat £35) - Est £10

Lot 1302 - 1936 - 10c grey black on buff and 15c carmine on buff 'Sultan Khalifa bin Harub' issue postal stationery cards (H&G 33/4) both with double lined 'SPECIMEN' opt in black. (2) - Est £15

Lot 1303 - 1952 - 10c red orange tied on small piece by fine strike of CHAKE CHAKE cds dated 26 MAY 1955. (SG 340) - Est £10

Lot 1304 - 1952 - 7s 50c grey black & emerald, a fine mint copy. (SG 351, Cat £35) - Est £10

End of Sale