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Cover without any return address showing but from 'Alexander F Michielsen, Post Box - 237, E.C.1, London' (known due to the correspondence from which this came) which was the undercover address for the Dutch Army in London franked with pair 1941 2½d light ultramarine GVI issue (SG 489) tied WOLVERHAMPTON STAFFS 'Post Early in the Day' machine cancel dated 3 APR 1943 with WOLVERHAMPTON & STAFFS obliterated by a mute circular cancel in black (to disguise the origination of the communication). Addressed to 'A. Michielsen Hugens, c/o Reguma Regenund Gummimantel Fabriek. Heerbrugg (St. Gallen) Switzerland' which was the undercover address for the Dutch Army in Switzerland. Censored in the UK with 'OPENED BY EXAMINER 1253 P.C.90' censor strip at left and also in transit in Germany with Nazi censor strip on reverse. Very scarce.